I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2033

Seeing the people leaving one after another, Bedivere finally set his hopeful eyes on Shirou, "The Eternal King..."

"Sorry, Bedivere. That's all I can answer for you."

Shirou gave Bedivere an apologetic look, turned and left.

He can deceive and hide, but the appearance of Mordred tells him that he can be cold, cruel, and kill the restless Bedivere, even if he helped him.


Just don't lie to him.

To deceive the man who helped them.

Watching Shirou leave, Bedivere's eyes dimmed.

"Sir Bedivere... Ah, sorry, I can't call you 'Qing'." Old Jian scratched the back of his head.

"Who are you?"

"I am King Arthur, a parallel individual of the Eternal King."

"Are you... Arthur too? Then you also want to reject me?" Bedivere asked.

"Yes." Old Sword nodded, "No one will agree to you on this question. I am no exception, and the Eternal King who is like fire is no exception. So, I want to ask you a question."

"what is the problem?"

"Are you fighting for the Eternal Empire, or for the Emperor of Heaven?" Old Sword asked gently.

Hearing this, Bedivere asked suspiciously: "Is there any difference?"

"Of course. If one day, you had to choose between the Emperor of Heaven and the Eternal Empire, who would you choose?"

"This, of course—"

"Don't rush to answer me, Bedivere." Old Sword said with a smile: "The country and the people I love, the world and the people who love me—I have already made a choice, and I firmly believe that my choice is correct. But sometimes I also reflect on whether the ending would be different if I made another choice. And you, not yet. So don’t be so anxious, calm down, think carefully, and take a good look at yourself. What you want to protect, you What do you want to protect, what do you really want?"

Old Sword knew that his words would confuse Bedivere, and even make Bedivere defect.

However, he had to say it, because he found that Bedivere is like when he heard that his son Mordred backstabbed the rebellion, and Shajo Aiga summoned the sixth beast in the name of love ...

Confused, hesitant.

He had to say it, let alone deceive Bedivere.

This is his chivalry.

The old sword left.

In the huge temple, only Bedivere was left staring blankly at the ceiling: "What do I really want... What is it?"


Bedivere turned his head and looked towards the source of the sound, only to see Xuanzang Sanzang walking out from behind the stone pillar.

She looked at Bedivere apologetically: "I'm really sorry, Lord Bedivere. The poor monk didn't eavesdrop on purpose, but the poor monk has been here all the time, and the things you are talking about are too serious. I, a monk, really don't want to disturb you .”

"It doesn't matter, Master Xuanzang." Bedivere shook his head, then looked at Xuanzang Sanzang, and couldn't help asking: "Master Xuanzang, if you were me, what choice would you make?"

"The poor monk doesn't know." Xuanzang Sanzang shook his head: "The poor monk only knows that the poor monk is going to the west."

Xuanzang Sanzang also left, making Bedivere even more confused.

—Bedwell, you are a traitor! The traitor who brought down the empire!

——I must uphold my loyalty!

The scolding of Agguiwen, the sarcasm of the Holy Apostle Pendragon, his own loyalty... Contradictory ideas made Bedivere hug his head in pain.

——Your smile will become the hope of others, Sir Bedivere.

"Your Majesty, am I on the right path or the wrong path?"

Bedivere hugged his head and screamed in pain: "Who can tell me?"


Shirou walked out of the temple and ran into Old Shan who was waiting for him.

"I thought you were going to talk to that wandering soul for a long time again, miscellaneous cultivator." Old Shan crossed his chest and sneered.

Shirou replied calmly with a smile: "If I hadn't taken over the position of leader of the alliance."

After a pause, Shirou looked helplessly at Old Shan: "Also, can you stop practicing miscellaneous practice like you did when you were young?"

"How do you call it a study? That's all my king. Also, because I returned to the Heroic Seat once, the subsequent memories are all connected with this king." Old Shan pointed to his head, and then looked at Shirou, " It's you, don't you stink with me?"

"I've changed it."

Shirou smiled: "To make myself better."

"Hmph. It's true that it's becoming more and more boring, Miscellaneous."

Shirou smiled, then pointed at Old Shan, and said with a smile: "As the leader of the alliance, the first order is that you don't have to speak badly again, how about it?"

"You can try?"

Old Flash glanced sideways at Shirou, threatening.

Shirou laughed.

Old Flash snorted, sort of laughing.

Enkidu looked left and right, and then looked at the faint smile on Old Shem's face, showing a faint smile. It's been a long time since I saw Jill who showed her true temperament to others.

Eternal King...

You are an amazing person.

"However, you have to be prepared, Shirou. Since the Eternal Empire is an empire born after the continuation of the Eternal Dynasty, then that Heavenly Emperor is probably another you. Many kings also guessed this, so they agreed to you leadership." Old Shan reminded.

"I understand." Shirou nodded.

The Emperor of Heaven is the Holy Grail, the Holy Spirit, and the only restraining force, but what form of existence he is is still unknown.

However, Shirou is ready to make an enemy of another self.

After all, it is not impossible for the Holy Grail to copy him, because even Gaia has copied his personality.

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