I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2026

The Moxing Bodhisattva left the imperial palace with a smile. The moment she left, she showed a lingering fear expression.

Thinking of the golden arrow that pierced through the Lord of Relief, her heart was full of turmoil.

"That's what was recorded in the Mooncell... In the era of super mythology, [Akasha's Arrow] that drove and sealed the monsters of Akasha. I didn't expect that it really existed... But, I actually thought of using Akasha To deal with Akasha, people from the super-mythological era are really powerful."

The Demonic Bodhisattva glanced at the empty imperial palace, shook his head, and followed Agguiwen.

It's useless to think about those, the important thing is that she has to fight for herself now!

Chapter 49 Because in my eyes, you are all weak!


With the help of Ambrosius, the Lord of Tirnano, and Skadi who possesses the wisdom of Runas, Tirnano's reconstruction plan was completed in just a few hours.

A new fortress of Tiernano with the concept of the three worlds of [Heaven, Earth and Man] has been completed.

The uppermost [Heaven] Realm is the ultimate core, while the lowest [Earth] Realm is the front line against the empire, and the [Human] Realm is the second barrier after the Earth Realm is lost, with a very long strategic depth.

With the completion of the Three Realms, Gaia also sent news that Gem Weng had successfully summoned the heroic spirit and was on his way back.

A few hours after Gaia sent the news, a strange wave of information suddenly oscillated in Tirnano.

"come yet?"

Shirou got up and led the crowd towards the plain.

On this vast plain, there were several "clicks, clicks", and a huge void cracked suddenly.

Immediately afterwards, one after another, people emitting powerful wavelengths came out of it.

No, that would not be accurate to call it human.

It should be called——


Because each of their names has been remembered by the long river of history, and their deeds have been praised by later generations.

They are heroes, even if they die, they will be remembered by the world

Heroic Spirits!

"They're coming, Shirou!" Scatha reminded.


Shirou nodded and clenched his fists.

No army is more reliable than this, and likewise, no army is stronger.

Here, there are not a few people who have established a great reputation with one enemy and ten thousand, and killed gods with their bodies.

This is the army of the pan-human history, and it is also the barrier of the pan-human history.

The last bastion!

——Army of Heroic Spirits!

However, precisely because this army is so good and powerful, it is also the most difficult army to lead.

And just as Shirou expected.

Many of the heroic spirits summoned by the jewel man were Servants of Chaldea, and they already understood what happened, so they didn't dislike being summoned, and they also understood the urgency of the situation.

However, the one who summoned them this time was not a magician, let alone a Master. It can be said that they are all a group of wild heroic spirits.

Since there is no master's control, how can they obey anyone?

Not to mention, there are also emperors who have made great achievements, ambitious careerists, and rebellious godslayers. Who would be willing to bow down to others?

However, there must be someone to gather them together, there must be someone to unite them, otherwise, no matter how powerful they are, they will be just a mess.

But loose sand cannot save its own history.

Shirou took a deep breath, facing these heroic spirits, he actually felt nervous.

But he knew he had to do it.

Because he is still alive, as long as he lives, he has to endure even bad and painful things, but as long as he recalls the joy and touch of life, he can have the courage to move forward.

He must do it.

Not for great cause, nor as the Eternal King, but in the name of Fujimaru Shiro, to regain his own history and his own future.

Shirou took firm steps slowly.

Scathach looked at his back with a faint smile on his face. Let's go, Shirou. That's where you should be.

Are you coming? Merlin looked at Shirou's slender back, and he thought of the young man who insisted on being king at the beginning. When he came back to his senses, his face was already full of emotional smiles.

Time flies, years go by.

Everything is different, but that boy is still the same boy.

Shirou projected the sword in his hand, and the magic power was poured into it. The sword light flickered, and it shot straight into the sky with a "bang".

The brilliant white light attracted everyone's attention.

Many fiery heroic spirits frowned, and the berserkers howled in anger.

However, Shirou's expression did not change, but he walked slowly to the high platform prepared in advance so that everyone could see him.

Staring at the people in the audience with bright eyes like fire, Shirou said loudly: "Listen to my voice, the heroic spirits gathered in this field are worthy of thousands! We are lives bound by selfish desires , Even after becoming Heroic Spirits, it has not changed. We are selfish individuals..."

Only halfway through the words, many kings frowned displeased, such as the Sun King - Ramses II.

There were also quite a few kings who showed interest, such as the King of Conquerors - Iskandar.

There are also arrogant kings with eyes higher than the top, who hum sarcastically, such as Gilgamesh.

"Who are you……"

Before Ramses II finished speaking, a sharp sword suddenly cut through the air and flew towards him.

Ramesses II stretched out his hand to grab it, and turned his head to look, only to see Old Shan folded his arms and looked at him arrogantly, "Listen to him, King of the Sun."

Ramses II was a little angry in his heart, and when he was about to get angry, he saw the old sword next to Jiu Shan slowly pull out the sword, and frowned: "Sha Tiao loves songs, holy sword envoy...? "

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