I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2034

at this time


The whole world shook suddenly, followed by a loud siren.

Shirou's face became serious: "The speed of regrouping is so fast! The invasion came so quickly!"

Old Shan moved out of the way, pointed to the high platform not far away, and said: "Go, Fujimaru Shirou! Not as the eternal king, but in the name of Fujimaru Shirou, lead us to take back our history!"

Shirou nodded and walked towards the high platform.

Wherever they passed, Diarmuid, Cu Chulainn, Hassan, Ramesses II, Iskandar... the heroic spirits stepped aside one after another.

Shirou stepped onto the high platform under the eyes of everyone, and silently glanced around at the heroes below him.

Then, he pulled out the sword in the stone that had already manifested: "Great people are not born great, but are great because of their merits. Heroic spirits, great heroes, let those thieves who stole our history see and see We are amazing! Take back our history——!"


The crowd is boiling.

"Eternal King! Eternal King! Eternal King——!"

Charlie the Lionheart shouted loudly among the crowd.

The kings around were dumbfounded, looking at Charlie the Lionheart like a fool.

Shirou was also dumbfounded, thinking that he didn't arrange this.

But seeing Charlie the Lionheart struggling to shout, he couldn't help but smile.

As long as everyone is united, we will be able to take back history!

"Eternal King!"

"Eternal King!"

The Heroic Spirits who were helped by Shirou also shouted loudly.

The shouting voices became more and more louder, gradually forming a wave.

Like the sea, like the tide, the sound shook the world!

"...Where this king passed, there were wailing, desire, and cries, but there was no such sound. A holy king..." Iskandar smiled.

"What a shame." Ramses II closed his eyes.

"Is this the king who understands people's hearts..." Artoria Pendragon looked complicated, and then took out the notebook she had prepared, and wrote it down as usual.

"Hmph, miscellaneous repair..."

Shirou raised the sword in the stone and shouted loudly: "Fight for our history!"

"Fight for our history!"

"Fight for our history!"

Merlin looked at Shirou gently with his sword held high.

"How does it feel, Merlin?" Scathach looked at Merlin and asked.

"There is a legend in Britain. In the valley of Avalon, the King of Eternity sleeps. When Britain lives and dies, he will wake up."

Merlin smiled and said, "Now, the Eternal King has woken up!"

Chapter 52 Will, Faith, Pursuit... Chaos!

"The remnants of the pan-human history actually have some ability to transform the secret realm Tiernano into this appearance." In the headquarters of the empire, Lucius looked at the full view of Tiernano transmitted by the [Eye of the Emperor of Heaven] , couldn't help but frowned: "And there are thousands more responses from heroic spirits, as well as responses from different worlds. Most of them summoned heroic spirits from other parallel worlds."

"If you don't have some skills, you won't be able to repel Sir Galahad." Holy Apostle Pendragon pointed to the silent Iron Man.

"It's really good news that you can retreat safely, Morgan Le Fay. However, if the constancy of the upper, middle and lower fortress structure has not been broken, you can attack at will. However, if the constancy is broken, you can't Attack easily." Lucius touched his chin, his eyes flashing with thought.

"What's the point? Isn't it fair? The fight of life and death can inspire the blood of soldiers." Wu Yifu said excitedly.

Lucius looked at her helplessly and sighed with a headache.

"That..." Guinevere, who was restrained in the camp, hesitated for a moment, and asked, "Could it be that there are five columns, and the four columns in the south, east, west, and north attract firepower first, and the last column goes straight to Huanglong?"

"Hmph. Stupid idea." Wu Yifu laughed while holding the gun.

Lucius smiled: "Princess Kamland, please don't speak lightly."

The Holy Apostle of Pendragon patted Guinevere on the shoulder and said: "Tirnano has a rejection reaction to us. Although [Emperor Armor] can resolve this rejection reaction, other troops will be rejected. Direct rejection. You have to enter Tiernano first, and prepare a connection spell array to resolve the rejection reaction."

"I don't know about this... I'm so sorry." Guinevere apologized quickly.

At this time, the light screen flickered, revealing the figure of Agguiwen: "[Hongqiao] will arrive at your place soon. After [Hongqiao] arrives, you will form five columns and invade in four directions from southeast to northwest. Led by Galahad, go straight to the Yellow Dragon and destroy their wisdom center."

"Is it [Hongqiao] that harmonizes the empire and pan-human history? Using that thing can indeed resolve Tiernano's rejection. It's just—"

Lucius glanced at Guinevere, who was hiding behind the Holy Apostle of Pendragon, and said to himself, Aggressiven coincides with this well-known Princess Kamland.

"We understand," Lucius nodded, and then asked, "Aggevin, don't you come down to lead us yourself? Bedivere..."

"Compared to the heroic spirits and goblins in pan-human history, Londinium is more tense. I don't have the time or energy to execute a stupid traitor. He has already been poisoned by the poison of perdition and lost his constancy. After your victory , execute on the spot." Agguiwen's face was indifferent.

"Aren't you going to take it back for His Majesty to judge?"

"Don't bother Your Majesty with such trivial matters. Since he betrayed the empire, he will bear the price."

Lucius nodded, and said in his heart that he really deserved to be Mr. Aggressive, and he didn't miss any old feelings.

"Besides, I also sent you a helping hand. You can use her power, but if she makes any changes and wants to do something that endangers the empire, you are welcome to execute on the spot."

After finishing speaking, Agguiwen closed the connection.

"Simply and neatly, there really is Mr. Aggression." Lucius said helplessly.

The Holy Apostle of Pendragon snorted, while Uyf wiped the spear of the dead thorn, ignoring it.


A white dove flew into the camp and hopped on Galahad's shoulder.

Wu Yifu glanced sideways, the gun in her hand turned into red light, and stabbed straight at the white pigeon, with a "clang", but was easily held by Galahad.


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