I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1784

"You were captured by me, of course I know everything about you, including the future when you killed me."

After a pause, Sha Tiao Aige said: "But I don't care about those. Only that sentence——, take that sentence back! My love is not humble! It's not cheap!"

Shirou snorted and said, "What if I don't take it back?"

"If it was someone else, I would definitely want him dead. But you, you are Arthur, and I love you, so you will live."

Shatiao Aige regained that soft smile on his face, the cracked walls around him recovered, the dark chaos disappeared, and what was left was pure whiteness, which made people feel bright and clean.

But Shirou didn't think so, instead there was an indescribable weirdness and horror.

"You are so humble!" Shirou said.

"Whatever you say, but for now, go to sleep first. When you wake up, your kingdom will be revived on the earth, and you will be the eternal king." Shatiao Aige turned and left with a smile.

"Slow down! Don't impose your self-love towards Arthur on me!"

Shirou stretched out his hand to grab her, but the distance between him and Sajo Aiga was getting farther and farther, as if there was a high-dimensional dimension in the middle, he could only watch Sajo Aiga go away, but he couldn't get closer.

But Shirou didn't show any impatience, instead staring at Sajo Aika's collar.

Shatiao Aige didn't notice it at all, but there was a little bit of black and red shadow in the buckle of the pure white collar, if you didn't look carefully, you couldn't find it at all.

That's mud.

It is Shirou's mud.

At the moment when Shajo Aige was irritated and her attention was briefly distracted, she placed it on Shajo Aige's body.

Looking at Sajo Aika who has already left, Shirou turned his head and looked at this pure white residence, "This should be the soul of Sajo Aika manifested... I finally sneaked here, let me take a good look What is your true face, Lord of Relief."

The black-red mud flowed out from his shadow and splashed on the pure white wall.

The pure white wall melted like a candle, and black chaos flowed out, like chocolate, but in fact it was the most deadly venom.

Looking at the road that was infested with a passage, when Shirou was about to walk over, his footsteps stopped abruptly, and he muttered to himself: "... I hope there will be no accidents in Mordred, otherwise, I really can't Face the kid again."

Sighing, Shirou collected his mood and walked out of the pure white small bungalow.

Shajo Aiga left Shirou's small bungalow with a smile on his face, but came to his throne - the Great Holy Grail spell with a gloomy face.

Although she put on a gentle and magnanimous appearance in front of Shirou, her heart was riddled with holes by Shirou's words.

"Humble, cheap... Am I a loser in love? I know, I've always known. But Arthur, do you have any other choice besides loving me? No matter which Arthur, who can get you, Only me." Sajo Aige said.

She who was once pure and white has long been polluted by "love" and turned into a chaotic monster.

She tapped the king's throne lightly with her fingers, and the next moment, several chaotic clay figures emerged from the magic of the Great Holy Grail.

They are the Servants of the Holy Grail War eight years ago, and their spirit base fragments were captured by Sajo Aika, so their souls have not been liberated, and they have been enslaved by Sajo Aika.

"Although I saw the future where I was killed by him in the Eternal King, his past was actually incomplete. I didn't see how he defeated me. However, they can pose a threat to me. Probably only the goblin that the Eternal King is thinking about, Thetis. The true father in the dream also reminded me of the horror of that goblin, and told me how to deal with her. Well, execute her first!"

Sha Tiao Ai Ge has a plan in mind.

She decided to send out all the troops at once, capture Thetis first, and sacrifice her to the Beast.

It's just a pity that Beast's phantom couldn't be summoned for some reason, otherwise it could just be dispatched at once.

However, Fujimaru Shiro is not yet the Eternal King, nor has he summoned the savior, but for now, it is enough.

"Ayaka, let my sister bestow upon you the honor of being a magician!"

Sha Tiao Aige said with a cold light of doting but jealousy in his eyes.

Eight years ago, her younger sister Sajo Ayaka met her prince, Arthur, and talked to him, and awakened Arthur who was confused by herself, so she was loved by Arthur, which was something she could not tolerate .

Out of jealousy, she attempted to sacrifice Sajo Ayaka's soul instead of Arthur's soul to the Holy Grail eight years ago, thereby completing the Holy Grail ceremony and summoning the Beast. However, when things came to an end, she was betrayed by the awakened Arthur, pierced her back with a sword, and threw away the Holy Grail.

But this time, it will never fail.

Because she has already got the answer to the future, she already knows the future, and the overall situation is in her hands, so will she still lose?


"Compared to the real past, our current situation is already very good." Sajo Ayaka said: "I stopped Rider and Caster, and persuaded them to act with us."

As soon as the words fell, a female voice came from not far away.

"Don't say it so nicely. It's just that someone wants to sabotage this Holy Grail War. Based on the position, let's coordinate for now. When your sister leaves, the war will start again."

Everyone turned their heads and saw a female magician and a handsome young man with red hair walking slowly.

They are Caster Medea and Rider Perseus of this Holy Grail War. They flanked Saber before, but now they are persuaded by Sajo Ayaka.

Perseus said: "Shatiao love song... only that woman, I can't forgive."

The Master of Perseus, Sanxingji Ise is a gentle boy who has a kind personality, never complains about his unfortunate life experience, and hopes for world peace. He was supported by the magician organization that lost the Holy Grail War eight years ago and became the master.

However, during the Holy Grail War eight years ago, Sajo Aika implanted Beast in his body, and since then he has become half-undead, using magic and medical equipment to barely hang a life. Seven days after summoning Rider, he died before the start of the Holy Grail War, but before he died, he used all the command spells to give Rider a real body.

Therefore, Perseus is in an absolutely hostile position to Sajo Aika, so he is easily persuaded by Sajo Ayaka.

The situation at this moment is completely different from the original situation. Caster and Rider have not been polluted, the old sword has not been taken away, and the old Shan's body is also intact without contamination, but Lancer is still very sadly killed.

But this situation is much better than it was at first, making Sajo Ayaka even more happy.

"Actually, it's meaningless." Meisha Ye of Linglong Pavilion couldn't help but said: "We intercepted the past from the timeline of future nerds. No matter how happy the ending is, for us on the past timeline In other words, it's just a fleeting and beautiful dream, meaningless to reality."

"Stupid woman." Old Shem snorted.

"Is there any problem?" Linglongguan Meisha asked sternly at night, anyway, she didn't have a few days to live, so what was there to be afraid of?

Sajo Ayaka said patiently: "If you know that this is just an intercepted past timeline, my sister will not be so content. With my sister's ability, it is possible to escape from the past timeline Yes, so we have to kill her here and let her stay in the past timeline completely."

"Then what? Is this good for me? In the future world, I will not exist." Linglongguan Meisha Ye said.

Sajo Ayaka was at a loss for words.

"Don't say that, Linglongguan Meisha Ye-senpai. You have to think about it this way, if we subjugate Sajo Aiga and try our best to record what happened here, maybe we can change the past?" the boy said .

Linglong Guan Mei Shaye thought about it, and felt that it was true, so she restrained herself. In fact, she no longer has any hope for herself, but she wants to take revenge on Shatiao Aiga who cursed herself, even if it is just a fleeting dream.

Sajo Ayaka said: "Although it is very different from the past, my sister will start to act soon. Before that, we must strengthen our strength. Berserker and Assassin must be won."

The old sword looked at Sajo Ayaka gently, and said in his heart, you have become stronger, Ayaka.

It's just that, how much pain did you suffer? I'm really an irreverent Servant.

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