I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2022

Chapter 47 Decisive Battle Magic·Heroic Spirit Summoning!

"Mr. Zellich, this is Jerusalem. The place where the Eurasian spiritual veins meet is the place where the spiritual energy is at its peak during this revolution cycle." Lord Bathmelo pointed to the famous ruins not far away - crying Wall, said to Gem Weng beside him.

The gemstone man stroked his beard and said, "Of course, this old man is clear about this matter. There is no need for Lord Barthomero to lead the way for an old man like me."

"No, it's really an honor for the Bathmelo family to be able to lead the way for Sir Zellich." Lord Barthemelo saluted the nobles modestly, then pointed to the magic troops behind him, and said, "In order to ensure the ceremony's Success, the special magic unit headed by me will assist Sir Zellich to complete the grand ceremony of summoning the heroic spirit."

After a pause, Lord Bathermelo saw the displeasure on Gem Weng's face, and smiled gracefully: "Of course, it's not that we think Sir Zellich will fail, but because of our little intentions and some little scheming." After all, being able to participate in this kind of ritual magic will definitely increase the level of magic in our parallel world. Please forgive me, Mr. Zellich."

Hearing this, Gem Weng's expression widened slightly, and he snorted coldly, "Since Lord Barthumello said so."

Gem Weng didn't pay attention to this world-line Magic Association, even if the Lord Barthomello and the entire clock tower in front of him may not be enough for him to fight with one hand.

But the seven world-destroying weapons of the Astra Institute, especially the black gun that can knock down the Star King, are in the hands of the clock tower at this moment, so he has to be a little bit afraid.

The most important thing is that the time of pan-human history cannot be delayed.

According to common sense, the jewel man who walks in countless parallel worlds and maintains his uniqueness is neutral like a transcendent, but the manifestation of the first law makes him, the second magician, have to be involved in it.

After all, for the world as a whole, the emergence of the first law may not be a good thing.

The existence of [Heavenly Emperor] proves this point.

The first law has invaded the margin of safety of the second law, how can he just sit back and ignore it?

Although he laughs at goodness, he is also indignant at evil. This is Kishua Zellich Shubeinaug, the commander of the Demonic Way.

Back then when the gem man killed Zhu Yue, apart from simply seeing Zhu Yue pretending to be upset, he was actually indignant at Zhu Yue's evil deeds.

But that's a thing of the past.

The [End] predicted by the Astra Institute is gradually approaching from the infinitely distant past, and the [Emperor of Heaven] who dominates the first law wants to fix everything that exists for eternity.

The future of human beings, the future of the world, the future of life and individuals... is becoming more and more illusory, invisible and intangible.

Time has no room for anyone to play tricks.

The trend of righteousness, even the gem man who has always been bad-tempered, has curbed his bad taste at this time.

The largest heroic spirit summoning ceremony in history is being prepared with gongs and drums.

It is not only the clock tower and the Astra courtyard that are preparing for it, but also the forces of the watch world.

Tanks, excavators, helicopters... quickly gathered in this holy city full of suffering - Jerusalem.


The dividing line separating Europe and Asia, the famous Wailing Wall was torn down.


The Temple Mount was also dug up.

A huge spiritual vein connecting Europe and Asia was exposed.

The believers are protesting, the believers are crying.

However, the external forces of various countries suppressed everything.

Public opinion glosses over the disaster here.

Joan of Arc witnessed the disaster, devastated.

The saint's heart was in grief, but she had to endure it.

The ultimate goal of [Emperor of Heaven] is not just pan-human history. What He wants is to control all world lines. Then the eternalization of the world is completely realized.

——This point, as the Master of the Bodhisattva of Demon Nature, both Leticia and Joan of Arc possessed by Leticia are well aware of it.

"It's ridiculous that such a thing should happen, Ruler."

An old and aged voice suddenly sounded in her ear, and Joan of Arc turned her head to look, and saw the white-haired, elderly Danik leaning on a cane, looking at her with a smile.

"You—," Joan hesitated.

"I've aged a lot and changed a lot, right?" Danik asked with a smile.

Joan nodded hesitantly.

"Speaking of which, this is just a few years... However, I have begun to trust future generations."

"Trust?" Joan looked at Danic suspiciously.

Danic stretched out his finger and pointed to some magicians in the magic army, and said proudly: "He, he, and him... are all geniuses of our Thousand World Tree family."

The Thousand World Tree family is a family of magicians that originated in Northern Europe, but as the name suggests, the Thousand World Tree has gradually become thinner over time, and has become a family whose magic circuit has gradually declined, a family that lost its engraving due to an accident, and a family that lost its seal due to accidents. The defeated clan was completely swept out of the center of the demonic world.

Therefore, even if some of them complete the magic or reach the root, no one will appreciate the Thousand World Tree family.

Two hundred and eighty years ago, Danik, who was still an up-and-coming magician at the time, entered the industry magnificently, and a marriage approached him. As far as Darnic was concerned, the marriage would connect him with a family of noble blood. But because of the magic imprint, the brother-in-law who smiled and patted each other's shoulders and praised his friendship, and the woman who should have been a partner who shyly poured out his love to him, all left him.

Yog Domyrenia's dream of becoming a nobleman was cut off. Not only him, but also the future of his successors were taken away.

It was also at that moment that Danik made the plan of achieving the root that is usually advertised—that is, as a magician, he continued to study knowledge, and finally stood out, climbed to the top of the association, and became a nobleman—such a plan became a dream that could never be realized. give up. Therefore, the first thing he considered was how to prevent his family from falling into disrepair. Then go find your way to your roots.

Because of his self-esteem, he rejected the path of seclusion for research, and he gritted his teeth and stayed in the Magic Association to wait for the opportunity of revenge. Finally, a few years ago, he betrayed the Magic Association and planned the big event of the Holy Grail War.

"At that time, I was radical, biased, and stubborn... Now that I think about it carefully, it is really an unforgettable memory." Danik said with a smile: "Now I am no longer obsessed with the Holy Grail, but I believe that my successor will Take up the weight of the Thousand Boundary Tree Clan, and give back to those who look down on us."

Jeanne looked at Darnic speechlessly.

This man has completely changed.

What has changed is not only the appearance, but also the heart, and even the measure of the soul.

If it is said that the Danik who planned the Holy Grail War a few years ago was just a pure magician with selfish interests, then the current Darnic is indeed somewhat of a clan leader.

And such a change originated from the Holy Grail War.

However, Danik was the only one who was transformed in that Holy Grail War?

Vlad III, who expected to rule the world again, embraced the sunset of the king; the blank artificial man won the hero's courage, abandoned his self and appearance, and turned into the original giant; the demon Bodhisattva who only followed selfish desires was crushed, Thus, he released his innocence-Seseiin Kiara; the saint who was looking forward to world peace-Amakusa Tokishiro, but in the end he released the demon that destroyed the world with his own hands; , a smile to wipe away all grievances...

What changed was herself.

She, who had never experienced the warmth and coldness of a young girl, ended up using Leticia's body and enjoying a life that she had never experienced before.

Peace, entertainment, youth...

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