I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1783

The young man didn't quite understand it, but it was obvious that things were not as simple as he thought.

"Yes, that's why the Enlightened One reset human logic." Sajo Ayaka said.

"Reset?" The boy was full of doubts.

"It is to create the history of the planet, rewrite the reality, and repeat the civilization. In the sense of human beings, it is the creator." Thetis said: "Posha Pure Land has such ability."

"It's just——, the repeat of civilization will cause a lot of trouble." Thetis frowned: "And, if civilization repeats, that is to say, did Shirou finally fall into endless resets?"

"What's that?" the boy asked suspiciously.

Old Shan glanced at the young man, with a flash of comprehension in his eyes, and said: "So that's the case, no wonder the future miscellaneous cultivators don't understand me. Hmph, they actually forgot about me!"

"What?" The boy was puzzled.

Jiu Jian said calmly, "It's a situation similar to mine."

The young man looked puzzled.

At this time, Old Shan put his hand on the boy's head, and said, "Don't ask so many questions, don't worry, you won't fall into that endless reset, this is what the king said, so it will definitely take effect. And, We're not in a bad situation right now, are we?"

"But, didn't you say before that this is an unforgettable dream?" The boy blinked.

The old flash was immediately depressed, this guy, can he get better?


pS: That's all for today, good night~!

Chapter 109 Shirou and Sajo Love Song, Eternal King and Genuine Princess

Endless darkness.

so dark.

Too dark.

Shirou's consciousness sank.

How much time has passed, he doesn't know.

He just felt that this feeling was very familiar.

By the way, it was the feeling when being absorbed by the False God Seat.

This feeling of being surrounded by something and being imprisoned is exactly the same as the feeling when it was absorbed by the False God Seat.

"Sleep, sleep well."

"I still love you, Arthur."

There is a soft voice whispering in the ear, with endless tenderness, like a gentle country, people can't help but be intoxicated.

The endless darkness, at the end, is a vortex like a black hole, the consciousness is constantly sucked by that vortex, but there is no pain at all, and I feel extra relaxed.

You don’t have to think about anything, you don’t have to think about anything, you can’t help worrying about anything, you just need to close your eyes and let yourself go, and you won’t be troubled by any troubles.

What Artoria, what Mordred, what Fujimaru Sakura, what Fujimaru Tachika... All the troubles in this world disappear, and all worries disappear, as if the soul wants to return to the original origin, avoiding the pain of leaving the world. One after another disturbed.

——Gurnieville, no matter what you become, I will be by your side, and you will not be alone.

Arturia's confession echoed in his ears, and Shirou woke up suddenly.

There are people waiting for him, and he cannot give up on himself.

"Where is this place?"

Shirou sat up and looked around, with a look of doubt in his eyes. This is a pure white princess room, the walls are as pure as jade, the balcony is full of flowers, and the white pigeons turn their heads to look at him on the branches, making a "coo coo" sound.

Through the branches of the balcony, you can see the clear blue sky and the pure white clouds around, as if you are in a holy heaven, exuding a dreamlike purity.

Suddenly, Shirou's gaze tightened suddenly, and he saw a girl in a pure white dress sitting on a pure white table in the garden outside the balcony, holding a pure white cup, drinking a cup of fragrant wine. hot tea.

When Shirou saw the girl, his heart sank, and he slowly said her name in his heart.

——Sha Tiao Loves Songs!

As if aware of Shirou's gaze, Shajo Aika put down the white cup in her hand, turned her head, looked at Shirou, and showed a bright and sunny smile, "Your safety, Arthur."

Shirou frowned, stood up from the bed, and was about to walk towards Satiao Aige, but found that he was wearing a white dress at some point, very much like when he was in Britain, in Morgan The dress prepared for Arturia at the ball.

Shirou tugged at the hem of the skirt, but found that he couldn't take it off, frowned at Sajo Aiga, his eyes became very serious, and asked, "What did you do to me?"

"I just prepared a perfect dress for my Highness Princess. What's the matter, Your Highness Princess, don't you like it?"

Shatiao Aige jumped over the balcony, entered the small bungalow, and walked towards Shirou. The small pure white dress on her body had changed into a pure white neutral dress at some point.

Looking at Sajo Aiga standing in front of him, Shirou said with a dark face, "I'm not Arthur!"

"I understand," Sha Tiao Aige said with a gentle smile, "You are not my Prince, but it doesn't matter, I still love you."

Shirou frowned, this was the first time he faced Sajo Aika in a real sense since he had lost the past in Shinjuku, and the first feeling Sajo Aika gave him was that he was sick.

"Yes, I'm sick." Shatiao Aige said infatuatedly: "I love you, and I'm already sick. Don't worry, I will fulfill your wish and let Britain reappear on this land, and you Will be king forever, my princess."

"Then your love is really cheap, dog licking." Shirou sarcastically said.

"Lick, lick the dog?" Sha Tiao Aige was taken aback suddenly, and asked with a puzzled face, "What is that?"

Shirou said: "It's about you, a humble loser who is self-indulgent, self-absorbed, and self-sacrificing, but can't get love. No, you are a loser among losers, because others are just frustrated in love, and You were pierced through the heart by a sword from your loved one. Huh, what a funny clown."

Shajo Aika's face froze, Shirou's words pierced her heart deeply like a sharp sword, but she still smiled reluctantly: "Are you testing me, my princess?"

"Test? Hmph." Shirou smiled disdainfully, and said, "The loser whose love was taken away by his sister?"

"Ka Ka Ka -"

Cracks like spider webs suddenly appeared on the surrounding pure white walls, and black chaos flowed out from the cracks, which seemed particularly infiltrating.

Sajo Aiga had a gloomy face, and stared at Shirou with murderous intent in her eyes.

"Hey? Finally, I don't have that disgusting smile anymore, goddess of the world. No, the container of the Lord of Relief." Shirou said.

"The Eternal King..."

Sajo Aika stared at Shirou with cold eyes.

"Oh? You know me?" Shirou said in surprise.

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