I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2004

Shirou didn't pay attention to the various situations of all living beings, but said very seriously, solemnly, and forcefully: "We need a unified will! Turn us from a situation where we are fighting separately into a whole! Speak with one voice!"

Gaitia and Kama were startled at the same time, and turned to look at Shirou.

At this time, the dazzling sunlight fell from the clouds, but it was not as bright as those serious and serious eyes.

Those eyes were bright, like a fire burning.

Getia frowned, his eyes flickering with displeasure: "In short, is there a king to lead us?"

Shirou shook his head: "Not a king, but a leader, a representative of will."

Although the meaning is the same, but if a king who leads everyone is elected, with Gaetia's personality, it will probably explode immediately, right?

Sure enough, when Shirou said that, the displeasure in Gaitia's eyes faded a little, he patted his chest and said, "Since that's the case, it's obvious that this candidate must be—"

"—Of course it's me, Gaia!"

The light screen of the star's touch suddenly jumped out, and Gaia, who was standing on the bench, patted his chest.

Getia, who was interrupted, looked at Gaia with a cloudy expression, and his heart was full of anger at being interrupted, but Gaia is their immediate boss after all, so this anger can only be suppressed.

Shirou glanced at Gaia in the light screen and shook his head: "You can't."

Compared to the restrained Getia, Shirou refused without mercy.


Gaia was outraged.

As the touch of the star, the king of the star, and the personality she simulated, she feels that she has the responsibility as a leader.

Moreover, whether it is a heroic spirit, a human being, or a beast...these are all existences born from the planet, and should be under her control.

"Shut up, you stole my personality, don't be so willful, you should understand why." Shirou scolded mercilessly.

The so-called "no desires are strong", he has no demands on Gaia, so he is not afraid of Gaia at all.

If it was more than 1,500 years ago, when he was preparing for the battle against Zhuyue, he would have coaxed and lied to Gaia, but now Gaia's favor and blessings have been deceived, and Gaia's true self—— I feel that I am still being corrected by the Star Kings, what else needs to be coaxed?

Oh, right.

She can also connect to the sense of touch of the stars, and she still needs to be coaxed to use it as the most advanced global eye.

The essence of scum is fully exposed!

However, Gaia's focus is not there.

"Steal, steal your personality? Nonsense!"

Gaia turned her head guiltily.

She is not lying, unlike other star kings, her personality is complex.

It's just that the basic personality that constitutes the bottom layer of personality is indeed Shirou's.

It's just... well, I just copied some information records from Heroes Seat a little bit.

And how can it be considered stealing to use the things of subordinates?

Hmm, not stealing.

Shirou looked at the guilty Gaia blankly.

In fact, it is the best choice to let Gaia be the leader, whether it is status or viewpoint.

The most important thing is that Gaia simulated his personality and his thinking circuit. In other words, the lower limit of Gaia's thinking is Shirou.

Unfortunately, Gaia has been exiled in the solar system so far, so it can only be used obediently as a global eye.

"Since Gaia can't do it, is there still a choice? Of course it's—"

Seeing that Gaia was rejected, Gaitia was overjoyed. As a demon king, he was born to dominate all things, and the career of a great king surpassing Solomon started from this point.

However, just as Getia was about to finish speaking, Abigail pointed at Shirou: "——Then it's up to you, big brother."

Getia's face froze.

Kamma nodded: "It's up to you, Eternal King. I don't worry if you do things."

Merlin also nodded: "I don't have any objections to letting Guinevere dominate. After all, I am his subordinate. What about you, the legacy of Lord Thetis, Lord Ambrosius?"

Ambrosius sighed: "...You guys are really entangled. Forget it, I am also quite curious about King Guinevere's deeds, so I have no objection."

Everyone turned their heads and looked at Getia who hadn't finished speaking.

Gaitia's face turned green, you guys have finished talking, what a fart!

With a green face, he turned to look at Gaia.

As the King of Stars, the King of Kings, and the true ruler of the planet, is Gaia the generation who has lived under the people for a long time? If it's Gaia, I'm sure I'll understand, Gaia is the only one

"If it's Guinevere, I don't have any objections. But you have to understand, I'm the real king of the stars! You're relying on my favor... Eh? Humanism correction formula, what's wrong with your face?"

Gaia looked at the darkened Gaitia suspiciously.

Gaitia crossed his arms and said with a dark face, "I have no objection."

Gaia looked at Gaitia suspiciously, then turned her head, looked at Shirou, and continued, "Gurneyville..."

"Okay, then it's settled."

Shirou directly interrupted Gaia's words.

Gaia, who was so reserved and elegant at the South American connection point, like the perfect star king, is actually so shameful now, and still loves to show off her favor, I don't know which handsome and handsome boy it is.

Shirou sighed, it really takes a long time to know a person's true nature, and it's no wonder that Mordred had a delicate expression when talking about Gaia earlier.

Who is not subtle about this?

"Thanks to everyone's love, then I will take on this mission. Of course, this does not mean that our status has changed, we are equal. I know that you are all outstanding talents, far better than me. However, some In a word, I want to say first—"

Shirou said with a serious face: "At any time, there is only one commander. If you have any objections, you can point it out in advance, but the strategy is certain, and you must not change it easily. I know that I can't restrain you, and I know that I have little knowledge. I am not worthy of this heavy responsibility, but for the sake of their respective visions, please trust me, and I will return the results to you.”

Shirou was quite serious, but Abigail's expression was rather strange.

Shirou looked at Abigail and asked, "Do you have any objections, Abigail?"

"No... I just thought the big brother just now was so funny?"

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