I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 181

Shirou showed a dazed expression, and the non-existent flame in his bright eyes could not help flickering a few times.

"Integrity, friendliness, humility...these are the qualities of a king..."

Artoria's voice resembling memorization came from next to his ear, Shirou temporarily shook off his confusion, and looked at Artoria and Merlin.

Looking at the way this teacher-student pair teaches...

To be honest, I kind of want to laugh.

Probably Merlin said something, and Arturia repeated it.

Typical cramming.

Do not.

It is a brainless loading education that is more terrifying than cramming.

If this is teaching the king...

What can this teach?

A rigid, dogmatic king?


Unable to bear it, Shirou smiled.

"What are you laughing at, Guinevere?" Artoria asked.

"It's nothing, it's nothing." Shirou said, "I just think that you are... just wasting your time."

"Oh—? Is what I'm teaching wrong?" Merlin asked.

He is somewhat interested in Shirou, because his eyes can only observe Shirou, but he cannot see through Shirou.

In other words, this is a toy with some unknown gameplay, which makes Merlin a little interested, otherwise he would not agree to Arturia, and then pull Shirou into the dream. It's just that the day of the selection is approaching, and he has to teach Artoria earnestly, and push her to the throne that has been planned. This is his agreement with Uther.

Therefore, when Shirou seemed to laugh at the kingly way he taught, Merlin was somewhat interested, curious, and aggrieved. Because, he taught Artoria not to be cynical like before, but to be serious. It's like a sculptor who is obsessed with carving some great sculpture, but is ridiculed by others for making mistakes in his carving skills.

Merlin stopped teaching, and Artoria gave Merlin and Shirou a strange look.

Shirou smiled and said: "I have never been a king, nor have I led others. In fact, I have always been led by others. So I have no right to criticize your teachings, and I have no right to say that your teachings are Wrong. However, I know that learning without thinking will lead to failure, and thinking without learning will lead to peril. Only when knowledge and action are united can we end at the ultimate good. True knowledge means action, and if you can’t do it, you can’t call it knowledge. You can’t just teach What is the dogmatization of time, if not a waste of time?"

Merlin was taken aback, and immediately asked: "You——, is this your teaching method at that time?"

Shirou nodded slightly, and said, "That's right."

"Isn't that wrong?" Merlin said, "The more knowledge you accumulate in your brain, the more decisive you will be when you encounter problems, and you will find effective solutions. The way to choose for the king is born from endless wisdom. This is Solomon Wisdom is also the form of the ideal king."

"Knowledge is created by people. If you just regard knowledge as knowledge, how should you deal with situations that have never been encountered before? Knowledge is dead, people are alive, and the world is alive, so knowledge Change is also required. Use dead, static things to manage living, moving reality. This is dogma, isn’t it right?” Shirou said.

"So, how did your world teach the 'Ideal King'?" Merlin asked with great interest.

Shiro said: "We don't have an 'ideal king', but we know the unity of knowledge and action, and the knowledge of things."

"Knowledge and action are one, study things to know?" Merlin repeated, frowning. He has already observed the world with [Clairvoyance], but found nothing.

Of course. This is not an idea born in this era, but a future and progressive idea.

Artoria looked at Merlin blankly, and then at Shirou.

A look of bewilderment.

Her impression of Merlin is a teacher, a sage who knows the world, and a mentor who taught her the way of kingship.

But now someone appeared to refute Merlin positively with wisdom!

And it turned out that Merlin was suppressed?

The most important thing is that the person who suppressed Merlin with his wisdom was actually the one she picked up a year ago!

You know, this person had seldom spoken for a year before, and he was still very unskilled in speaking!

What happened here...?

Artoria looked bewildered.

Chapter 21: Bad guy, Merlin [Third update]

Shiro was a little sad.

Merlin claimed that there was no way to go back, but it is also possible that Merlin was playing tricks on himself and refused to tell himself the way to go back.

All in all, he failed to get a clue to go back from Merlin.

What's even more sad is that he was taken over by Keira to take care of the housework.

"Forget it, this month's balance is 10,323 semis." Shirou put down his pen, raised his head and said to Kai.

"So fast?" Kai looked at Shirou in surprise, and said with emotion: "The three internal affairs of my manor, at least three days before the end of the month can be calculated."

"Aren't you going to check it out?" Shirou asked.

"No need." Kai shook his head, then recalled the solicitation method his father Ector taught him, then smiled and said, "Because, I believe in you!"

Not as deeply moved as he imagined, Shirou just nodded.

This made Kai feel a little frustrated, and couldn't help but doubt the solicitation method his father taught him.

But without self-doubt for long, Kay regained his self-confidence.

The harder it is to recruit, the more talented you are!

For the righteous sister, come on!

Seeing that Kai was downcast for a while, and then cheered up as if he had taken a stimulant, Shirou was stunned.

When did this guy start getting sick?


This is staring at my own eyes...

How disgusting!

Shirou felt goosebumps all over his body.

He decided that it would be better to stay away from Kai in the near future.

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