I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 173

The shrunken version of the moon fell on the army of heroic spirits, crushed at the level of a small satellite, and directly blasted and killed the army of heroic spirits and the monsters of [Gaia] blocking the way!

This is the real horror that stands on the ceiling of one of the moon worlds!

Punch the second generation of gods, kick the island, close to the destructive power of UO level!

But this is still incomplete.

Because [Gaia] has refused to support Alquite, otherwise Alquite in Earth Princess mode is the real strongest posture.

But even so, Alquette, who has contributed 100% of his efforts, has already stood on the ceiling!

It's a pity that Alquite can't contribute 100% for too long, otherwise she will be completely swallowed by the blood-sucking impulse, and eventually forget herself, and truly become the container of Zhu Yue.

Therefore, Alquite only contributed 30% of his power at any time, and the remaining 70% was used to suppress the blood-sucking impulse.

But at this moment, in order to help Shirou fight a way out, she untied the blood-sucking impulse.

"Rumble rumble rumble——!!!"

Using his remaining rationality, Alquite led Shirou to fight a way out, brought him into the crack, and threw him into it.

"Come in quickly, too, Alquette!" Shirou shouted with great effort.

The cracks in the present world keep shrinking, as if they will be repaired and disappeared in the next moment. Arquite wanted to suppress the blood-sucking impulse and walked in, but was sent flying out by the approaching monster.

Shirou struggled to get out, but a hand pushed him back.

"Next time we meet, you must teach me how to play backgammon!"

The girl's frank but silly voice lingered in his ears, and Shirou only saw a frantic figure rushing into the crowd of monsters, and then was completely pushed out of the hole.



It was raining heavily.

In a forest, Shirou was spat out by a hole connected to [Nothingness] and landed on the muddy ground.


The hole connecting to [Void] was repaired, just like the original, as if nothing had happened.

Shirou crawled forward, his clothes soaked by the rain and the muddy road.

The three claw marks scratched by the Cerberus Tarotaros on the back, with black and red blood flowing, rolled from the wound along the skin to the muddy road.

"Tick tock, tick tock"

A red swamp.

The black mud was churning around the wound, as if it wanted to repair it, but the magic power that was almost consumed was unable to activate the effect of the mud.

Being able to kill from the [root] path is already a great fortune, and the magic power is completely consumed, which can be said to be the lightest price.

However, this was done at the expense of Alquette's sacrifice.

It turned out that it has not changed.

Compared to the real world, I am still a weak person!

What can an underdog bring?

Do not!

The weak can also do things, and they can bring something!

At least, you must not die here!

The meaning of fighting is definitely not for the end, but to be able to smile again and say goodbye to important people!



Then find her and go back to her family!

He also has a birthday!


Anyone can, save my life first!

Footsteps sounded next to his ears, and Shirou struggled to raise his head.

Blood flowed from the wound on his forehead and dripped into his eyes, but he could still see the beautiful figure walking towards him.

A girl with long black hair came to his side with someone.

"Ji Li Gu Lu" seemed to be saying something.

Shirou didn't understand.

However, he can absorb the evil from these people.

【Flower of Evil】continues to activate.

Sensing the evil of human beings, absorbing the evil of human beings, the exhausted magic power began to work, and the mud also began to exert its ability to repair.


Shirou passed out.



ps: The transition chapter is over, and the main text of this volume is finally about to begin~!

Chapter 17 The Old Knight 【Fourth】

"Eh..." Slowly opened his eyes, Shirou still felt pain in his head and abdomen, didn't he run out of the [root] way? Sitting up with sore body, he froze just after muttering.

Standing up and turning a few times nervously, Shirou frowned.

Where is this?

A wonderful "space", or should I say a room?

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