I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2054


I really want to help the teacher kill her!

With a dark face, Mordred grabbed Guinevere's cheeks with both hands and pulled them to the sides.



Guinevere looked at Mordred aggrievedly like a golden retriever being scolded, I am not disobedient, why are you still so fierce? Also... the rope is so uncomfortable, especially the chest.

"You're awake, Mordred."

A familiar voice suddenly sounded from behind, which shocked Mordred's heart. He turned his head and stabbed with a sword. With a "clang", he was blocked by a powerful magic shield.

One blow failed, and Mordred hurriedly fled away, holding a sharp sword, looking at the comer vigilantly.

"It's so dangerous!" The visitor patted his chest with luck, and looked at Mordred in trouble, "What are you doing, Mordred? Suddenly attacked me."

Mordred didn't speak, but looked at her warily.

Guinevere looked at her in surprise, "Master Pendragon Holy Apostle! You have come to save me!"

"Lord Pendragon Holy Apostle?" The girl looked at Guinevere suspiciously, with a blank face: "What and what, Guinevere?"

"Also——why did you attack me, Mordred? Although we have serious grievances, you won't kill me as soon as we meet, right?" The girl looked at Mordred in trouble. Red, "Anyway, I'm also Al's older sister."

"Are you - Morrigan?" Mordred put down his sword and looked at the girl suspiciously.

The girl smiled, stretched out a slender finger, and said, "Morgan is the goblin side of Morgan Le Fay, and I am the other side of Morgan Le Fay. Although they are the same person, to be precise, I am Da God Nu Jun, Morgana. However, you must be very uncomfortable, so you can also call me Morgan Le Fay, or Morrigan."

Mordred was unmoved, and asked, "Who is the Eternal King?"

"Of course your father is Guinevere Pendragon. Of course, his name is also Shiro Fujimaru." Morgan Le Fay replied with a smile.

"So, who is Morgan Le Fay's favorite man?"

"Ah, ah! You, why are you asking this all of a sudden?"

"Shut up and answer me!"

"Yes, yes——ah! How can I say that!"

Mordred looked at Morgan Le Fay vigilantly, with hostility and killing intent flashing in his eyes.

Morgan Le Fay was about to cry: "It's your father, it's my brother!"

"Hmph. It really is that pervert who loves my brother!" Mordred glanced at Morgan Le Fay with contempt on his face, and put away his sword.


Morgan Le Fay is about to cry. Although it is well-known to have a brother-in-law, it is so embarrassing to be exposed by the little niece in person.

"However, how did you come to the Fomor Abyss?" Morgan Le Fay looked at Mordred and Guinevere suspiciously.

"Fermor Abyss?" Mordred raised his eyebrows, looked at Morgan Le Fay, and asked, "You saved us?"


Morgan Le Faye looked at Mordred with a puzzled face, and put a finger on his lips, "Mm... If I save you who are unconscious from the hand of God Fomor, it is considered saved."

Mordred raised his eyebrows, and then exchanged information with Morgan Le Fay.

"So it's like this... during my absence, so many wonderful things happened." Morgan Le Fay hugged his chest.

"Speaking of which, why are you here?"

"Ah, me? I'm really touched, Mordred actually cares about my affairs. I'm so touched, I'm about to cry."

As he spoke, Morgan Le Fay stretched out his sleeves and wiped away his non-existent tears.

Mordred; "..."

This Morgan Le Fay is more poisonous than Morrigan!

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore. I will be here, of course the main body kept me here."

"The main body? By the way, it's Morrigan again, and Morgana's again... Where's your main body?"

"My body? That's how it is. Morrigan didn't tell you about it. My body died scattered in 2003." Morgan Le Fay said with a smile.

"Divided, dispersed death?"

Mordred was taken aback. Although he didn't like Morgan Le Fay, Mordred never thought that Morgan Le Fay would die.

Moreover, what the hell is this scattered death?

"It is to split the complete self into several parts. For example, Morgan Le Fay of the goblin is Morrigan of Chaldea; Morgan Le Fay of the war god is me. In addition, there is Morgan Le Fay of the giant, Morgan Le Fay of the Dead Apostles, Morgan Le Fay of Humans..."

"Why, how could this be?" Mordred couldn't help asking.

"Mm. I probably discovered some secret that shouldn't be discovered, so before being killed, I killed myself in advance, so as to avoid death and pass on the secret. However, what is that secret, I have a little memory in my mind None, the same is probably true of other Morgan Le Fays. And because of my attributes, I will stay in the Fermor Abyss until I find you."

After a pause, looking at the silent Mordred, Morgan Le Fay said with a smile: "However, don't be sad for me. Because, every Morgan Le Fay is Morgan Le Fay. I just use the multi-dimensional form of existence ,keeping it."

"I'm not worried about you, I'm just thinking, what's the use of you."

"That's a pity."

Morgan Le Fay sighed, then looked at Guinevere at the side, and asked suspiciously: "Why did you tie up Vivienne like this? I remember that your relationship with Vivienne... should be very good." ?”

Mordred was taken aback suddenly: "My teacher, Vivian?"

"Yes, Vivian."

Morgan Le Fay nodded, pointing at Guinevere.

Mordred looked at Guinevere, frowning.

She had noticed Vivienne's aura in Guinevere's body before, and now Morgan Le Fay said so even more.

What exactly is going on?

Guinevere, whose hands and feet were trapped, was like a little white rabbit caught by a big bad wolf, hesitant, weak, looking at the two of them in fear, her petite body trembling.

She felt that she was in a very dangerous situation, so she should be obedient and obedient now.


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