I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2025

"Then, let me explain to you, Your Majesty."

The Demonic Bodhisattva saluted slightly, and then stretched out his hand to draw a picture, in which was the scene of her evil heart being crushed by Shirou.

"This is my first confrontation with the Eternal King in the Holy Grail War at the junction point with Romania following your orders. As shown in the picture, the result is that my evil heart was pierced by the Eternal King's gun. However, in terms of intensity, The strength of that eternal king is no different from that of a crowned hero, and it is not enough to pose a threat to me or even you."

"Of course, you must also know about this matter. After all, the soul of Mordred of the Eternal Dynasty, you interfered with the operation of the Heroic Seat and put it in. Also, the Amakusa Toshiro who guided Amakusa to materialize the soul Sound, it’s actually your voice, an observation experiment conducted in order to endow the entire world line with empire constancy, eternal fixation [now].”

"It's just that I don't understand. Since you have led Amakusa Tokishiro to that point, why did you guide Joan of Arc and Adam to defeat Amakusa Tokishiro? Is it because you think the experiment of soul materialization has failed? However, Those are not my concerns."

The Demonic Bodhisattva smiled, and then stretched out his hand to draw a picture

It was a picture of a supreme emperor lifting up a fallen planet.

"This is one of the extensibility of the [Eternal King] container. I call it [Emperor of the Moon], and its opponent is the King of the Moon, Zhu Yue."

"This heroic spirit..." Agguiwen looked at the Emperor of the Moon in surprise, "somewhat similar to Lord Galahad."

"That's right, Lord Aggagu." The Demonic Bodhisattva smiled, pointed at the Emperor of the Moon, and said, "This heroic spirit is a fictional heroic spirit created by [Eternal King] using [Moon King Power] to make up for the defects of the container. Possessing the characteristics of Aristotle, in the words of the empire, that is to possess the characteristics of Galahad. It has surpassed the limit of the crowned heroic spirit, and it is a deadly threat to us Beast."

"That's just an existence similar to Sir Galahad."

"That's true, so the next thing is the most important thing." The demon bodhisattva drew a picture with a heavy face, which happened in the plane of the past, and the picture of the star emperor knocking down the sixth beast.

"This, what is this?" Agguiwen looked in horror at the star emperor on the screen and the evil king emerging from the remains of the sixth beast.

"This is the container for the remaining two [Vortex], the Emperor of the Stars, and the King of Evil."

"The container of [Vortex]..."

Agguiwen's eyes shrank suddenly, and he suddenly thought of the chairman of the [Parliament], and asked in horror: "These two existences are the same as the chairman of the parliament?"

"That's right." The Demonic Bodhisattva smiled and nodded, and then looked at the throne: "That's why His Majesty wants to observe. That's why I said that Mr. Aggui Wen should not underestimate the heroic spirit of pan-human history." .”

Agguiwen was sweating coldly.

He never thought that there are such terrifying existences as the Emperor of the Stars and the King of Evil in the history of pan-humanity.

"However, since that Fujimaru Shiro possesses such power, and also possesses the power to kill constancy...how could he be held hostage by us instead?"

"Because that is a fictitious heroic spirit, something may have happened, and it is impossible to make up a fictional star emperor. After all, His Majesty is not the only one who has wishful thinking."

"Then who else is there?" Aggavin asked.

However, the Demonic Bodhisattva just smiled and did not answer. Instead, she turned her head to look at the empty throne. Just as she was about to answer, her expression changed suddenly.

Strange lines appeared on her body surface, and a desperate, disillusioned black mist suddenly overflowed from every pore on her body.

The black mist, like the hands of the abyss, easily restrained the movements of the Demonic Bodhisattva, making her unable to move.

"This—this is—"

The eyes of the Demonic Bodhisattva shone with fear, "Master?"

Endless black mist rushed up from the body of the Demonic Bodhisattva, gathered together, and condensed into a black vortex. One eye looked down at the people in the imperial palace through the extreme depths of the vortex.


Unparalleled oppression came head-on.

——You will eventually become 【me】.

For some reason, this thought came to everyone's mind.

I want to merge, I want to abandon myself, give up the individual, and return to the original.

The golden crown above the throne exudes a strong light, and it seems that there are countless voices singing and praising, just like the coming of the Holy Spirit.

buzz buzz

The golden crown vibrated violently, and then a dazzling golden light flashed, and the golden holy grail turned into a stream of light, hitting the pitch-black vortex straightly.

In an instant, Guanghua was shocked.

The white light and the black mist divide the world into two halves.

"You are actually playing such a ridiculous trick. Do you think that you can avoid the return? Your source is [me], and you will eventually become [me]."

The original lie came out from the endless vortex.

The sublime will descended from that lofty dimension.

A voice that traveled through dimensions came out of this vast imperial palace: "—Leave."

The noble holy words called out, and the Holy Grail seemed to hear the voice, "Kakaka" burst open and turned into a golden arrow.

"This is……!?"

Surprised message fluctuations came out from the vortex.

With a sound of "咻", the golden arrow shot through the black vortex with lofty will, and pierced into the beam of the house without weakening.

"[The Arrow of Akasha] is actually in your hands?" The voice of the Lord of Relief was a little surprised, and then he said in a daze: "I see, is this your Garden of Eden, [Plain of Joy]?"

"Thetis is actually playing such a trick... It's a bit interesting. Is this the second hand? Even if Aige has been wiped out, you still want to defy me, Thetis? However, there is no vortex and soul [Akasha] Arrow], but you can’t drive me away, and even you are doubting yourself. Hypocritical beast, hypocritical savior, you, the eternal [now], can’t last long, when I step out from the gate of truth At that moment, your [now] will return to chaos and return to my body. But now, I will wait in the [past] at the beginning of the origin for the time being."

The dark vortex gradually dissipated.

The golden arrow pierced into the beam buzzed, and with a "swoosh", it turned into a stream of light, returned to the throne, turned back into the golden holy grail, and finally disappeared gradually.

"Thanks, thank you, Your Majesty..." Demonic Bodhisattva thanked the empty throne with a blank face.

It never occurred to her that even if she got rid of her animal nature, she still couldn't get rid of the control of the Lord of Relief.

Fortunately, the Emperor of Heaven expelled the Lord of Relief.

"Is that... the Lord of Relief?" Aggregvin wondered. Is there such a foreign object threatening the empire?

However, even such a monster was expelled by His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven.

"—Go, bring me Mordred's body!"

The irresistible lofty will resounded in the imperial palace with deep resentment and hatred.

"Yes, Your Majesty! All foreign enemies who threaten the empire will be destroyed, and I swear in the name of Agguivin!"

Agguiwen waved his cloak, turned and left the imperial palace.

"Let me help Agguivin, Your Majesty."

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