I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2003

No army needed, no companions needed.

Just having it alone is enough.

As long as there is one person, any disaster, any foreign enemy will die here.

Lucius believed so, and Uyve was so sure.

Isn't it natural?

Because, that is the barrier created by His Majesty the Emperor himself, the ultimate barrier to defend the empire - the wall of the empire Galahad!

Watching Galahad rush into the dimension, Agguiwen turned off the light screen, turned his head, looked at the empty base, leaned slightly, and said: "Mr. Galahad is attacking, Then everything will be settled, please rest assured, His Majesty the Heavenly Emperor."

From the empty throne, a voice came:

"Only Mordred, unforgivable!"

Chapter 40: A Wordless Embrace

Mordred's star cup can kill the constancy of the Eternal Empire. This result, not to mention the Eternal Empire, even Mordred himself did not expect it.

The constancy of the empire is absolute, so when there is an unknown thing that can break this constancy, it is like the truth that is believed to be shattered, and the holy apostles are also quite messy. This should be the reason why Uyf and others retreated .

However, although Uyf and Lucius successfully retreated, the Holy Apostle of Pandoragon fell into Kamo's hands.

"Break the constancy of the Holy Apostle, and kill Hector. This is really an interesting development, tell me, Speth?"

Even though he was trapped by Kama's mud, the Holy Apostle of Pandoragon was not panicked, and looked at Bedivere with a mocking face.

Bedivere remained silent. He had already made up his mind to be the enemy of the holy apostles headed by Agguiwen, but he never thought that things would come to this point.

Death, enveloped the holy apostles.

Is what he's doing right?

Bedivere also hesitated in his heart.

He noticed the strangeness inside the empire, and also had an indescribable sense of crisis. He also witnessed the Heavenly Emperor devouring the sixth seat, and the monster born from the Heavenly Emperor's body.

Therefore, he incarnated as Speth, and formed Speth's underground alliance with like-minded partners.

He firmly believes that he is doing the right thing.

However, when Hector's blood splashed on his face, when the companions who have been together for countless years close their eyes forever.

His heart is in a mess.

His will was no longer so firm.

He began to doubt himself...

Whether what you see is true, whether what you think is correct, and whether the awareness you insist on is wrong.

Did he walk on the wrong path from the very beginning, running counter to the will of the empire?

Did he, for real, betray the Emperor of Heaven, betray the Empire?

Bedivere didn't know.

He was distraught.

In the past 100 million years, the chaos that has never been seen, the huge and contradictory thoughts that have never been seen in the past 100 million years, collide and fight in his mind, almost making him have a splitting headache.

However, compared to Bedwell, the thoughts of Shirou, Kama and others are very clear.

"They were just confused because of Mordred, not a real failure, and they will come again after they calm down."

Shirou calmly made a judgment. Mordred was able to kill the Holy Apostle. This was indeed a cruel surprise, but the empire that shielded the UOs from the South American connection point and drove Gaia out of the solar system still occupies Absolute advantage.

Because the absolute constancy was broken by Mordred, they panicked and retreated. When they calmed down, they launched a more intense invasion than before, which was almost a certainty.

"After all, this place has been discovered."

Gamma glanced at Bedivere, and swallowed the rest of the sentence in his stomach.

Tiernano was originally the last stronghold of absolute safety, but because of Bedivere, it was discovered by Aggavin.

——However, this must never be said.

Originally, as a holy apostle, Bedivere would provide them with so much help. It would be too ruthless to blame him for this at this time.

After a pause, Kamo continued: "The important thing is whether they will directly mobilize that divine army to attack next time."

Yep, that's the real headache.

A divine legion of nearly a thousand members, a legion of nearly a thousand god-level heroic spirits, who can stop it?

Moreover, a divine legion of nearly a thousand members can be easily dispatched, which means that the empire also has an even larger legion.

But what about them?

Just two or three kittens.

Everyone was worried.

"Don't be so pessimistic, at least we repelled them once, didn't we?" Shirou said with a smile.

Merlin glanced at Shirou and sighed, "Only you can laugh in this situation."

"A smile brings good luck, doesn't it?"

Shirou smiled, then looked at everyone seriously, and said: "And no matter what they do, we can't change it. The only thing we can change is ourselves. To be honest, under this situation, I think we have to Let go of each other's prejudices, what do you think?"

Shirou looked at Getia, pointing it out.

Getia knew what Shirou was talking about, put his hands on his chest, snorted coldly, turned his head away.

Although he didn't like Shirou, he didn't refute Shirou.

The Parliament and Chaldea are two large platforms for confrontation, and the members who join it have their own goals, but now the emperor who occupies the pan-human history and destroys the Parliament and Chaldea has become the main contradiction in everything.

Before the main contradiction is resolved, all secondary contradictions will be artificially ignored.

"Just say it straight, Eternal King. What do you want to do?" Kama looked at Shirou with bright eyes, and asked in a cold voice.

"Then let me just say that our action efficiency is too low, and our respective ideas are too much and too complicated, and there is no unified course of action. We are already at a disadvantage. If we continue to fight independently, our respective visions It is impossible to achieve the demands and demands, and they are all finished! Therefore, we need to integrate our action policy and will!"

Having said that, Merlin had already smiled, while Gamo, Abigail, Getia and the others either looked at each other in blank dismay, or frowned tightly.

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