I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 180

With Artoria's temperament, as long as she promised, she would definitely complete it. Therefore, she will definitely tell Merlin about herself, and it depends on whether Merlin is willing to enter his dream and meet him.

Merlin is the great magician of this era, even in the entire history of mankind, he is also a well-known magician.

【Clairvoyance】, who holds the highest rank, is one of the candidates for the Crown Rank Caster.

The highest rank of [Clairvoyance] is a necessary prerequisite for becoming the highest rank magician. Currently known to have these eyes, only King Solomon, Gilgamesh, and Merlin.

King Solomon's "clairvoyance" can see through the past and the future.

And Gilgamesh's "clairvoyance" can see into the future.

Compared with these two, Merlin's [Clairvoyance] is relatively useless, it can only see all the eyes in the present.

To put it simply, it is the [clairvoyance] that can only observe everything now.

Although it is indeed a bit useless in comparison, it is still the highest [Clairvoyance]. And it also has a very mysterious magician, there should be clues to let him go home, right?

Close your eyes and fall asleep.

In a daze, Shirou seemed to have fallen into another world.

This feeling is similar to entering Scatha's Dreamland of Shadows during the Fourth World War.

Opening his eyes, Shirou saw a sea of ​​flowers.

"Is this Merlin's invasion of my dream world?"

Shirou looked at the sea of ​​flowers around him, muttering to himself.

"Integrity, friendliness, humility... These are the qualities of a king."

"The so-called king must learn to choose. Take the country as the game, and the people as the chess. In order to win, you will give up the small and take the big. All actions are for victory..."

There was a man's teaching voice, and a girl's response from time to time.

Shirou walked slowly towards the source of the voice.

The road is full of white flowers, which looks very romantic.

On the other side of the flower path, there is a sea of ​​flowers.

Shirou saw a white-haired magician holding a staff, teaching Artoria.

There is no doubt that it is the hybrid of human and succubi, the magician of flowers, Merlin.

"Royal way...Huh? Has it been pulled in?" Merlin paused, then turned his head slightly, and looked at Shirou.

At that moment, he froze for a moment.

Frowning, then he laughed: "...This is fun. It's actually a 'container'."

"Gurneyville." Arturia greeted Shirou.

Shirou nodded to her, then looked at Merlin, and said, "Hello, Master Merlin. Did you just say the word 'vessel' to me?"

Merlin shook his head: "No, you heard wrong."

Shirou laughed and said, "My ears are not old yet."

"Look into my eyes." Merlin pointed to his own eyes.

Shirou took a closer look and saw a pair of beautiful pupils. No wonder there are so many romantic stories in the legend.

But what does it mean to tell yourself to look into his eyes?

Shirou asked, "You mean I'm hallucinating?"

Merlin said, "Thinking too much, I'm just telling you, I'm lying to you."

Shirou: "..."

"Master Merlin, someone told you. Do you deserve a beating?" Shirou asked solemnly.

"Yes, there are a lot of people, but they can't run as fast as me." Merlin said.

Shirou: "..."

"Okay, it's fine if you don't tell me. Actually, I came to you to ask you something." Shirou said.

"I probably know what you're looking for." Merlin said, "If you want to go back, there are only two ways."

Shirou was overjoyed, and said that he was indeed a magician of flowers, and then quickly asked, "Which two methods?"

"The first is to live. Live to the time you want to go back. It will be about 1500 years." Merlin stretched out a finger and said.

Shirou showed a look of embarrassment, and continued to ask: "What about the second method?"

Merlin didn't answer directly, but took out a dagger from his pocket and handed it to Shirou.

Shirou took it and asked in confusion, "What does this mean?"

"Suicide." Merlin said as a matter of course: "After suicide, let's see if there is a time when luck reincarnates to you."

Looking at the serious Merlin, Shirou couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth, and asked with black lines all over his head, "Master Merlin, has anyone chased you with a knife?"

"Yes." Merlin took out another sword from his bosom, and said solemnly: "So, I have practiced superb sword skills!"

Shirou: "..."

"Okay. I have finished answering your question. The exit of the dream is there. If you want to go out, you can go out at any time. I will continue to teach the way of kingship." Merlin pointed to the exit of the dream not far away, and said.

"Forget it, I'll stay here for a while." Shirou sighed and sat down.

"Up to you." Merlin said, then turned his head and continued to teach Artoria.

Artoria's holy blue eyes turned around on Shirou, and then she listened attentively to Merlin's teaching and learned the "ideal" kingly way.

Shirou sat in the sea of ​​flowers, looked at the two, but his mind was thinking whether Merlin had lied to him.

There is no doubt that Merlin's ability is very strong, but his character...

I really don't need to go into details!

It's hard to guarantee that you don't know the way, but you just don't tell yourself.


Where is my way home?

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