I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1699

Shirou nodded. Although he had never been to the moon, he knew Mooncell the best among them, and at that time he used Mooncell to bluff Erte Luqi, fooling her into becoming one of his powerful reinforcements against Vortigern. And after successfully defeating Vortigeng, he captured her and trained her to be his second and fifth boy.

"4.6 billion years ago, this galaxy was just formed. A group of alien visitors came to this newly formed galaxy to conduct interstellar experiments, and placed the observation equipment Mooncell in the newly formed moon." Tia Matt said.

Shirou nodded, he knew that too. In addition, he also knew that Mooncell also trapped the body of Attila, the star soldier, in order to avoid the complete extinction of the earth civilization. Of course, what he knows better is that the alien civilization that created the Mooncell is actually an alien civilization that originated from the same source as the predatory star.

"Afterwards, the group of alien visitors endowed the eight planets in this galaxy with will, created the King of Stars, and launched experiments..."

"Hey! Tiamat!" Sky Zombie looked at Tiamat in shock, "Is this information needless to say?"

"What's wrong? Having inherited the legacy of civilization, he should also know the origin." Tiamat said.

"That being said, but... this is a taboo..." Tianzhi Xingke said with a headache.

"Wait, wait a minute!" Shirou looked at Tiamat with an unacceptable expression on his face, and asked, "You mean, whether it is Gaia or the will of other planets, it all comes from a high-level civilization. The experiment was born?"

Tiamat nodded, and asked suspiciously: "Yes, do you have any questions?"

"The question is really big... Isn't the will of the planet born from the root-Akasha records? Moreover, it is the experiment of the civilization that created Mooncell..."

Shirou didn't know what to say, because he knew very well that the civilization that created Mooncell and the civilization that created Predator Yusei came from the same source.

If you accept Tiamat, it means that the existence that gave birth to the will of Gaia and other planets is Yusei!

"I'll talk about Akasha's records later, but what I said may be inaccurate in some places, because I hadn't been created at the time, but it's generally correct." Tiamat said with certainty.

After a pause, Tiamat continued: "Not long after the interstellar experiment was carried out, the interstellar civilization seemed to have a civil war because of its disagreement. As a result, the interstellar observers also fought among themselves, and in the end both sides suffered losses. And the star kings were afraid That interstellar civilization is harmful to itself, so it gathered all the resources on its own planet to create its own defense force."

While speaking, Tiamat pointed to the remains of the sky, and said: "It is an existence like her, UO. However, most star kings have created destructive UOs, only Gaia imitated that interstellar civilization, created a civilization of its own."

"He used the dead remains of the interstellar observers and the technology left over from that civilization to create his own life form from primitive proteins," Tiamat said.

"It's just that those life forms are no different from the current creatures, and they are very fragile, so everyone regarded Gaia as an idiot at that time." The dead skeleton of the sky rubbed the cheek of the brain of God, and added: "But Gaia did not They took their words seriously, but tried their best to cultivate their own creatures, and repeatedly destroyed and changed their own forms to make the environment more suitable for living organisms to survive. Therefore, after the earth passed through the primitive stage, it soon approached Stablize."

"And hundreds of millions of years later, the fire of civilization was born on the earth. That civilization was cultivated by Gaia with all its resources. From the perspective of the king of stars, it is UO just like me. But, unlike me The ecologically intrusive hunting UO is different, it is the UO of civilization development. If you want to call the UO of civilization development with a name like the "dead skeleton of the sky" calls me, you can only use one name. Then that is--"

"Alaya." Tiamat said.

As soon as the words fell, everyone was stunned.



pS: I am a little hesitant to start revealing the secret here.

The brain hole of this book is the answer I got by combining all the existing Xingyue worldviews. It is quite a magic change, and the brain hole is probably the crown of the whole network Xingyue. I don't know if everyone can accept it. I have stretched the foreshadowing as much as possible. If you feel uncomfortable, let me talk about it here.

That's all for today, good night~!

Chapter 71 Super Ancient Secrets: War of the Stars

The earth has a UO. Shirou doesn't know this kind of thing at all, and this UO is actually a civilization-development type UO.

However, due to the existence of ecologically invasive UOs such as the skeleton of the sky, it is not too surprising.

What is really incredible is that the UO of the earth is actually Alaya...


It cannot be said that, it should be said that the name is defined as alaya, and the restraint alaya is two different things.

But even that is surprising enough.

At least Illya and Morrigan, who are magicians, and Shirou, a traveler, were all surprised by this, while Artoria and Mordred, who were pure heroic spirits, were slightly surprised.

When common sense is subverted, the degree of cognition is different, and the shock and influence produced are also different from person to person, and that's all I'm talking about.

"When the fire of civilization was ignited and the intelligence of thinking was born, Gaia guided them to recognize themselves, and at the same time handed over the spacecraft of alien visitors to that civilization for cognition and research. From then on, the fire of civilization It completely spread all over the earth. And it is different from the next generation of gods, phantom beasts, and humans that we conceived. Like other UOs, that civilization is an extension of the will of the planet. Although it will not completely obey the will of Gaia, it will Worship Gaia, who created civilization and gave development, as a god."

After a pause, Tiamat continued: "Then that civilization landed on the moon, stole the permissions of Mooncell, obtained all the technology and data of those interstellar experiments, and used those technologies and data to combine the earth's interstellar environment and geography. The environment has developed its own new technology system. And the new technology is used to feed back the earth, turning the earth into a blue planet that is different from other planets."

"Wait! Are you saying that the planet guides and provides the environment for the development of that civilization, and that civilization feeds back the earth with new technologies?" Shirou asked, looking at Tiamat.

Hearing this, Tiamat nodded and asked, "Is there any problem?"

"No...it's not a problem." Shirou shook his head. He somewhat understood why, more than 1,500 years ago, Gaia believed in the concepts of "Tao follows nature" and "Heaven and man are one", so he was rejected by him. Huyou had to give up the Moon King and assist him instead.

This felt a bit strange at the time, but if what Tiamat said was true, then there was a reason for everything from the very beginning.

"And then what?" Shirou asked with interest.

He has some interest in the infinitely distant past. The most important thing is that what Tiamat and the skeleton of the sky are talking about is definitely not worthless nonsense, but a series of karma, perhaps the true face of the dark vortex lies in it .

"And after that, that guy was too jealous to look at him."

Tiamat stretched out his hand and pointed at the remains of the sky, "I saw the earth that was the same as myself, and it turned into such a beautiful appearance, and the joy and laughter surrounding life. This guy went crazy with jealousy, and then began to invade the earth , and even evolved those terminal spore ecosystems that hunted for food. Of course, the final result was to be beaten to pieces, if Gaia hadn’t deliberately let him go, Venus would have disappeared long ago.”

"What a disgrace, Tiamat! That's obviously not my own will, but the will of the Star King!" Sky Dead Skeleton stared at Tiamat dissatisfied, clasped the brain of God tightly with both hands, and let out a "click" terrible sound.

"Ernie...it hurts."

God's Brain wailed calmly.

Unexpectedly, he did not deny that he was beaten to the ground...

Shirou glanced at the skeleton of the sky, and said silently in his heart, it seems that he was really beaten by Fatty.

"And who would have thought that a creature with such weak life energy would actually create such a terrifying weapon?" The dead skeleton of the sky buried his head on the shoulder of the God's Brain, and said pitifully to the God's Brain: "I Need comfort, pattern tucson broken."

"You're hurting me, Ms. Zombie of the Sky." The brain of God replied calmly.

"That is the characteristic of civilization. Your strength is judged by strength, but the strength of civilization is judged by development level. By the way, I was also among those who wiped out this guy." Tiamat pointed at himself and said .

"And you?" Shirou asked with doubts on his face.


Tiamat nodded, "My main body is one of the interstellar warships created by that civilization, and my main gun [Abzu] has caused this guy a lot of trouble."

"Are you kidding me?"

Everyone looked at Tiamat in shock.

Illya swallowed, and asked in disbelief: "But, aren't you a god? A god of creation?"

"From the perspective of the civilization of the next generation, this is indeed the case. After all, my main function in the later period has changed from destroying to carrying the fire of civilization." Tiamat said pointing at himself.

"Wait, wait a minute, wait a minute! I'm about to be dizzy!" Ilya covered her head.

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