I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1698

And, most importantly...

"Ah, you've known each other for a long time?" Tianzhi Xingke scratched the back of his head, "That's right, after all, you are also one of the legacies left by that civilization, Tiamat."

Yes, this is the most unpleasant thing.

Chapter 70 Super ancient secrets: King of Stars, Gaia and Alaya!

"I have to clarify one thing, Venus." Tiamat looked at the wreck of the sky unhappily, and said word by word: "I have already withdrawn from the ranks of inheritance. The inheritable battleship body is also taken by that A group of children were dismantled, and to become the concept of heaven and earth.”

"Hahaha...that's right, I forgot about it." Tianzhi Xingke scratched the back of his head and said embarrassingly.

Tiamat snorted and turned away. She is well aware of how bad this personality imitated by the skeleton of the sky is. This guy would say that sentence at that time, just to choke her!

"What the hell are you talking about?" Shirou asked suspiciously.

The two women talked to themselves, and didn't think about them who were out of it.

"I'm sorry, I didn't take you into consideration. Just treat the conversation just now as a greeting between old friends." Tianzhi Xingke said with a smile, then his eyes fell on Shirou, and he said with some headaches: "I should How can I make you understand the situation... By the way, do you know the essence of your main mission, what are you going to do?"

"I don't know." Shirou shook his head and answered bluntly.

Zombie Sky asked suspiciously: "How could this be? Shouldn't the mission system have a reminder? Or a plot review?"

Hearing this, Shirou glanced at Morrigan, and then said: "The village chief of Xinshou Village ran away, and the task was not submitted."

"Pfft ha ha ha! There is such a strange thing!" Tianzhi Xingke couldn't help being amused, Shirou encountered depressed things, and the simulated personality of Zhu Yue would make her very happy.

Looking at the gigantic skeleton of the sky, Shirou said quietly: "Can you tell me the truth? If you don't know where to start, you can start with the Star King meeting."

"The meeting of the King of Stars..." Tian Zhizhu glanced at the brain of God who was quietly sitting aside, followed by a move of heaven-level fighting skills, dragon surprise attack and hugging sister in the arms, directly hugging the brain of God In his arms, he rubbed his face against God's Brain's face, and the corners of his mouth twitched like a cat, "Sure enough, it's still so comfortable."

"Please let me go, Ms. Zombie of the Sky, you make me feel sick like this." God Brain said seriously.

However, the dead bones of the sky didn't answer her at all, but kept rubbing their cheeks against her. Obviously, the dead bones of the sky didn't listen at all.

God's Brain turned to Shirou for help: "Master, please take me back to the [backpack]."

Shirou turned his head away, pretending he didn't see it.

God's Brain: "..."

The reality is so hopeless, did the Master sell me to Miss Skeleton of the Sky?

The brain of God lowered his head.

"The meeting of the Star King. If you start from the meeting of the Star King, you probably can't understand it? After all, you can't even understand what kind of existence the Star King is." Holding the brain of God, he put his head on the shoulder of the brain of God, with a happy smile on his face.

Afterwards, she came back to her senses, looked at Shirou and the others, and asked, "Do you understand the existence of me and Zhu Yue?"

Arturia, Illya and others shook their heads, but Shirou nodded and said, "UO, also commonly known as Aristotle, is the strongest life form on the planet, and it is also an extension of the will of the planet. To a certain extent, it’s okay to say that UO is the planet itself. And Zhu Yue is the UO of the moon, and you are the UO of Venus.”

Hearing this, Tianzhi Xingke looked at Shirou with a surprised face, "You know quite a lot."

"After all, he is the heir to the inheritance." Tiamat hugged his chest and answered unhappily.

Sky Death looked at Shirou and asked, "Then you know, Gaia-chan, to be precise, is the UO of Earth?"

"The UO of the Earth?" Shirou was full of surprise, "Your question is so strange. Does the UO exist on the Earth?"

There is no UO on the earth, this is something that people who have been involved in the Xinglun world know clearly. After so many years of traveling to the moon world, Shirou is also very sure that there is no UO on the earth.

Because of the existence of UO, it is the strongest life form of the star, and also the only one of the star. To put it simply, there are humans, phantom beasts, gods, and other kinds of life on the earth, which violated the concept of UO from the very beginning, so there is no UO.

Furthermore, if UO exists on the earth, why does Gaia accept Zhu Yue to restrict human beings? How can Gaia remain indifferent to the star soldiers and other alien invaders who are raging the earth so much? If there were UOs, UOs would have been dispatched to fight against other alien invaders and star soldiers.

The question of the skeleton of the sky is simply strange, like a question that goes against common sense.

"Oh, it seems that this is your cognitive blind spot." Tianzhizhuo laughed, raised his head, and looked through the window to the blue sky outside the window, "Gaia, it's not that there is no UO, it's just that Gaia Ya chose a completely opposite path."

Hearing this, Shirou frowned, "This joke is not funny at all. The concept of UO is the only one on the planet. There are too many life forms on the earth, so there is no UO."

"Then, let's change the question. Why is there life and civilization only on the earth in the entire solar system? The material conditions of Venus are very similar to those on the earth. Why didn't Venus give birth to other life?" asked the dead skeleton of the sky.

"Isn't this natural? Venus is too close to the sun, and its surface temperature is above 465 degrees Celsius. How could life be born in that situation?" Shirou asked.

Hearing this, the dead bones of the sky smiled, "The high temperature judgment standard you think is based on the common sense system formed by human beings' subjective cognition of the earth's environment over time. But if you use subjective cognition to understand the principles of the stars, You can't understand Star King, you can't understand UO, and you can't understand that, the Vortex of Darkness."

Vortex of Darkness!

Shirou's eyes twitched sharply.

Arturia glanced at Shirou worriedly.

"So, what is Gaia's UO?" Shirou calmed down and asked. Since it was about the Vortex of Darkness, he had to pursue it to the end.

But, does UO really exist on the earth? If it exists, why do you need the Holy Sword of the Stars as your own defensive armament? And why bother to win over Zhu Yue and use Zhu Yue as the model to create Alquite?

"Isn't the UO of the earth right by your side?" The dead bones of the sky smiled, looked at Shirou, and said, "There is one thing, human beings have not made a mistake. Venus and the earth are a pair of sisters who seem to be wrong. In the entire solar system, Except me and Earth's UO are the most special ones, the others are of the destructive type."

"I am an ecologically invasive predator, and the UO of the earth is completely opposite to me. In other words, it is because Gaia will create such a UO, so I was born in this form. Why is only the earth There is civilization, why is there only the earth that has multiple life forms? There is only one answer, the UO of the earth is..."

"—civilization," said Tiamat.

"Wen, civilization?" Shirou looked at Tiamat blankly.

"Yes. It is civilization. And it is the extinct ultra-ancient civilization that you inherited." Tiamat said.

"Tiamat, that's what I want to say...!"

Zombie Sky looked at Tiamat angrily, this woman actually stole her limelight.

"Although I understand Zhu Yue's influence on you, you are wasting too much time, Jin Xing's!"

Tiamat glanced displeasedly at the dead bones of the sky, then turned his head, looked at Shirou, and asked: "Since you defeated Zhu Yue, you also know of Zhu Yue's existence. Then, you should also know that in the moon, There's a Mooncell tachyon computer thing, right?"

Everyone was at a loss.

UO, King of Stars, Civilization, and Mooncell... What are these and what?

People looked at each other with confused faces.

Of course, Arturia showed a thoughtful look. She has been in contact with Shirou for the longest time, and she has also been in contact with the second magician with Shirou, and has personally attacked Zhu Yue twice, so she has some ideas about these things.

Even Mooncell, she knows a little bit, of course, it is limited to knowing that there is a super photon computer in the moon, and that computer drove Zhu Yue crazy, invaded the earth, and tried to occupy the earth, but because of the sword of the star, she kept She acted in a sneaky way until she discovered that the Star Sword was in Vivienne's hands, before she started to act.

At that time, Zhu Yue first controlled the Roman Empire, making the emperor of the Roman Empire a puppet emperor, weakening the national power, so he could not shelter Britain, and the Saxons invaded Britain.

At the same time, because of the decline of the Age of Gods, Vortigern, who was the lord guarding Britain at that time, began to reverse the Age of Gods with his friend Mexis in order to keep the British alive, and a series of historical events unfolded from this.

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