I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1665

Death, so close at hand.

In the dead silence dominated by fear, Gilgamesh turned his head, looked at Shirou, and said, "Hey, you can hand over the [God Brain] to this king."

In the dead silence dominated by fear, there was a sudden sound, everyone turned their heads, their gazes met in the air, and then landed on Gilgamesh.

He is so eye-catching.

"Sorry, I accidentally lost the number before..."

Gilgamesh crossed his arms and said, "Huh. If it's boring, this king is the chosen king who dominates the common people. Since this king participated in such ridiculous activities, the winner must be this king. theorem."

It's the same middle school as always.

Shirou showed a business-like smile: "Don't say that, although I can be sure that it will be yours in the end."

"Hmph. You adventurer is not too stupid."

Gilgamesh looked around, and said as if no one else was there: "Others have committed a great crime if they get the brain of the god, and I want the king to be sentenced to death."

Hearing this, everyone present stared at Gilgamesh and clenched their fists. Anger at Gilgamesh's despicable demeanor briefly overcame their fear of the celestial wreck.

"That's a good thing to say. However, I'm a rigid person, and I can't be flexible. Therefore, I must see the number first." Shirou said with a smile.

"You miscellaneous cultivator, are you going to disobey the king's edict?" Gilgamesh's face darkened.

"That, that. Do you have to argue at this time?" Morrigan eased the atmosphere.

It has been determined that the Flower of Evil is Shirou, and with Morrigan's knowledge, he naturally guessed that there is something wrong with the game "Beauty Under the Moon".

Through the screen, she couldn't perceive the horror of the sky's corpse, but Shirou was in the game, and she didn't want Shirou to be hurt in the game.

"It is at such a time that it is absolutely necessary." Enkidu smiled softly, then stood behind Gilgamesh, looked at Shirou, and said apologetically, "I'm sorry. We need it very much." God's brain."

"Mr. Lianlian also said the same... It seems that His Excellency the only king does not have the confidence to overcome this trial." Shirou said.

He understands what Gilgamesh is going to do. The Brain of God is the key to the main plot. In other words, it is also a key prop to defeat the suspected UO's universe emperor, Frieza.

And judging from the previous conversation with Enkidu, Gilgamesh desperately needs to get the brain of God, as urgent as a drowning person who is counting down to life, so Gilgamesh has ignored cooperation and collaboration.

Because the cosmic emperor Frieza's strategy needs to enter the sanctuary, and to enter the sanctuary, you need to reach the ninth level, and Shirou's current level is the second level, and it will take until the year of the monkey to reach the ninth level. For some reason, Gilgamesh didn't have time to wait for Shirou and other adventurers to grow up, so he chose the most efficient way to steal the God's Brain and complete the strategy by himself.

In other words, Gilgamesh must be carrying some heavy burden and forging ahead.

And that burden must be related to UO, and the emperor of the universe, Frieza.

And he didn't notice it at all.

The scene of Gilgamesh playing with himself flashed through his mind, laughing like an idiot as usual.


It's really Gilgamesh.

The corpse of the sky is not an opponent that the heroic spirit can deal with. Gilgamesh has already noticed this, so he attacked Shirou who holds the brain of God in advance.

That said, the guy has come to a conclusion.

Of all the people here, almost no one can survive from the cloud of the dead body in the sky!

Looking at Gilgamesh and Enkidu who were about to attack, Morrigan sighed and stood behind Shirou.

This time is obviously not the time for internal strife, but if there is a real confrontation, she who has given up the brain of God will naturally assist "my sister". Not for anything else, just for the guilt in my heart, and it should be the same.


"Really, I can't beat this big kryptonite by myself! Guinevere doesn't know where the account that controls Merlin went, and the person doesn't know where he went, and he doesn't reply to the message... ..." Molly Gan thought to herself.

The members of the Emperor's Raiders finally confronted each other. They were the top adventurers in the front line of the sanctuary in this world.

But they should be in the same team, but now they are confronting each other here.

The room was eerily quiet.

Mordred also quietly picked up the star cup and sword in the corner, staring at Gilgamesh and Enkidu maliciously. Although she couldn't penetrate the root circle of the corpse of the sky, if these guys dared to bully her mother, she would burrow into the ground in a short while, and then poke their assholes fiercely with a sword.

Uncle Lancelot said that the best way to ambush the enemy is to watch the ass.

Ka Ka Ka

The entire hotel was crumbling under the attack of the Angel of Destruction.

The skeleton of the sky, which stabilized its body structure, became more aggressive. His branches fell from the sky and fell into the earth, and the entire ground ruptured, and tall trees grew one after another.

The weird city of vampires is going to become a nest of trees in the ecological transformation of the corpse of the sky.

Inside the hotel, you could hear needles falling, and it was eerily quiet.

Facing the attacking Gilgamesh and Enkidu, Shirou laughed.

That voice was crisp and sweet, it was Artoria's laughter.

Enkidu asked suspiciously, "What are you laughing at?"

"Sorry, sorry. Because I think this scene is really funny right now."

Gilgamesh's face remained unchanged, but Enkidu looked at Shirou suspiciously.

Shirou said with a smile: "It's no problem if you want the brain of God, but in this way, you won't be able to deal with that, let alone get the piece of God that it protects."

"Hmph. Could it be that you can conquer that monster with the God's Brain in your place? You just learned the truth about that thing from Enkidu, unknown heroic spirit?" Gilgamesh said.

This guy……

Shirou subconsciously glanced at Enkidu behind Gilgamesh. Obviously, Enkidu told Gilgamesh that he was a heroic spirit, but he did not tell Gilgamesh his true identity. identity.

"Of course there is. Really, the formula for victory has been placed in front of you, but you don't know it, King of Heroes, you are really blind and stupid." Shirou laughed.

"Huh. The quick talk, after all, is it the heroic spirit summoned by this land? Even the miscellaneous cultivators who don't know exactly what happened in this land, what can they understand, and what is the formula for victory?" Jill Gamesh snorted.

"If it were me, of course not. But, I have a friend who can do it."

Shirou smiled, then waved to Illya who was hiding behind.

Illya froze for a moment, then pointed to herself.

Shirou nodded.

Illya walked up to Shirou with doubts on her face. Shirou put his palm on Illya's shoulder and said with a smile, "It's her. She can defeat the Sky Wraith. Just throw her out, and you can defeat him." The corpse of the sky!"

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