I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2021

The monarchs were a little surprised.

"Those great figures only said four words, 'It has nothing to do with me', and then continued to study the magic way." Monarch Barthamero said.

"There are really those big people here." El-Melloi II sighed, and then asked: "Then what about the Astra Court?"

"Like us, like headless chickens, in a mess."

"Can't the three-pointed Hermes figure it out?"


"That's really bad." El-Melloi II sighed again.

Lord Barthumello shut up and said nothing about Astra Court.

In fact, she concealed one point, the three-pointed Hermes is not without calculation results.

It was the result, which was terrible.

Only two words.

— the end.

In fact, the calculation result of the [End] Astra Academy has existed since the beginning of the establishment of the Astra Academy in Egypt in the Age of Gods.

The world will eventually come to an end.

This world is neither the world in the narrow sense that belongs to human beings nor the earth in the broad sense.

But the world of everything.

And this is also the reason why the Astra Institute was established. Countless alchemists with passion began to forge weapons capable of resisting the [End], and thus forged the famous Astra Institute, which is capable of destroying the world. Seven weapons.

Ridiculous, right?

In order to fight against [End], the Seven Great Weapons of the [End] world were created instead.

But even so, the calculation results of Astra Institute still cannot resist [End].

Even a genius went mad because of this, chasing the illusory sixth law, and ended up becoming the mortal enemy of mankind - the ancestor of the dead disciples.

And after the announcement of the "Emperor of Heaven", the three-pointed Hermes calculated that the "End" is coming step by step, and this is also the reason for the chaos in the Astra Academy.

It's just this, Lord Barthumello really can't say it.

"Then, should we agree with Gem Weng's actions, or deny it?" Lord Barthumello asked again.

Yes, that's the problem.

The essence of this question is to determine the [Emperor of Heaven].

The Emperor of Heaven... an enemy, or a friend?

Of course, in the face of Gem Weng's request, do Lord Barthumello and the others have the right to refuse?

The answer is - yes.

The hard power of the clock tower may not be strong, but this world line is not weak.

At least, the black spear, one of the seven world-destroying weapons of the Astra Academy, is in the hands of Lord Barthumello at this moment.

The replica of the black gun alone can allow Matthew to destroy Zeus, the king of the Lost Belt, with one shot, and the genuine product has the power to bring down Aristotle.

It is the crystallization of countless alchemists. Astra Institute fights against [End], exhausts all wisdom, and spends countless times to create weapons. It is also a shield to protect the world and human beings.

And at this moment, this black gun is in the hands of Lord Barthumello.

And this is also the confidence that Lord Barthumello can reject Gem Weng.

However, the essence of this problem does not lie in the gemstone, but in the nature of the [Emperor of Heaven].

Should he stand on the side of Gem Weng, or on the side of 【Emperor】?

This is a question of standing in line.

Whether it is Lord Bathermelo, other monarchs, or even politicians on the outside world, ordinary people... More or less, they can all sense that the characterization of the [Emperor of Heaven] will become the future trend of the world.

Therefore, even the monarchs had to proceed with caution.


Before El-Melloi II could finish speaking, the door of the monarch meeting suddenly opened with a "bang", and an elderly man walked in, looking at Lord Bather-Mello with a smile: "Hello, from the clock tower. Queen, Lord Barthumello."

"You are?" Lord Barthumello looked at the old man suspiciously.

"Let me introduce myself, I am the patriarch of the Thousand Worlds Tree Clan in Romania, Danik Preston Yugdomirenia."

"Oh? Betrayed the clock tower, the patriarch of the Thousand World Tree clan who has formed his own faction."

"It was all juvenile and immature playfulness, and thanks to the generosity of Monarch Barthamello, we did not cleanse our Thousand Worlds Tree family."

"It's not my generosity, but the magic of the Thousand Boundary Tree family. It really helps the clock tower's magic system."

Lord Barthumello paused, and then asked: "Then what's the matter with you here, Patriarch Danik? This is the meeting of the monarchs. If there is nothing to disturb, it is a crime!"

"Of course I know, but I'm not looking for Your Majesty the Monarch. It's this one."

Darnic smiled and introduced a young girl.

El-Melloi II, Lord Bathermelo, and the Lord of the Spirit Department were startled at the same time when they saw the girl.

"Heroic Spirit...?"

"Please allow me to introduce myself, all the Demon Lords of the Clock Tower. My name is Letitia, and you can also call me Jeanne Darke. I am the arbiter of the Holy Grail War that once took place in Romania."

"Arbiter?" El-Melloi II was surprised: "You didn't leave?"

"Yes, I was trapped in Letitia's body and consciousness, and I have lived in this world for several years. But this is not what I want to say, what I will say next is the real key point ! It is very related to the Emperor of Heaven and the current affairs!" Joan of Arc said seriously.

The monarchs looked at each other and talked a lot.

Monarch Barthumello frowned, then sat up straight, looked at Joan of Arc, and said, "If it is helpful to the current situation, please tell me, Saintess of France. But if it is trivial, you and The patriarch of the Thousand World Tree will pay the price for wasting our time!"

Joan of Arc nodded, and said seriously: "This matter, we have to start with the third beast—"

No one knows what heated discussions took place at this meeting, but afterwards, the twelve monarchs unanimously decided to assist the jewel man, use the ritual tools for the decisive battle of magic, and coordinate the dissatisfaction of the world's national powers because the jewel man occupied the spiritual vein to summon the heroic spirit. .

Most importantly, after this meeting, Lord Barthumello handed over the black spear, one of the seven weapons, to Joan of Arc.

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