I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2032

"Ah, this..." Skadi blushed immediately, and said in shame, "I didn't come on stage for this!"

"Then what are you doing for it?" Skaha blinked.

"This, this——, it's you, you're the one who asked me to come up!"

Scathach shook his head, walked to her side, and whispered, "You have the strength to defeat me and the courage to stand in front of others, why don't you have the courage to face Shirou and yourself?"

Skadi froze.

Scatha smiled, and then turned to everyone under the ring and said loudly: "Everyone, I lost. I declare that the most competent teacher of the Eternal King, Guinevere Pendragon, Fujimaru Shiro, is from The Supreme Goddess of the Nordic Connection, Lord Skadi Scatha!"

"Oh oh oh oh oh—!!"

The heroic spirits made a fuss: "The most competent teacher of the Eternal King, the Supreme Goddess, Lord Skadi!"

As an honest person, how can Skadi stand up to this?

The degree of shame is directly off the charts!

Skadi's old face flushed instantly, with air bubbles blowing from her head, and she lowered her head like an ostrich looking for a crack in the ground that she could slip into.

"Come on, warriors! Let's keep cheering, Teacher Skadi!" Scatha waved his hand.

The heroic spirits booed and shouted: "Teacher Skadi!"


Skadi picked up the long skirt with one hand and Gungnir with the other, chasing down Skaha in shame and indignation.

Scathach turned and ran.

She wanted to suddenly understand why Alquette was always so happy.

"Are you sure this old woman is not Wu Yifu?"

Cu Chulainn had some self-doubt.

The Heroic Spirits laughed.

Even the serious guardians couldn't help showing a faint smile.

The scene is full of joy.


In the temple.

"The empire didn't really want to invade Pan-Human History, but was used by people. Even His Majesty the Heavenly Emperor is missing. The emperor sitting on the throne is by no means the real Heavenly Emperor. Therefore, Pan Everyone in the history of mankind, please don’t make the empire your enemy, as long as, as long as you find the real Emperor of Heaven—”

Before Bedivere finished speaking, Old Flash sneered: "Boring."

Afterwards, he turned around and left, no matter how much Enkidu pulled him, it was useless.

"Sorry, Jill, he's not very patient. Sorry."

Enkidu apologized twice, then followed out.

"Holy apostle of the empire, I am sorry that the king will not accompany you in playing tricks." Ramesses II also left.

"Once the war starts, no matter what the cause is, there is no way to resolve it lightly, Brother Holy Apostle. I hope we can drink together, hahaha——"

Iskandar also turned and left.

In addition to them, some kings with tough postures and strong personalities also left one by one.

"How come..." Bedivere lowered his head slightly hurt.

He hasn't finished speaking yet, but the tea is already cold.

Because what he wanted to say, what he wanted to express, the kings had already understood, understood, and answered.


It has completely exceeded Bedivere's control.

The Holy Apostles split into two factions because of the change of the Emperor of Heaven. One was led by Agguiwen, and the other was an underground alliance like Bedivere—Spers.

Bedivere will aid the [Council] and Shirou, it is because of his own justice and loyalty.

The solution he thought of, the solution that the Spiers Alliance came up with, was to find the real Emperor of Heaven, and then everything would return to the original.

Panhuman history is panhuman history, and Eternal Empire is Eternal Empire.

These betrayals, these actions, the foundation of it all, is the unbreakable constancy.

But the moment Mordred killed Hector, everything changed.


It has gone beyond Bedivere's control, and beyond the imagination of the Spiers Alliance.

With a stronghold in the history of panhumanity, forming an army of heroic spirits in the history of panhumanity, plus the ability to kill constancy—this already has the possibility of subverting the empire.

At this juncture, Bedivere still insisted on his loyalty and what he believed in, but he was also afraid of the price of his loyalty and his belief in himself.

"The Eternal King..."

Bedivere looked at Shirou expectantly as if grasping at the last straw.

Shirou was silent for a moment, sighed inwardly, and took a step forward: "Bedwell..."

"—this can't be done!"

Suddenly, a sonorous, firm voice vetoed Bedivere instead of Shirou.

Shirou and others turned their heads and saw Mordred standing at the door of the temple, looking at Bedivere seriously.

"King Mordred..."

Bedivere looked at Mordred who suddenly appeared, and Mordred also looked at Bedivere with quite resolute and serious eyes: "My sword is ready to kill the civilians of the empire, the holy apostle, the emperor of heaven ...Even your preparations, Bedivere! You have only two paths now, either go to the end with us, or die on my sword like Hector!"

Bedivere stared blankly at Mordred, and Mordred's holy blue eyes were serious and serious, making no secret of his killing intent.

"That's Speth's answer."

Mordred turned and left.

And the remaining kings didn't stay any longer and left one by one.

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