I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1673


Because of the great force, Attila's ten fingers were inserted into the base of the skeleton of the sky, and then she exerted force on her waist, and slammed it to the outside world, and the skeleton of the sky was like a meteor, and fell heavily to the city of Zaan Outside, there was a rumbling sound like thunder.

"Squeak wow..."

The dead skeleton of the sky made an extremely strange sound, which sounded a bit painful. Obviously, even if it is UO, this kind of physical throw is enough to cause damage to the skeleton of the sky.

"Ah ah ah ah ah--!!"

Attila took a meteor stride, smashed the city wall of Zaun directly, and rushed out of the city, his huge hands turned into falling meteors, either bombarding the corpse of the sky, or grabbing the large forest in the corpse of the sky, It was pulled out abruptly.

"Squeak wow..."

The skeleton of the sky let out a painful cry.

"Obviously maintaining my ego, yet my personality has become so aggressive..."

Looking at such a violent Attila, Shirou was sweating coldly.

He decided that after the effect of the invisible vortex ended, he must explain to Al well, and never confess to him for the fight. If Attila got angry and became Attila and beat him like this, he was not UO, his small body couldn't stand such a hammering method.

Under Attila's violent attack, the skeleton of the sky was completely suppressed.

Although the Attila standing here at this moment is not the real body, but the destructive power is still there. If the UO standing here is like the black giant that haunted the Andes before, maybe Attila is not an opponent at this moment, but it is not an attacking type to deal with. The remains of the sky are more than enough.

Suddenly, with a bang, the earth split open, and a huge vine shot up from Attila's back, wrapping around Attila's neck.


Attila, who was strangled by the throat, felt uncomfortable, and retracted the hands that hammered the sky's corpse, and clasped the vines around his neck, trying to tear the vines around his neck.

Under Attila's great force, the vines were trampled to the point of clanking, but they couldn't be torn apart.

At the same time, several vines burst out of the ground, grabbed Attila's arms, and then wrapped around Attila's ankles. With a sudden force, Attila was directly hoisted up.

--it hurts. It hurts, you bastard.

——I will take revenge on you.

After controlling Attila, the skeleton of the sky floated into the air while controlling Attila, and then the two giant trees on the island emitted black light, lasing on Attila's body.

"Boom! Boom!"

This terrifying black light is not an attack of the same dimension as the light bullet of the angel of destruction.

Even if Attila ate these two shots, he was beaten all over his body.

Sure enough, even if it's not an attacking UO, the skeleton of the sky is still a life form standing on the top of this galaxy after all, not a small character that is easy to deal with like the gods.

Afterwards, the dead skeleton of the sky pulled out several vines, and hit Attila like a whip.

Crack, crack.

The sound resounded, as if punishing the gangster who hurt him, the dead skeleton of the sky didn't hold back at all, and soon there were many whip marks on Attila's star-patterned body.

"Sword of Promised Victory—!"

With a sonorous and powerful sound, two beams of starlight scrambled out, turning into the sharpest lightsaber, cutting off the vines controlling Attila's neck and right hand, and then disappeared into the sky.


Attila, who was suspended in the air, struggled to turn his head, looked at the place where the stars were shining, and saw Shirou standing on the broken city wall, slowly putting away the two star swords.

"Don't fight alone, Attila! Behind you, there is a friend you can trust! Secure him, and leave the rest to us, Attila!"

Shirou yelled at Attila, "I believe in you, so try to trust me, Attila!"

"A trusted friend..."

Altera clenched her teeth, her eyes were shining with red light, on that huge body, the lines of Youxing were shining with dazzling starlight, and then these lights were all condensed on the right hand that was out of control.

By the way, I don't have to fight alone anymore, because I still have friends.

"Resentment, you blame yourself for being so close to me!"

"Ah ah ah ah ah--!"

Gathering all the magic power and strength, Altila waved his right fist, which gathered all the strength of the whole body, and bombarded the corpse of the sky in front of him.


Endless light surged into the sky from the base of the skeleton of the sky, and then the light dissipated, and I saw Altila's fist directly hitting the body of the skeleton of the sky, like liquid stardust, from the broken hole The middle flowed down Altila's arm.

--pain. pain. It hurts so much!

Facing this blow, even the skeleton of the sky felt pain, and subconsciously let go of Attila.

With a bang, Altila fell to the ground.

— to die. to die. to die! !

Endless roots rushed out from the depths of the earth, like a huge palm, holding Attila tightly, as if to crush Attila.

Ka Ka Ka

The dead bones of the sky exerted great force, and there was a sound of broken bones in the body, and the pain caused Attila's face to be covered with bean-big cold sweat.

Gritting his teeth, Atti stretched out his other hand and inserted it fiercely into the base of the skeleton of the sky. His whole body was like a tree root, fixing the skeleton of the sky that could roam freely.

"I did it!"

Attila said with difficulty.

Introverted and inferior, she doesn't know how to speak loudly, but she has fulfilled Shirou's entrustment.

"Thank you, Attila."

Glancing at Attila who was holding the skeleton of the sky, Shirou turned his head to look at Gilgamesh and said, "It's up to us now."

"Hmph. If you don't tell me, this king knows it. However, it is really unexpected that things will turn out like this, but this also proves this king's conclusion again. Wherever there is that guy, there will be accidents."

Gilgamesh turned his head to look at the group of adventurers, and said loudly: "Warriors, you have seen the fate of death. If you do nothing, then death is your end. Want to live to see tomorrow The sun will rise with this king. Only those who destroy destiny can rule the future!"

After finishing speaking, Gilgamesh didn't care about the reactions of the others, jumped up, flew onto Altila's body, and rushed towards the inside of the sky skeleton.

Enkidu, and other adventurers in the sanctuary who followed Gilgamesh also jumped up and followed Gilgamesh.

"what to do?"

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