I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2053

"Speaking of which, where is this place?"

When she was about to get up, Mordred suddenly found a white jade arm pressing on her thigh.

She froze for a moment, walked along the jade arm, turned her head to look, and immediately saw Guinevere's tired but sweet sleeping face.


Mordred looked puzzled.

Chapter 60 Mordred's Encounter

Mordred remembers that he completely liberated the Star Cup, and knocked down the giant arm of the Emperor of Heaven, and was finally destroyed by the huge explosion of the giant arm of the Emperor of Heaven that fell.

In theory it should be like this.


"What's going on here?" Looking at Guinevere, who was sleeping soundly in front of him, Mordred was confused and puzzled.

Not only is the human concept not lost, but it is also intact.

Most importantly, why did the teacher from the empire fall asleep in front of her?

——Why don't you wipe her off now?

Mordred raised his sword, his eyes were cloudy, thinking about this possibility.

The aura of Vivienne that she had noticed earlier came to mind again, and she put down the sword hesitantly.

In the vast Eternal Dynasty, the person who treats her best, even including her mother, is her teacher, Guinevere.

No, it should be Vivian.

It was Vivian who taught her; it was Vivian who gave her goals, comforted her, pampered her, pampered her, and made her have as happy a childhood as possible.

If Vivienne was there when the Eternal Dynasty was wiped out, she might not be able to do it.


If Vivienne hadn't left the Dynasty because of the fading of the True Aether, the Apocalypse Behemoth would not have been able to pollute the Eternal Dynasty.

Mordred was so determined, that's why she was unable to assassinate the Holy Apostle of Pendragon earlier, and immediately aimed at Guinevere of the Empire.

However, it was also because of this that she felt Vivienne's breath on Guinevere's body.

that breath.

It is definitely not the same individual in the parallel world, but the pan-human history, her teacher, Vivienne.

"So, what's going on here?"

Guinevere of the Empire sensed the breath of the teacher. She was no longer a human, but she turned back into a human and was still alive.

What the hell is going on here?

The terrifying Butterfly Golem suddenly appeared in his mind.

Mordred sighed, put down his sword, and sat beside Guinevere.


It seemed that at the moment when the giant arm of the Emperor of Heaven was about to fall, a huge black shadow appeared above him.

Mordred vaguely recalled this, but the impression was too dull, so it was hard to tell whether it was real or an illusion.

Furthermore, if there was really a huge black shadow appearing above him at that time.

That black shadow was the reason why she was able to live under the giant arms of the Heavenly Emperor, right?

If it really exists, what is that shadow?

Mordred closed his eyes and thought, but couldn't think of anything more.

"Mmm... don't grab my hair, it hurts..."

Guinevere babbled subconsciously, as if aware that someone was sitting beside her, her eyes moved, and then opened her hazy eyes: "Is it morning? Good morning, Master Xuanzang... today I want three loaves."

Mordred: "?????"

I'm afraid it's not an idiot, is it?

Mordred looked at the raving Guinevere in distaste, then stepped forward, knocked the unconscious Guinevere to the ground, like a fisherman tying a crab, and tied Guinevere's body with a rope. Hands and feet tied up.

"Wow, what are you doing?"

Being firmly pressed to the ground by Mordred and bound her body, Guinevere woke up instantly and screamed in panic.

"Stop talking! If you dare to resist me, I will cut off your opie first, and then throw you naked on the street for people to admire!" Mordred stared at Guinevere's C and said viciously.

As a dead, adolescent girl who will never grow up, Mordred has a deep malice for Guinevere's enormity.

"Mm." Guinevere shrank her head, and quickly stopped calling for help from the Holy Apostle.

How did I fall into her hands?

Guinevere burst into tears.

"Do you know what happened to us just now?" Mordred sat on the ground, looked at Guinevere in front of him, and asked aloud.

As a hostile element, with Mordred's temperament, she should have killed Guinevere directly, but Vivienne's breath made her hesitate, and the situation was unknown, so she could only tie Guinevere first.

Guinevere shook her head quickly.

Mordred asked again: "What is your butterfly golem?"

Guinevere shook her head again.

"Tsk! Talk!" Mordred said impatiently. Her stand was clear, if she hadn't sensed Vivienne's aura from Guinevere, she would have killed Guinevere a long time ago, and now she is naturally impatient to speak.

Guinevere said aggrievedly: "You didn't let me say that..."

Mordred suddenly looked at Guinevere with a headache.

This is a nerd, right?

Pure right?

Thinking of her teacher, wise, gentle, elegant, charming, and strong, how can the same individual in the parallel world be so ashamed?

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