I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1674

"what should we do?"

"What else can I do? I don't want to die."

"We, we can wait here until that monster is captured by the one and only king, right? That way, it's safer, right?"

"Hmph. Then you can continue to stay here. I don't want to entrust my life to others. My life can only be in my own hands!"

"I-I don't want to die."

"The low-class ones stay, and the high-class ones go. I'll go first, so don't let me look down on you."

"Adventurers, adventurers, adventurers... If you don't take risks now, when will you take risks?"


A group of high-ranking adventurers rushed out, following Gilgamesh's footsteps.

How can one's own life be entrusted to others?

"Mordred, Illya, you stay here. Sister, let's go too!" Shirou urged.

Morrigan hesitated for a moment, then said: "You stay too, Al. It's too dangerous there, your death, but real death. I can't see you in death."

"How can I just watch my friend suffer?"

Shirou glanced at Attila, who was pinched by the skeleton of the sky, and gritted his teeth: "Fuck it, Sister Morgan!"

With a kick, he landed on Attila's body and rushed into the body of the skeleton of the sky.

It is necessary to capture the internal copy of the skeleton of the sky before the skeleton of the sky crushes Attila!

"So, you are not cute at all!"

Morrigan sighed, "However, this may also be your charm. However, you are really becoming more and more like Guinevere."

A faint smile appeared on his face, and then Morrigan rushed towards Shirou.

Chapter 60 Hold on, Altila!

[System: You have entered the map, unknown territory, please pay attention to $#$#@%...] Climbing along Attila's body, Shirou once again entered the body of the corpse of the sky, and the system immediately Yes message was sent.

"The system prompt is garbled, exactly the same as those hidden dungeons in Sanctuary..." Molly Gan muttered to himself.

"How do you clear those hidden dungeons in Sanctuary, sister?" Shirou asked, turning his head to look at Morrigan.

Undoubtedly, most of the hidden dungeons that Morrigan talked about belonged to the strategy of [Unknown Territory] just like the corpses of the sky.

"There are guardians in this dungeon. As long as the mobs are cleaned up, the guardians are defeated at the end, and the treasure chest guarded by the guardians is taken away, the strategy is successful."

Morrigan responded to Shirou's question, immediately with a solemn face, and said: "However, this kind of hidden dungeon is very difficult. Even if it is the emperor's clearing team with all our members, it is not 100% successful. In fact, so far The hidden dungeons that have been successfully captured so far have all been piled up with trumpets as cannon fodder and the number of resurrections."

"However, now only I, Gilgamesh, and Chain are the top three characters, and Gilgamesh and I are both supporters, while Enkidu is half control and half output. It would be great if there is Merlin's account Yes, his is pure output, but now Guinevere is controlling Merlin's account and he doesn't know where it went..."

"The most important thing is that the resurrection mechanism is sealed now. The death of Gilgamesh and I is just the account being canceled, but your death is the real death. That is to say, there is no way to use resurrection to pile up."

Morrigan said.

Morrigan is an experienced player, and in a sense, her words are authoritative.

What Morrigan didn't know was that the guardian in this dungeon was Rin Tosaka, and Rin Tosaka had left this dungeon not long ago.

In other words, there is no boss in this dungeon, you just need to clean up the mobs along the way.

That Gilgamesh guy probably also knew this from Enkidu, so he maintained this easy-going attitude.

Shirou told Morrigan about Rin Tohsaka.

"What? The guard boss ran away?"

Morrigan was dumbfounded, is there such a fairy operation?

"What's wrong? Won't the previous dungeon bosses run away?" Shirou asked.

"Not only can't run, they are all hard-hitting. And generally speaking, the boss is waiting for the player to overthrow it? You really...have encountered something that destroys the three views, why didn't I touch any of them? Been here." Morrigan sighed.

She had to admit that her "sister" was very unlucky.

Well, it seems that the BOSS left the end and ran away. It is not a common thing, it is only a show operation of Tohsaka Rin.

"Hey! Morrigan!"

At this time, Gilgamesh, who was standing at the front of the line, turned his head, looked at Morrigan, and shouted, "Come quickly and help Enkidu!"

"Forgive me for rejecting this." Morrigan shook his head and said.

"No matter how much the trumpet is assisted, it won't be much stronger. Come here quickly, you know, my account focuses on strengthening the attack, and has no ability to specialize in defense and milkman." Gilgamesh said.

"Having said that..."

Morrigan hesitated for a moment, then glanced at Shirou.

"Go, sister. Your abilities are needed there more than mine," Shirou said.

Right now, the corpse of the sky is so peaceful because it was fixed by Attila, and most of its energy was devoted to dealing with Attila.

Although the Zombie of the Sky is not a combat-type UO, Attila, who is only manifested by using Illya's Holy Grail characteristics and magic power, is not as strong as the clone of the perishing gods, and it will be sooner or later to be crushed to death by the Zombie of the Sky things.

It is necessary to conquer the dead bones of the sky before Attila is crushed by the dead bones of the sky!

It must be rational and not procrastinated!

"I see, then you should be careful. If you really can't do it, just leave here." Morrigan urged.

If it were the domineering and cruel Morgan Le Fay more than 1,500 years ago, she would never care about the safety of "Artoria", but now it is Morrigan who stands here.

"Yeah." Shirou nodded.

Morrigan walked towards Gilgamesh.

"It's been slow. After all, a trumpet came to the top copy. Hmph, I'm really overwhelmed." Gilgamesh said, crossing his chest.

"Don't say that, Gil." Enkidu looked at Gilgamesh softly with his eyes, and said, "Perhaps the mud-like prop of the King of Knights can be our magic weapon."


Gilgamesh frowned deeply.

In Gilgamesh's impression, the heroic spirit who is good at using mud, besides Enkidu, is that damn miscellaneous cultivator, Fujimaru Shiro. Could it be that that fellow Fujimaru Shiro hid his half body in the shadow of the King of Knights?

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