I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1667

It is simply impossible to use the heroic spirit, the identity of the player, to fight against the cosmic weapon that shot down her body.

At this time——

Ding ding ding!

Attila's friend came to the frame, and a message popped up.

So far, only "Arturia Pendragon" has added Attila's friend, that is to say, this is the news of "Arturia Pendragon".

Attila opened it quickly

Flower of Evil: Attila, are you there?

Attila: What's your business, enemy?

Flower of Evil: Enemy? I don't know what's bothering you, but I need your help, Attila.


Looking at this message, Attila pursed his lips.

Because before introducing Shirou to play "Beauty Under the Moon", he had done enough homework with Reiko and Kiara Sesseiin, so Attila had a better understanding of "Beauty Under the Moon" and knew the materials needed for the vampire race to advance to a higher level.

Therefore, one step ahead, he helped Shilang collect the flesh and blood of Thunder Blood Blessing from the Thunder Cave.

And after handing over the flesh and blood of Thunder Blood Blessing to Shirou, Attila broke up with Shirou.

That was not a sincere breakup, but because she was afraid that her star instinct would hurt her friend, so she chose to unilaterally break up the relationship and refused to contact Shirou.


Obviously they broke up with each other, but now they come to ask her for help.

What should she do?

Attila pursed his lips, looked up at the corpse of the sky that ruled the sky, then gritted his teeth, and replied to his friend

the last time. Really, one last time.

Flower of Evil: Thank you, Attila. Well, now come to the hotel first.

After closing the mail box, Attila glanced at the skeleton of the sky again, then stepped a little, and rushed towards the hotel.

Not long after, she came to the hotel.

In the lobby of the hotel, adventurers gathered, but the atmosphere was eerily quiet, and a needle could be heard.

Her friend "Artoria Pendragon" was confronting the One and Only King, and in front of her friend, the orc Ilya was crying, as if she had encountered some great disaster.

When Attila came from the door, Shirou saw her for the first time.

"You're here, friend." Shirou greeted her with a smile.

"Is there anything I can do for you?"

Attila asked the question directly, and declared solemnly: "We are not friends, but enemies. And this is the last time I will help you."

"I see. But thank you anyway for your willingness to help me."

Shirou smiled, then turned his head, stretched out his hand, pointed to the sky-destroyed corpse standing outside the window, and asked, "Have you also received the notification from the system, Attila?"

Attila nodded.

"It's good to receive it, but the situation is worse than we imagined. The system's resurrection immortality has been eliminated, and the city has been surrounded and can't get out. The only way to be saved is to defeat him, so I need your help, Attila." Shirou said sincerely.

"However, if you can't even deal with that thing with your sword, even if you add me, there is no other way." Attila said hesitantly.

"You're right. If you can't even deal with the holy sword, adding the sword of the war god won't help. However, the giant god can deal with the enemy that the heroic spirit has dealt with. Become a giant god, Attila."

Shirou's holy blue eyes stared at Attila's red eyes very seriously, and said sincerely.

As soon as the words fell, Attila's eyes suddenly tightened into needles.

"Become a giant? What is the flower of evil talking about?"

"I don't know. Since she said before that the orc girl can deal with that monster, I don't understand. I can't figure it out. How can a low-level adventurer be able to deal with a ninth-level lord?"

"Giant God? Could it be that the goblin is the incarnation of some god?"

"Gods? Giant gods? This joke is not funny at all. The gods, the gods... have been wiped out long ago. Isn't it common sense that this world is ruled by Frieza?"

The adventurers talked a lot.

This is obviously the spark of the interlacing of the two worlds.

"Giant? Roar?"

Gilgamesh's long and narrow eyes glanced at Attila with a slight indifference, and then fell on Shirou again.


Gilgamesh crossed his arms.

"Become a giant god..."

Attila muttered to himself, staring blankly at Shirou.

She really didn't expect that the person Shirou asked for help was not Attila, but Attila.

"No. I can't do it."

Attila shook his head and quickly refused.

In order to protect her friend and not hurt her, she decided to break up with her friend, but her friend let her expose her danger.

Doesn't her friend know how dangerous the giant is?

"I don't want to become a giant god, let alone become a giant god." Attila shook his head and vetoed.

"Really, forget it then."

Shirou gave up.

Looking at Shirou who gave up directly, Attila couldn't help asking: "Aren't you going to ask any more questions?"

"Well. I originally planned to let Illya give you the magic power of the Holy Grail, so that you can try to transform into a giant with unlimited magic power. This was just a plan. Since Attila is so If you are disgusted, forget it. Compared with these, I don’t want you to be hurt. My friend is Attila, not Attila, there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.” Shirou said.

Attila: "..."

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