I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1666


Illya was stunned for a moment, and then she was directly stunned.

Ehhhhh? ? ?

"Is there a mistake? Is there a mistake? Let me—, let me deal with that monster?"

Illya stretched out her finger and pointed at the wreck of the sky that looked like a god of destruction outside the window. Her whole body was in a mess in the wind. She stared at Shirou and cried directly: "Are you kidding me? Are you kidding me?"

"No. Seriously."

Shirou said with a smile.

The King of Knights' face is so sweet, the sun is so bright, and when he smiles, he looks like a flower in the morning sun.

However, this smile looked so dark and terrifying in Illya's eyes.

Are you kidding me?

Throw her out to deal with that...that sky-dead corpse? That UO standing on the top of the star?

Are you kidding me?

If it's a nightmare, wake up quickly!

Chapter 57 This is the last time

"Help, help—"

The hunting Angel of Destruction fell from the sky, and a girl with three eyes ran and fell to the ground, turned around, looked at the Angel of Destruction that was rushing down, and screamed.

The rainbow light flashed, and a divine sword stabbed out, pointing at the Angel of Destruction falling from the sky, shaking the wrist and tilting the sword, and before the Angel of Destruction could dodge, the sharp sword had already cut the angel in half.

The three-eyed girl looked up, and saw a white-haired fairy holding a rainbow sword standing in front of her. But even though she is a goblin, her skin looks a little dark, a little like a human being.

Standing with a sword in her hand, she is like a god of war, independent from the world, and she is quite eye-catching in this chaotic moment.

"Thank you." The girl looked at the white-haired fairy with admiration, and thanked him aloud.

The white-haired goblin turned his head, and the girl's face turned pale instantly.

The goblin has a beautiful appearance, her short white hair close to her ears is close to a beautiful face, and she has a pair of red moon-like eyes, shining with a tyrannical light. Not only that, but strange lights emanated from the goblin's body, and those lights colluded with each other, as if some unique words were flickering, which seemed extremely mysterious.

"stay away from me."

A white-haired goblin, Attila had an indifferent expression, and his voice was as cold as the Siberian wind.

Not surprisingly, the girl was scared away by Attila's indifferent face, and she couldn't even say a word of thanks.

Looking at the back of the girl leaving, Attila finally let go of his patience, leaned on the sword, put his weight on the Sword of the God of War, and squatted down.

"Obviously it's not in the main body, why is Yu Xing's order transmitted over..."

Attila stood leaning on his sword, the star patterns on his body shone with strange starlight, his pretty face was weak and pale, but also destructive, beads of sweat dripped from her forehead Come.

"It shouldn't be like this..."

Attila was the emperor of the Hunnic Empire in the ancient century. He led the empire to ravage the entire European continent and dominated countless civilized nations. He was called "the whip of God" by people. But in fact, Attila's true identity is the culprit who used his clone to trample and ravage the earth 14,000 years ago, causing the demise of the Age of Gods, the star soldier, the giant god Attila.

As the main body of the planetary vanguard, Attila, the giant god, was left by her in the super-quantum photon crystal computer-Mooncell in the deep layer of the moon, and the spirit entered the heroic spirit with the identity of Attila, the whip of God. In the seat, became a heroic spirit.

The giant god Attila is the destroyer of civilization. Once he appears, he will destroy and reap all civilizations on the earth. However, as long as the main body is in the Mooncell, she will always maintain normality and self, existing as the heroic spirit Attila.

However, being pulled into this connection point, everything becomes different.

When the [God's Brain] appeared before, she had this feeling. When this monster like a floating island appeared from the sky, she discovered that the instinct of Attila, the vanguard of the stars, was waking up and destroying. Her ego, and Yusei's orders, are getting louder and louder in the depths of her soul.

"Search, scatter, reap, return, unite..."

Muttering to himself, a distant memory engraved into the depths of his soul was stimulated from his brain, causing Attila to hug his head in pain, and the flesh on his face was almost congealed.

In his memory, it was a dead universe as usual, and the Trisolaran starship carrying her was thrown into this galaxy by the predatory planet passing by this galaxy.

According to the usual practice of preying on the stars, the star soldiers of the stars are thrown into a star system, and the soldiers of the stars will destroy the civilization in the galaxy, and then harvest all life and civilization samples, and return to the stars.

However, when attacking this galaxy, which humans arbitrarily regarded as the solar system, the starship of the Trisolarans, including her, was ambushed.

Eight grotesque behemoths ambushed and shot them down.

The whereabouts of the other two star soldiers are unknown, but she was shot down by a monster that looked like a cross, fell on the moon, and was captured by the Mooncell autonomous defense system in the moon.

"Yes, there is it...!"

Attila covered his head, endured the increasingly violent and brutal nature, and stared at the corpse of the sky in the sky.

Attila remembered that among the eight huge life forms that ambushed them back then, one of them was the floating island in front of him!


The planetary nature inspired by the remains of the sky made Attila's ferocious nature more and more prosperous, but Attila stubbornly suppressed the eruption of his nature, just like desperately blocking a volcano that was about to erupt.

"No. No. There are many lives here, and Artoria Pendragon here... my friend. I don't want to hurt these. Please, disappear."

Attila gritted her teeth, the astral instinct inspired by the skeleton of the sky made her more and more destructive, wanting to ravage life. At this time, she was desperately thinking about some beautiful things.

In the past era, people's recognition of her, her Master Lingzi's trust in her, and her friends' concern for her...

The more I think about this, the happier I feel.

Gradually, the desire to destroy slowly subsided.

Is this controlling instinct?


Her instincts were governed by Predator Yusei, not herself. After all, she is just a cosmic weapon made by Predator Yuxing, not an independent individual.

The desire to destroy gradually sinks, not because of thinking about happy things, but because the nature of wandering stars inspired by the remains of the sky is subsiding autonomously.

This is great.

Attila heaved a sigh of relief, and reached out to wipe the bean-sized sweat off his face.

She raised her head, looked at the corpse of the sky above the sky, and pursed her lips.

Things are not looking good.

As one of the players, she naturally also received messages from the system and orders from the Vampire King.

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