I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2037


Battlefield of the East.

"It's really a coincidence...Sword Emperor-Lucius, I never thought I would be able to confront you again." The old sword held the sword of salvation and looked at Lucius in front of him solemnly.

"I do not know you!"

Lucius slashed towards the old sword with a sword, but was blocked by the horizontal sword of the old sword.

He smiled and said: "Then, allow me to introduce myself. I am Arthur. The holy sword user, Arthur Pendragon! Is your biggest and strongest enemy in my history!"

"I remember, my name is Lucius, one of the Twelve Holy Apostles. Then, for the eternity of the empire, die, Heroic Spirit—!"

Lucius blocked the old sword with a sword, and then released the sword of destruction in his hand. In an instant, the surrounding reality was torn apart, and a hole of imaginary numbers that could swallow reality appeared.

"Is that——, a sword capable of destroying the world? It's amazing. You who possess such a sword are actually only one of the Twelve Holy Apostles of the Emperor of Heaven. However, since you hold such a sword, then I can also Feel free to untie the restraint."

"Thirteen Restraints Liberated——The Round Table Conference Begins!"

Phantoms of people appeared around the old sword, but the phantoms of those people hadn't spoken yet. The old sword held up the sword of salvation and shouted loudly: "This is the battle for the eternal king's salvation! Unanimous vote!"

The Phantom of the Knights of the Round Table: "..."

Arthur, what you have done to us is very embarrassing!

Oh, for that Arthur of Arthurs, the Eternal King? Let's forget it this time.

The sword of salvation that lifted the thirteen constraints, exuding the rainbow light of salvation, bombarded towards Lucius' shattered void.

With a "bang", the endless hole of imaginary numbers failed to carry the weight of the savior starlight, and was directly pierced by the opposite world, shattering the manifestation of reality.


Lucius was engulfed by the light of the savior with a face full of astonishment.

As soon as the old sword retracted the Savior Sword, the corner of his eyes twitched violently. He felt a great sense of crisis attacking him, and almost subconsciously held the sword across.


The chaotic black light traveling through the torrent of starlight was held in front of him by the old sword, and then Lucius appeared in front of him unscathed.

"It's unbelievable... You are the second person who was hit head-on by the Sword of All-Liberated Stars and survived."

"That's really an honor. But unfortunately, in this empire, there are countless people who can do this."

"A perpetual empire, it's really scary. But, that's fine. Let's decide the outcome with the sword, Sword Emperor!"

"I'm not the one you know, Heroic Spirit. But let my sword drink your blood!"

Black and white rays of light constantly intertwined and flashed on the battlefield, the swords of the Holy Sword of Salvation and the Holy Apostle of the Sword kept stirring and roaring, flames danced, lightning danced, "clang clang", playing the most beautiful music.


"Don't worry about Arthur. Although Lucius has superb swordsmanship, [Emperor Armor] and permanence, Al from another world is also there. Once Arthur is at a disadvantage, that Al will also take over. The two The Holy Sword of the Stars is enough for him to eat a pot." Shirou tapped his fingers on the table and said.

This is the raider he specially selected after using Gaia's sense of touch to see clearly the target of the invasion.

"However, with that Arthur's character and that Al's character from another world, it shouldn't be more enemies than one?" Merlin asked worriedly.

"That's true. But it's not just us who grew up, Merlin." Shirou looked at Merlin.

"what do you mean?"

"Natural nature will not change, but in the face of big right and wrong, it is necessary to compromise. We are not the civilization of the past, and they are not the same as they were." Shirou said with a smile.

Merlin raised his eyebrows, took a look with [Clairvoyance EX], and immediately saw Saber who was ambushing on the Eastern Battlefield, fighting for the old sword. Al...has changed too."

"This is the proof of living."

Shirou showed a faint smile. Both Old Sword and Saber were at the moment of life and death. The former experienced two Shinjuku Holy Grail Wars, while the latter experienced the connection between Romania and Northern Europe.

As long as there is no death, how can there be no change?

"No, Eternal King! The Sun King is in danger!" Seeing Shirou and Merlin talking and laughing happily, Charlie the Lionheart hurriedly pointed to the strategic map of Star Touch and reminded him aloud.

Shirou glanced at it. Ramesses II was responsible for the ambush on the Western Battlefield, the holy apostle of the gun-Uyf.

Compared with Uyf in the pan-human history, Hela in the Nordic connection point, Uyf, the holy apostle of the spear of the Eternal Empire, after 100 million years of tempering, her spear skills have reached unimaginable levels, and she also has Persistence and [Emperor Armor] can be said to be a great show of power in the battlefield of the West, killing and killing.

No wonder the Lionheart was so nervous.

This king, famous in the middle ages of theocracy, has never experienced a war beyond fantasy, so tension is inevitable.

"Relax, Charlie. The heroic spirit of the Sun King's commander is not so easy to die." Shirou had a smile on his face, because what he gave to Ramses II was precisely known for his "tenacity" and "tenacity". The phoenix-like heroes.


"Over there, there is another killer."

Just as he was talking, Shirou saw a stream of purple light rushing out of the Empire's specialized combat troops, heading straight for Uyf: "Since you are so disappointed in my spear skills, then let my teacher come Meet you for a while. Hope you like it."


Battlefield of the West.

Wu Yifu's scarlet death thorn spear was about to pierce the heroic spirit in front of her with a single shot, when she suddenly felt a gust of wind from the blade, and then saw a stream of red light appearing in front of her spear.


There was a sound of metallic steel surge, and the same short gun blocked Wu Yifu's gun.

The cold gun was blocked, and Uyf's surprised face was reflected on the metal gun body: "—Skaha?"

"Huh? You seem surprised to see me, my sister in the parallel world. According to Shirou, you should have killed me in the empire—"

Scathach shot Uyf away with all his strength, and then glanced at the heroic spirit behind him, who nodded and hurriedly withdrew.

Skaha stared intently at Uyf in front of her, her face was solemn, and she noticed an extremely dark and terrifying aura in this Uyf.

If expected.

that should be

"Hahaha!" Wu Yifu laughed excitedly, trembling with excitement: "Exactly! Unbelievable, unbelievable! That kid really did a good thing! I can taste the taste of killing you again—! "

As soon as the words fell, Wu Yifu laughed wildly and rushed towards Skaha, and the gun in her right hand hit Huanglong directly.

However, in the face of Uyf's sudden blow, Skaha stabbed fiercely with the long spear in his right hand.

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