I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2028

Facing Shirou's questioning, everyone in the room talked a lot, and the warriors and magicians consciously withdrew from the ranks. This is no longer their battlefield.

"So——, the king is really troublesome." Astolfo sighed, turned his head to look at Avis Brun, and asked, "Caster, what do you think?"

"You have forgotten your king."

"Charlemagne is not such a boring person. You see, he quit consciously." Astolfo patted Charlemagne beside him and said with a smile.

"Such a dispute is not romantic at all." Charlemagne said with a smile: "Besides, that is the Eternal King."

"The wind of dominance is over." Iskandar sighed sadly: "It's a pity that I didn't meet such an Eternal King during the fourth Holy Grail War. Otherwise, that Holy Grail War would definitely be more lively."

The Guardian-Heroic Guard shook his head towards Shirou: "I'm sorry, the Guardian only listens to Alaya—"

"—It's really enough!"

Gaia opened the light screen to reveal her figure, and a pair of red eyes scanned the heroic spirits present in displeasure.

"You, you are—!?"

The heroic spirits present were dumbfounded when they saw Gaia: "Gaia!?"


"There is such a thing..."


Heroic Spirit looked at Gaia in shock.

"No matter how much you fight among yourself, don't even think about taking back the pan-human history! In the name of the Star King, I will hand over the supervisory power to Fujimaru Shiro!" Gaia pointed at Shirou and said.

The divine heroic spirits looked at each other, and had no choice but to back down. Even the berserk Hercules, who had lost his mind, could only obediently go down with his tail between his legs under Gaia's dissatisfaction. There is no way, for them who possess divinity and the concept of [nature], Gaia is the immediate boss.

The guardians said blankly: "We only listen to Alaya."

"Damn! How dare you talk back to me! After the matter is resolved, I will take you from Alaya's guardian system and stuff them into my private sense of touch, and see how I can punish you!" Gaia was ashamed Said. At first, I was a little annoyed to be driven by Shirou as a tool man, but these guardians still bumped into each other. Do you really think she is so broad-minded?

Even though Xing Xing has a big heart, but the personality she simulated, the personality that formed [Gaia], has a super strong desire for revenge!

"Wait, wait a minute, can you fish us out of the guardian system?" The faces of the guardians changed instantly, and they asked cautiously.

"Of course, why not? Let me tell you—"

"—We obey the will of the great Star King, your will is the goal of our struggle."

With that said, the guardians left.

Gaia: "???"

Well, they have wanted to get out of the guardian system for a long, long time, so long that their souls are rotten, and they didn't expect Gaia to be able to fish them out. Of course, this cannot be done.

After finishing off the guardians, Gaia found that the heroic spirit of the monarch headed by Ramses II did not move at all, and suddenly frowned: "You don't listen to me?"

"Hmph. How can a nature conquered by humans command a king?"

A word from Ramses II made Gaia blow up.

If this sentence is said to the planet, the planet will not respond in any way, but the current Gaia has a personality, has seven emotions and six desires, how can he not be angry?

Compared with these ignorant kings, her Guinevere is as sweet as it is fragrant.

Gaia was about to scold Ramses II, but Shirou reached out to stop her and shook his head at her.

Gaia frowned, temporarily suppressing the anger in her stomach.

But this scene, in the eyes of everyone, made everyone dumbfounded for a while, and those god pillars let out a "hiss" and took a breath of air.

"The planet actually listens to him like that?"

"Oh my god……"

"Is this some kind of treasure that manipulates the planet? It's impossible for such a treasure to exist, right?"

The Heroic Spirits doubted themselves.

Shirou looked at the rest of the people who refused to accept him, and said seriously: "Words can't show my strength, and my size can't make you agree."

"Oh? Do you want to use strength to convince us?" Ramses II asked.

Shirou nodded, and projected the Holy Spear - Rungomigniad.

"That is the Holy Lance of the Eternal King!" The Lionheart looked at the holy gun in Shirou's hand, trembling with excitement.

Shirou stood up holding the Holy Spear, and when he was about to speak, Old Shan stood up first: "Wait a minute, Eternal King."

Shirou looked at him, "What's the matter, King Gilgamesh?"

Standing in front of the kings with two swords in hand, Jiu Shan said indifferently: "This king recognizes the Eternal King. If you don't recognize the Eternal King, if you challenge the Eternal King, you need to defeat this king first."

Shirou was taken aback.

Ramses II and other kings couldn't help but be taken aback: "King Gilgamesh, you—"

"This matter will not bother King Gilgamesh."

Scathach smiled and stood up.

Cu Chulainn among the crowd saw Scatha frowned, "What is this old woman going to do?"

"Everyone, I am the Knight of the Round Table of the Eternal King, the former Queen of the Shadow Kingdom, Scathach. I think I can represent the power of my king."

Skaha smiled and looked at Ramses II and other heroes of the king, "Will you go first, Sun King? Or will you come first, King of Conquerors? Or...do you go together? I have no problem, Because in my eyes, except for my king, you are all weak!"

With just one sentence, the scene was stunned!

Chapter 50 Is this a fan of the Eternal King?

"Come on, Karna!"

"Don't lose to Scatha!"

"End her!"


"Is this really alright?" Kama covered his forehead with a headache, pointed at Scathach and Karna who were fighting not far away, and the heroic spirits watching from the sidelines, sighed, and looked at Shirou.

"What's wrong with that?" Shirou smiled faintly.

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