I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2029

After Ramses II and other king-type heroic spirits questioned Shirou, Shirou planned to use force to determine his status.

I thought there would be a tough battle to fight, but I didn't want Skaha to do it for me.

Entering the inconceivable door, and thus owning [Danufermore EX] Scathach, although the hard power is still at the level of a heroic spirit, but the technology has reached the extreme, easily invading the king of Ramses II Pyramid, and then swept it out, forcing it to admit defeat.

After defeating Ramses II, Scathach relied on his own martial arts to sweep out the kings Finn and Vlad III one after another.

I thought that this would stabilize the alliance, but I didn't want this suppression, and it would turn sour.

Those fighters who originally supported Shirou, or those who were not interested in the leader, were also involved. In the end, a serious election contest turned into a martial arts contest across time and space.

"However, what's wrong with that?" Shirou raised his hand with a smile on his face, pointing at the crowd, "Look at their faces, don't they all have smiles?"

——But a smile can't solve the current situation.

Kama sighed with a headache, but seeing Shirou's happy smile, she still restrained herself from saying this.

"Boom!", Karna was swept out.

He stood up like a normal person, and looked at Scathach seriously, "Your martial arts are really amazing. You are the most powerful spearman I have ever seen."

"It's an honor, and so are you." Scathach returned with an elegant smile.

Karna went down, Arjuna hugged his chest and said sarcastically, "Hmph. It's a shame to lose!"

Holding the gun, Karna smiled and said, "As your mortal enemy, I lost to others, sorry."

Ah Zhou was stunned for a moment, then hugged his chest and turned his head away: "Huh...you know it. You have to win back next time. Before you and I decide the winner, you can't lose to others."

"Ah!" Karna nodded.


The heroic spirits gathered around Scathach and raised their hands and shouted wildly.

"Is no one coming up? Then I will choose—"

Scatha smiled, then pointed at the crowd, and Dang even pointed to Cu Chulainn.

"I—I—?" Cu Chulainn pointed to himself, his face pale.

Scathach nodded with a subtle and elegant smile.

Cu Chulainn shook his head hastily.

"Are you still a hero? Just be quick, your master has chosen you, Cu Chulainn."

"Quick! Tell your teacher how powerful you are, Cu Chulainn!"

Finn and Achilles drag Cu Chulainn onto the stage.

"Don't—don't—stop it—it's going to kill you!"

Cu Chulainn refused, but Achilles and Finn were too powerful, and he couldn't resist with his small arms and short legs, so he was put on the stage directly.

"Master——Master..." Cu Chulainn looked at Scathach tremblingly, his face was pale, the former Irish rabies had become a shy little milk dog.

"Let me see if you have made any progress, Cu Chulainn." Scatha smiled with a reserved and elegant smile.

Cu Chulainn's face turned paler.

He knew that the woman in front of him was no longer the queen of death who had reached the realm of gods more than 2,000 years ago, but the strongest warrior of the Eternal King who had gone one step further and entered the inconceivable door, Knight of the Round Table-Skathach .

Glancing at the heroic spirits enjoying the battle, Shirou smiled gently, then walked towards the defeated Ramses II and others, and extended a palm of reconciliation towards them.

"Oh?" Ramses II raised his eyebrows, and asked displeasedly, "How calm is the superior?"

"No," Shirou shook his head. "There are no superiors and inferiors here. There are only people who work together for the same goal."

Ramses II raised his eyebrows.

"Please lend me your power, Sun King!" Shirou looked at Ramses II seriously.

Ramses II looked at Shirou's fiery eyes, which were full of sincerity and sincerity, pure without any impurities.

He snorted coldly, reached out and took Shirou's palm.

"Thank you, honorable Ozymandias." Shirou smiled.

"Don't get me wrong, this king will not submit to the king. This king's Egypt is in the past tense, but the deeds of this king and Nefertari must not be forgotten. Although the purpose is different, if the road is the same, the relationship between the king and the king It is also possible to cooperate with each other." Ramses II said with his arms folded.

Shirou nodded with a smile, and then stretched out his palm with the next king who was skathached.

To become a king and be remembered by history, no matter what their deeds are, they all have the corresponding capacity and strategy.

With the Heavenly Emperor and the Eternal Empire trying to cover history, the kings also knew what they should do.

Combine vertically and horizontally.

For his own great achievements, for the hard work of the people, for the epic of civilization created, for all the ups and downs... no matter how difficult the years are, no matter how cold memories that cannot be recalled. Their history should not be denied by outsiders!

"Speaking of which, I think you look familiar." Vlad III touched his chin, "A king like fire... Did this king know such a king before his death?"

"Perhaps, this is the reunion." Shirou said with a smile.

Vlad III nodded and laughed loudly: "Yes, it's too late to meet."

At this time, a thick arm suddenly stretched out from behind, grabbed his shoulder, and then a burly body leaned up: "Oh, brother Eternal King, I really envy you for having such a powerful Soldiers. However, neither the Holy Grail War nor Chaldea was able to drink. This time, you have to drink with me!"

This rough voice could only be heard by a man like the Conqueror Iskandar.

Shirou was about to nod helplessly, but at this moment, with a sound of "咻", a sharp sword pierced the sky and shot towards Iskandar.

Iskandar let go of Shirou calmly, pulled out the sword at his waist, and slashed the sharp sword that was galloping away, then looked at Old Shan and raised his eyebrows, and said: "Sneak attack without saying a word is not a king." Why, King Gilgamesh."

"Oh? Is that a sneak attack? Isn't sneak attack for human beings? This king just crushed an invisible red caterpillar to death." Old Shan said arrogantly, with his nostrils turned to the sky.

Instead of being annoyed, Iskandar pointed at Old Shan and laughed loudly: "You guy, you really have the same posture no matter what time period you are in!"

"Ah, I'm so sorry, King Conqueror. Jill is actually just here to say hello to the Eternal King." Enkidu explained with a smile beside him.

"Tsk! Enkidu—"

Old Shan looked at Enkidu displeased, Enkidu smiled back, and Old Shan showed helpless eyes.

"Hahaha! Only the legendary Sky Lock can make the King of Heroes so helpless! Don't be sorry, Enkidu, if this guy is not like this, I will feel a little uncomfortable." Yi Skandar smiled broadly.

"You are really a considerate king." Enkidu said with a smile.

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