I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 174

The walls were covered with cracks, and Shirou could even feel the cold wind blowing in from outside.

He looked up slightly and saw a huge hole in the ceiling.

This is a thatched cottage, right?

Suddenly smelling a damp and rotten smell, turning his head, Shirou saw the pile of grass in the corner, swallowed his saliva, a look of unnaturalness appeared on his face.

There are mud walls, chaotic rocks, and a few weeds in the corners. Looking under him, there is a... What is this thing? Shirou reached out and touched it, "Could it be a quilt?"

Where have I been thrown?


Xu Bu walked in a beautiful figure outside the door, it was a girl in a long brown dress.

Silver scales glistened on the hem of her skirt, with a kind of elegance and nobility that was incompatible with this room. She raised her hand to wipe the sweat from her forehead, and then said to Shirou, "Ji Li Gu Lu..."

Shirou: "?????"

Shirou didn't understand what the girl was saying, but the unfamiliar situation made him instinctively vigilant.

He looked at the girl carefully.

About fourteen years old, with beautiful long black hair clinging to a tight and pretty face, Shirou's appearance is reflected in a pair of holy blue eyes.

But that's not the point, the point is that the girl's face... how much does it look like him?

Distant cousin?

However, I haven't heard the Fujimaru couple say that they have any relatives!

Moreover, this dreamy long dress... Except for those who act in dramas and TV dramas, no one should wear it, right?


The girl was still talking, and wanted to reach out to touch Shirou's cheek.

Shirou subconsciously grabbed the girl's wrist and asked, "Who are you? Where is this place?"

The girl's demeanor was fine at first, even if Shirou grabbed her wrist, her face was gentle with a touch of doubt. However, when Shirou opened his mouth to speak, the girl's expression suddenly changed.

The girl's exquisite face was full of fear, and her eyes were even more flickering with fear. As if caught by some monster, the girl struggled to pull her hand out, and then yelled in panic: "Ji Li Gu Lu——!!!"

Shirou gave a dazed look.

He really can't understand it!


A few heavy male voices came from outside the door, and then several soldiers in armor rushed in, drew out their sharp swords, and pointed the tip of the sword at Shirou.

The girl hid behind the soldiers, looking at Shirou with fear.

Shirou: "?????"

Shirou didn't understand what these people were communicating in a language he didn't understand, but looking at this posture, it seemed that he had offended the girl, and then these soldiers pointed their swords at him.

From the short period of non-communication, Shirou got three pieces of information.

First, I didn't know where I fell when I ran out of the [root] path. In short, it couldn't be the modern age, because in the modern age, apart from acting, no one wears silver armor or plays swords. The times have changed, everyone is playing with guns, even magicians are no exception; second, the language barrier, unable to communicate; third, it seems that when they speak, these people are very afraid and fearful, even with hatred and anger Emotions?

The reason why these emotions are so clearly understood is because Shirou's [Flower of Evil] noticed it when he absorbed evil from these people.


Several soldiers yelled at Shirou for a while, but Shirou didn't get a response. A fierce light flashed in the tiger's eyes, and he wanted to kill Shirou with a sharp sword. As a result, Shirou's evil surged, and he stretched out two slender evil hands , broke off all their sharp swords.

Several soldiers turned pale and took a few steps back.

The girl squatted down with her head in her arms, trembling.

At this time, another anxious soldier ran outside the door, "chirping" for a while, the soldiers ran out with panicked faces, took the girl with them, and then rode on their horses under Shirou's watchful eyes, and ran away in a short while Far.

Shirou was at a loss, what the hell is this talking about?

He walked out the door, glanced around, and frowned involuntarily.

Surrounded by tall trees, and there are many dilapidated houses around this dilapidated house, it seems to be a ruins of a village. And there are many beautiful fragments of bricks and tiles in those ruins. It can be seen that this place was also a beautiful village before.

At this time, he felt that [Flower of Evil] had absorbed a huge amount of evil into his body, and then transformed it into magic power. It made his exhausted magic power warm up a little bit, and the evil mud in his body became a little bit more active.

"Clah la la la la——!!!"

A frightened bird flew up from the forest in the distance, and the next moment, two-legged wyverns rose into the sky, raising their heads and roaring.

"Tat T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T D

There was the sound of horseshoes in the jungle, Shirou turned his head and saw a cavalry rushing out of the jungle. The leader held a long gun, pointed at Shirou and shouted: "Grrrrrrrr... Guinevere!!!"


The cavalry shouted and rushed towards Shirou with murderous intent and hostility, and the wyvern in the sky also roared towards Shirou.

Shirou turned and ran. Although I haven't figured out where I ran to, the hostility of these cavalry is not fake.

He is extremely weak at the moment, not to mention physically and mentally exhausted, and his magic power is almost exhausted, so his strength may be a little bit stronger than when he first fused with the spirit base of the heroic guardian palace.

And there is a strong cavalry attack here, and there are biped dragons in the sky, this kind of fantasy.

On the way to escape, Shirou had a thought and manipulated the evil with two normal hands behind his back, and then transformed into a bow of evil and an arrow of evil, aiming at the leading wyvern with a "swoosh" Cum!


A big target is beneficial. The arrow of evil hit the wyvern with incomparable precision, and then the curse of evil made the wyvern's body black for a moment. He fell heavily to the ground, blocking the march of those cavalry.

And Shirou took this opportunity to directly transform into two wings and fly away into the distance.

But the headache was that the knights shouted "Guinevere" while chasing him for thousands of miles, and those wyverns followed their cavalry and flew towards Shirou.

As a result, in the end, the evil absorbed from the girl and her soldiers began to dry up gradually, and she had to release the Wings of Evil state temporarily, fell to the ground, and started to run with her legs.

But how can the legs match the speed of the cavalry? Shirou was quickly pursued.

There is no other way... Shirou sighed, turned around, and faced the cavalry.

Use [Flower of Evil] to absorb their evil transformation magic power, and transform evil into self-discipline protection that saves magic power. If you use [Projection] magic, you should be able to fight.

It's just this kind of attack method, I'm afraid it's not the opponent of those Wyverns.

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