I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2035

Uyf put away her gun.

Guinevere glanced at everyone and said to herself, the four holy apostles are all weirdos.

Not long after, as the sound of breaking through the sky came from the outside world, everyone walked out of the tent and saw seven huge stone slabs of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple suddenly fell in the clear sky, just in front of the tent, and then the light swelled. Distorted into a group, if there is substance, it will generally merge into a rainbow bridge, implanted in the void, and go to the untouchable secret dimension.


The Demon Bodhisattva came out from behind the seven huge stone slabs, and looked at the holy apostles with a smile, "From now on, I will be your colleague, a devout believer of His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven, Kiara Saseiin."


"To be precise, the former Beast."

"Don't hold back."

"Of course, for the world I want." Demonic Bodhisattva smiled sweetly.

— Evil, devil!

Looking at the smiling Bodhisattva, Guinevere subconsciously took a step back, she sensed indescribable malice in the Bodhisattva.


It's not so much malice as it is... indescribable, very distorted, and kind.

As if sensing Guinevere's gaze, the Demonic Bodhisattva turned his head and smiled gently at her.


The white pigeon flew away from Galahad's shoulder.



"How about it, Gaia?"

"This is the panorama I can see now."

Gaia used her sense of touch in the sea of ​​stars to show the whole picture of the sea of ​​stars.

"that is--"

Old Shan frowned, and with his sharp eyes, he immediately saw the rainbow bridge that crossed the Sea of ​​Stars like a sharp knife and pierced directly into Tiernano.

"...It is very similar to the 'road' created by Surut." Skadi took a closer look and asserted: "It is a 'road' created by the empire that can cross dimensions and realms."

"Like Moses, it comes from the power of the Holy Spirit. Hmph. Those guys will go straight across the interstellar sea and attack Tiernano." Ramesses II asserted, crossing his chest.

"But the point is not this, but how they will ravage it." Iskandar touched his chin and said.

"You have to take the initiative to attack!"

"What do you think, Eternal King?" Everyone looked at Shirou.

Shirou stood in front of the phantom of the map, and everyone looked at him like stars.

But Shirou acted as if he had never heard of it, but touched his chin and stared straight at the rainbow bridge that invaded Tirnano on the map.

After mobilizing the army, Shirou formed five legions in a row, and let the king who is famous for his commanding power serve as the head of the legion, and the hero who is famous for strategy and strategy served as the deputy, and quickly formed a resource group.

Of course, this resource group is not composed of pure wise men like Sherlock Holmes, but is composed of combat-oriented talents with considerable experience in war, vision of war, and war quality. Among them, there are many outstanding kings and heroes.

That's why there is this scene where everyone expresses their opinions.

After listening to everyone's opinions, Shirou pondered for a moment, and said: "We are still in the defensive stage, and we cannot act rashly. Let's see how the opponent makes moves."

As soon as the words came out, some kings nodded in agreement, but some radical kings frowned: "If we just blindly defend, how can we regain our history?"

Shirou glanced at the king, and saw that many radical kings had their dissatisfaction written on their faces, and said seriously: "Tirnano is our last base, once we lose it, we will be completely finished. I know Everyone wants to take back history, but we are not qualified to take risks now. We can only be steady, steady and enterprising!"

After a pause, Shirou added: "I know you have different opinions on this, but since you have accepted me as the leader, please give me your trust. I will lead you to victory and glory!"

Old Shem was about to speak, but at this moment the Lionheart spoke:

"Yes, believe in the Eternal King!" The Lionheart King said seriously: "Everyone should have heard the legend of the Eternal King. In this case, it is the place where the Eternal King is good at! Although as King, we must doubt everything, but at this moment, everyone, give your trust to the Eternal King!"


Old Shan glanced at the Lionheart unhappily, this kid was a bit of an eyesore.

However, after hearing what the Lionheart King said, the aggressive kings endured for the time being: "However, some fighters will not be as patient as we are."

"Ah, I know. So when the time comes, it will depend on your charisma."

Shirou nodded, then glanced at Charlie the Lionheart, and said seriously, "Thank you, Charlie."

"No, no, no, you're welcome, great ancestor king."

The Lionheart looked at Shirou with sparkling eyes, why was he summoned now?

First, the king of ancestors?


Shirou smiled awkwardly. To be honest, Charlie's eyes were so bright that he couldn't look directly at him.

Except Joan...

When did he have such a little fanboy again?

Or king?

Of course, Shirou didn't know that there were still many fans of his kings in history. This is also the reason why many kings are silent.

Great Conqueror, Holy King, Sleeping King of Eternity, these are the names that bear upon his head.

"Charlie must be very happy now, right?"

"After all, I was working with the ancient king I admired. That guy, he often called the Eternal King a great ancestor, Robin Hood."

Robin Hood and William Marshall smiled, and then saw a series of meteor showers falling from the rainbow bridge in the sky beyond.

"The war is about to begin."

They looked at each other and smiled, then stood up.

"A move has been made. The attack from the south, east, north and west... is mostly a false move. You have to go straight to Huanglong and destroy the command center before you can make a real move, right?"

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