I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2002

"This is……?"

Shirou and Merlin looked at each other, puzzled.

They didn't understand what happened. The eternal Hector should have been shot into a sieve by Shirou's sword and guarded by Mordred, but at this moment, he was buried in a pit by Bedivere, and Xuanzang Tripitaka recited the Sutra of Rebirth for him.

What the hell is this?

"Hector was killed by Mordred."

A cold voice sounded in his ear, Shirou turned his head and saw Kama with silver hair, and the fainted Holy Apostle of Pendragon wrapped in black mud in her hands.

Shirou didn't look at the Holy Apostle of Pendragon, but stared at Kamo's face, and asked repeatedly in astonishment: "Mordred...killed Hector?"

Kama nodded, and then looked at Hector who was buried in the soil bit by bit by Bedivere with a complicated expression, "The holy apostle can be killed... the power of the Beast, the principle of the planet, nothingness The permanence that could not be cut off by Mordred's sword was actually killed..."

Shirou was silent, then looked at Kama and asked, "Where are the Mordred people?"

Kamo stretched out his hand, pointed at the temple, and said, "I locked myself in the temple alone."

Shirou turned his head and looked at the temple of Ambrosius. The child must be in a state of confusion at the moment, right?

"The desire born of despair turned into a shadow covering the footprints of life. The sword that destroys the dynasty can also kill the eternity of the empire... This is too cruel."

Merlin couldn't help but said.

Yes, this is brutal.

But in fact, it is like this.

Illusions are born from difficulties, grow in pain and struggle, and mature in longing and despair, so desire and awareness are born.

Then, everything was destroyed in hope.

The empire born out of Mordred's good wishes invaded the pan-human history built by Mordred's tragic life, which in itself made Mordred very upset.

But now, Mordred had to face the sharpest and cruelest fact.

If the Eternal Empire is due to her despair, it is because of her longing, it is a beautiful vision born of her extravagance.


——Only her sword can kill her extravagant hope.

So, what is this?

Shirou frowned angrily.

This is nothing, it is just the desire of all people, the pursuit of all people, the result of the chaos that is finally caused, but the inevitable result.

Lord of Relief, Gaia, Sajo Love Song, Apocalypse Behemoth, Thetis, Holy Grail, Eternal Dynasty, Shirou, Mordred, Zhu Yue, Merlin, Artoria... This is not fate, but The pursuit and collision of one existence after another is nothing but chaos.

In this chaos formed by the interweaving of people, no one can escape, and can only let this chaos engulf them to the final outcome. And on this journey, many people have died, such as Thetis, such as Zhu Yue.

So, what will be the ending here?

Shirou didn't know, he just had a feeling of powerlessness.

But he understands that such an ending is not a natural disaster, but a man-made disaster.

But now, Mordred had to face the problem she was least willing to face, but also the one she evaded and feared the most.

——Can she face the fact that she destroyed the dynasty, killed many relatives and friends, and caused the destruction of countless dynasty people, and raise the butcher knife again?

This reality is too cruel.


"Hector... is dead?" Wu Yifu looked at Agguiwen in the light screen in front of her with a face full of surprise.

Agguewen nodded: "Actor's star has fallen, and his death is an established fact."

"But, how did they do it?" Wu Yifu was puzzled: "Isn't it only His Majesty's Fallen Rune that can break [Eternity]?"

"I don't know." Agguiwen shook his head, "That's why I told you to retreat first."

Lucius frowned: "Does His Majesty know about this?"

"Understood." Aggressive said.

"What did His Majesty say?"

"Your Majesty said, eradicate the secret realm." Agguiwen said.

"Eradicate... the secret realm?"

"Yes." Agguiwen nodded, and replied: "To cover up foreign enemies and kill a holy apostle. Your Majesty can no longer tolerate goblins. Whether it is Tiernano or Avalon... the sea of ​​stars All mysteries must be eradicated!"

After a pause, Agguiwen continued: "However, the other party has the technology to kill us now, so don't act rashly until I find out how they break the Holy Spirit's permanence."

Lucius nodded, and Uyf curled her lips in boredom.

"Huh? Where's Morgan Le Fay?"

Aggavin looked around and frowned. Only then did he notice that Morgan Le Fay was not there.

"Did you just notice?" Wu Yifu curled her lips and said, "Maybe she was caught? No wonder, it's obviously a magician who insists on using swordsmanship."

Lucius frowned: "This is troublesome. They have the technology to kill us, and Morgan Le Fay's fall into their hands is likely to be fatal. Well, let me go to the rescue, use the sword of imaginary number, Even if I fail, I can escape."

"No. It's not safe for you to go, let it go." Ageguiwen said calmly.


Both Lucius and Uyf were taken aback for a moment, and then turned their heads to look, only to see a pitch-black steel mech man walking out slowly.

Seeing this pitch-black steel mecha man, Wu Yifu, who was so proud, suddenly broke out in sweat on his forehead. Looking at Agguiwen, he asked, "When did Your Majesty put it down?"

"It was not so long ago," said Aggavin.

"If it's the one... Agguvin, you don't want to rescue Morgan Le Fay at all, but you want to kill Tiernano right away?" Lucius couldn't help but look at the pitch-black steel man. He said: "Mr. Galahad, it shouldn't be used for such a small purpose!"

"The holy apostles are the key to running the [Arm of the Emperor of Heaven]. They can kill the holy apostles. They already have the foundation to destroy the empire, and Bedivere's damned traitor... They are qualified to let Sir Galahad attack Go ahead, Sir Galahad, as the wall of the empire, you should wipe out all the disasters that endanger the empire!" Agguiwen shouted.

The eyes of the pitch-black Iron Man shone with red lightning.


The ten power thrusters behind the pitch-black Iron Man ejected rainbow-colored flames, allowing it to advance rapidly. The speed was so fast that it turned into a black light, and even time was distorted. Through the dimension of space, rush towards the untouchable secret realm.

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