I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2038

The sharp and small tip of the spear pierced Wu Yifu's spear with incomparable precision.


The metal stirred and sparks flew.

Skaha turned his left wrist, and pointed the long spear in his left hand towards Uyf's left eye fiercely. However, Uyf seemed to have expected it, turned the gun obliquely with his wrist, and swept the left gun along with it. The tip of the spear hit Skaha's spear impartially.

The tip of the gun swept across the tip of the gun and let out a piercing long cry.

"Zi la—"

After a brief contact, the two of them retreated a few steps.

"You actually inherited this cursed skill." Scathach looked at the excited and laughing Uyf with a complex expression.

"I'm also wondering that you have inherited this cursed memory." Wu Yifu looked at Scarha with bloody eyes.

"When Shirou told me, I always had a bit of disbelief. But it seems that the development of the world line is different, and the situation will indeed undergo earth-shaking changes. There will be a you who inherited my destiny. This matter I am afraid that the star-making goddess Danu and the evil-eyed demon king Balor will not think of it. However, I will not hold back, sister of the empire." Skaha slowly pulled out his posture, and the divine light in his eyes gradually Apathy down.

"Come on, Scatha! Let me see how weak you are, how capable you are!"

Wu Yifu laughed wildly and slowly assumed the same posture. She could sense that there was something she was looking for so hard in this Scathach.

Indifferent eyes, fanatical eyes.

The eyes confronted each other in the void, and in an instant, countless waves gushed out.

The dignified breath, the terrifying breath, slowly spread between the two, causing the surrounding people to disperse subconsciously.

Once fell into the dark, once chased the fire. Once decayed by time, but also warmed by nostalgia. I once lamented because of fate, but also rejoiced because of meeting. Painful because of memories, but also joyful because of possession.

From the joy of ignorance of life, to the elegance of meeting, the joy of being together, the sorrow of parting, the pain of loneliness, the joy of reunion... The queen who finally transformed from the realm of the gods has now started a duel with the apostle who has experienced hundreds of millions of years.


The divine light flickered, and the earth suddenly shattered like a spider's web, and the red divine light and the purple streamer were intertwined in an instant.


"Will Scathach win?" Charlie asked with a wink.

"If this younger sister of mine inherits my destiny and honed [Danufermor] for 100 million years, she may also enter that door. So, I'm not sure." Skadi shook her head and said .

"I firmly believe that Scathach will win." Shirou smiled confidently. Because of his current position, he could not call Scathach a teacher in public, but his confidence in Scathach did not decrease at all in his words.

"Speaking of which, is Wu Yifu the younger sister of Scathach?" Shirou asked suspiciously, "Is it my biological sister?"

"Mm. I can't tell. It can only be said that I have the same blood as me and a latecomer with the same fate. The relationship between me and my Uyf is not very good. However, Scathach doesn't seem to be That's not the case. By the way, don't you know about this, Shirou?"

"I don't know. As for the legend of Scathach, I only know the legend of Cu Chulainn, saying that Cu Chulainn took Uyf and married Scathach's daughter..."

Skadi's face darkened, and Shirou closed his mouth very tactfully.

In the face of Scathach, I can still mention this false legend. Both parties will not take it seriously, but just for fun. As for Skadi, an honest person, it's better not to mention this false legend. Otherwise, afterward, he would definitely be pushed to the ground by Skadi and taught to respect his teacher.

Even though they are the same person, their personalities are different.

"Iskandar is in charge of Morgan Le Fay. Although this Morgan Le Fay's magic is powerful, but Iskandar's commanders are all warrior-type heroic spirits, and they can't make waves. As for what Gilgamesh is facing... Huh? This is——!?”

Merlin originally wanted to help Shirou ease the situation, but he couldn't help being stunned when he saw the person the old sword was facing.

Mordred's face also became serious.

"It's him again—"

Shirou looked at the person who was intertwined with the old Shan with a headache: "Magic Bodhisattva!"

It is simply more tenacious than Zhu Yue.

Shirou shook his head, then his expression gradually became serious.

Every time he can see the activities of the Demonic Bodhisattva, although he didn't notice it at first, but with the activities of the Demonic Bodhisattva, he gradually became aware of the person behind the Demonic Bodhisattva.

The Master mentioned by the Demonic Bodhisattva is probably the Lord of Rescue.

And it is also the demonic Bodhisattva who dedicated the Holy Grail to the Emperor of Heaven, causing the Emperor of Heaven to invade the pan-human history.

So, what role are you playing this time?

Shirou's eyes flickered.

"Oops!" Mordred said suddenly.

"What's wrong?" Shirou looked at her.

"King Gilgamesh is also at the Killing Academy!" Mordred said anxiously.

That is to say...

Shirou looked at the Southern Battlefield on the Star Touch Map, and on that battlefield, Old Shan, Enkidu, and Sashoin Kiara had already confronted the Demonic Bodhisattva!

Chapter 54 Return everyone to me!

"The other me, you are still alive!"

"I'm still alive, I really disappoint you." Demonic Bodhisattva looked at the troubled Sashoin Kiara with a smile.

"No, it's not—"

Saseiin Kiara waved his hands quickly.

She really didn't know how to express her mood at the moment. It was clear that the Demonic Bodhisattva was the enemy, but her heart was shining with joy.

"However, I'm also surprised. I threw you into the monster queen's eggs, and you survived. Your tenacious life like a cockroach really surprised me."

"It seems that I have to personally send you out of this chaotic world."

The eyes of the Demonic Bodhisattva flickered with cold light, and countless [Wan Se You Ji] rushed out of the surroundings, attacking Kiara at Shashoin.

Seshoin Kiara also split out countless [Wan Se You Ji], and they went up to meet them, calmly blocking the attack of the Demonic Bodhisattva.

"Can you actually block my attack?" Moxing Bodhisattva looked at Kiara Sashoin in surprise.

"Don't—underestimate me!" Kiara Sesshoin looked at the Demonic Bodhisattva seriously.

"The more the light of the rice grains grows, the dimmer it will be in this chaotic world! Disappear!"

The demon Bodhisattva's eyes were indifferent, and he stretched out his hand to swipe forward, the void was suddenly pulled away, and a golden turbine full of desire appeared, smashing towards Saseiin Kiara.

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