I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1697

"Huh... Those two guys left. If they find my footprints, something will happen."

The dead skeleton of the sky, who was leading the way, noticed the movement of the two of Pluto, and couldn't help wiping the cold sweat on his forehead.

Following the footsteps of the dead skeleton of the sky, Shirou looked around. This is a primeval forest, where birds are singing and flowers are fragrant, exuding the fragrance of nature and the moist smell of soil.

Turning his head, Shirou looked at the skeleton of the sky and asked, "Where is this place?"

"Ask this now?"

Tian Zhike turned his head, looked at Shirou, and complained: "We just escaped a catastrophe of destruction."

"The catastrophe of destruction? Is it the Pluto you mentioned just now? Didn't you say that you have a clone next to him? What's there to worry about?" Shirou asked.


Tian Zhizhu shook his head and said, "It is because of my avatar that we are in danger of being destroyed."

Shirou was stunned: "What do you mean?"

"It's different from me. The idea inherited by my avatar is really the idea of ​​wanting to destroy the earth. If she sees me, I will be killed by her as a traitor." Sky Dead Skeleton sighed One sound, said.

Shirou frowned, and things got more and more confused.

The main body of the fallen skeleton of the sky, the clone of the dead skeleton of the sky that is suspected to be a friendly imitation of Zhu Yue's personality, and another clone of the dead skeleton of the sky that has not yet met and is trying to destroy the earth, and Tiama Special, the Star King meeting, the [Parliament], the dark vortex, the invisible vortex, the endless reset... All the mysteries are scattered in various time and space domains and connection points, but there is a thread in the dark, connecting all the clues connect them in series.

Shirou could sense that the thread was Thetis and the extinct ultra-ancient civilization.

And the person who can let Shirou know the truth is none other than this supreme being in front of him, the Venus UO—the dead skeleton of the sky!

At this time, Artoria raised her eyebrows, walked to Shirou's side, and reminded in a low voice: "Al, I feel a rather bad feeling ahead."

This feeling of being called Al by Artoria is really wonderful.

It's just that the truth has already been seen through by Gilgamesh, is it necessary to continue this drama of acting as an identity?

However, compared to these insignificant things, Shirou cares more about the feeling Artoria described.

Just as he was about to ask, Shirou suddenly felt his trouser legs being pulled.

Shirou looked down and saw Mordred tugging at his trouser legs tremblingly.

"What's wrong, Mordred?" Shirou asked softly.

"Mom, mom... I, I have a very bad premonition. There is a feeling like going to the cave of natural enemies..." Mordred said with a trembling body.

Shirou couldn't help but care.

Artoria's intuition and Mordred's intuition all indicate that the dead body of the sky may be leading them to a dangerous situation.

"Where is this place, the skeleton of the sky?" Shirou asked in a deep voice.

"Oh? Are you worried now?" Tianzhi Xingke turned his head, looked at Shirou, and sighed in disappointment, "I'm so afraid of the unknown. If you don't explore the unknown, you can't get the answer. But, say After all, they are only human beings. Don't worry, this is my friend's territory. Like me, I am on the side of the earth."

After finishing speaking, the skeleton of the sky continued to move forward.

Shirou hesitated for a moment, then comforted a few people, and followed.

As the dead bones of the sky said, if you don't explore the unknown, you will never know the answer. If you don't know the answer, you can't move forward, let alone defeat your true enemy.


After the death of the sky led everyone through the dense forest, what appeared in front of them was a waterfall like a landscape painting and a simple thatched cottage.

Shirou looked around carefully. The scenery here is indeed beautiful, with a kind of primitive charm of nature.

"Mom, look!"

Mordred suddenly stretched out his hand and pointed to the sky.

Shirou looked up slightly, raised his eyebrows slightly, and saw several shattered angels flying in the sky.

When Shirou and the others saw the angels of destruction, they became vigilant, and the angels of destruction also saw them, but they didn't seem to be hostile, they just glanced at them, turned around and left.

"Okay, gentlemen. Follow me, please."

The dead skeleton of the sky clapped his hands, focused everyone's attention, and then led them into the thatched cottage.

As soon as he entered the room, before he had time to look around, a cold voice filled with resentment sounded in his ears.

"It's you--!"

Um! ?

Hearing this, Shirou turned his head and looked, his heart skipped a beat. He saw Tiamat sitting not far away, staring at him coldly.

Subconsciously took two or three steps back, big cold sweat oozed from his forehead, Shirou finally understood where the bad feeling Artoria and Mordred felt came from.

It was Tiamat!

"It seems that you have a lot of grievances against him, Tiamat." Sky Remnant looked at Tiamat with a smile.

"That despicable way to win, he is not the real savior Gaia expects!" Tiamat pointed at Shirou and said displeasedly.

"In any case, he attacked Pluto, obtained the brain of God, and then attacked Ishtar, you, and me. According to the rules, he is oh, and has the right to know the truth." The Dead Skeleton of the Sky said laughingly.

"up to you……"

Tiamat folded his chest, not wanting to pay attention to the dead bones of the sky, Shirou and others, but inadvertently landed his eyes on Artoria, was taken aback, and pointed at Artoria, "You, you Sakura's brother?"


Artoria froze for a moment, Sakura?

"Wait! This asymmetrical state is the same..."

Tiamat looked at Arturia, then at Shirou, his face darkened immediately, "I finally understand where this unpleasant feeling comes from!"

Tiamat could see the hands and feet of the invisible vortex. From the beginning, she knew that Shirou's soul and records did not match the current body, but she didn't know that Shirou was Fujimaru Shirou.

But now, after seeing Artoria, Tiamat immediately understood that under the interference of the invisible vortex, Fujimaru Shiro and Artoria's records had been replaced.

Although this kind of thing is incredible, if it is the invisible vortex, it can be easily done.

At the same time, Tiamat also understood why he was so disgusted with Shirou in the first place.

Isn't this normal?

As the main position candidate in the heart of Fujimaru Sakura, who has occupied the daughter who is regarded as his own, Tiamat, as the secondary position candidate, is like an old father who marries his daughter, and he doesn't like how his son-in-law thinks.

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