I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2060

Before Scathach finished speaking, Shirou said in a deep voice, "Undoubtedly a thought prisoner."


Scathach looked at Shirou distressedly, this disciple was going to be a bad face again.

"From the perspective of the empire, no matter how you interpret it, this Jelanda is undoubtedly a dangerous thought criminal! However, if it is true as he insists, the Emperor of Heaven has indeed been handed over. If there is such a person, then this Jelanda is a loyal martyr. It is worthy of praise."

"Is it based on results?" Bedivere asked.

Shirou nodded.

"So, what about the process? What about Sir Jalanda's loyalty, his pain, and his hesitation?" Bedivere asked loudly.

"That's pointless."

"How come..." Bedivere retreated unacceptably.

"Pain, struggle, hesitation...these are all for yourself. And the result is for others. Not only Gelanda, you, my teacher Scatha, my knight king Artoria, I My friend Gilgamesh, and many, many Heroic Spirits, many, many people."

"People praised me as the Eternal King and envied me as the Eternal King. Later, many people fantasized about going back to the past to replace me as the Eternal King, and becoming a more perfect and more worshiped king. But this is all It’s because my achievements are so charming, but what people don’t know is the pain, struggle, and hesitation I endured when I became the eternal king. My capacity was very small at the beginning, and it was suffering again and again, and helplessness again and again. The big one in the middle."

"The result... Then, Eternal King, if you were Lord Jalanda, what choice would you make?" Bedivere couldn't help asking.

"Should I choose between the Emperor of Heaven and the Empire? Someone once asked me this kind of question of choosing one or the other. My answer to him was that people who would let themselves fall into this dualistic situation of choosing one or the other, It's mindless rubbish. But if you insist on me answering this question, then let me tell you, I will not respond to people who have no expectations of me."

"It turned out to be evading this question in the end... What a cunning, Eternal King." Bedivere shook his head.

"I didn't evade, but resolved. For many problems, it may be courage to deal with them head-on, but to resolve them from the side, I think is the wisdom of dealing with people. Maybe you disagree, but this is not important. The important thing is, Bedivere, You have no choice. Either you will be killed by us here; or, you will go all the way with us. In terms of results, look at you and see whether Jaylanda is a dangerous thought prisoner or a loyal martyr .”

Shirou held out his hand to Bedivere.

"I have no way to choose." Bedivere smiled wryly, looked at Shirou's hand, and shook his head: "But I have no way to respond to you, because I don't even know whether I am loyal to His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven. , still loyal to the Empire. But I will not disrupt your actions."

"That's enough." Shirou put away his hands: "But I won't allow you to go to Avalon alone. So return to Tirnano with me, let others send this thing to Avalon."

Bedivere nodded: "Then please allow me to pack this box first."

Scathach looked at Bedivere who was packing the box, turned his head, looked at Shirou, and sighed: "As expected of you, it was so easy to convince Bedivere, Shirou."

"I didn't convince him, Scathach." Shirou shook his head, "I was ready to kill him, so I said my truth without hesitation. The words just now were not spoken by a king who has no character. , but by me, Fujimaru Shiro."

Scathach looked at Shirou tenderly. The king has no character at all, and only shows the character he needs in the situation he needs, either gentle or strong.

However, Fujimaru Shiro has his own unique personality, and the answer just now is not the Eternal King, not the leader's cliché, but the response of the former hero of the weak.


"You should call me Sensei, Shirou."

"I'm in a bad mood now, when I feel better, call again."

Scathach: "..."

Feelings, you are called a teacher depending on your mood!

At this time, Scatha had a headache, why Shirou didn't respect her like Cu Chulainn. But if Shirou really becomes like Cu Chulainn, it will be difficult for her to accept it, right?

Shirou is a wise man, a gentle man.

He can be friends with anyone, the arrogant Gilgamesh, the naive Alquite, the wicked Merlin, the nihilistic Solomon... and now, even the Beast, the King of Stars, has become his friend .

But Scathach knew in his heart that Shirou's ability, his wisdom, and his gentleness were not innate, but honed little by little.

As Shirou said before, the Eternal King was not born with the size of a king, but in the pain again and again, the helplessness again and again, and the struggle again and again, he expanded his size.

Not only Shirou, but also her, and all heroes who can leave their names in human history, and even those ordinary people who are trying to make a living, who is not like this?

Therefore, we must take back the pan-human history from the hands of the Heavenly Emperor and the Empire!

Not for history, but also for the glorious years of my own growth.

After Bedivere packed the boxes, Shirou and the others headed towards Ireland.

However, it was getting late, and Shirou was hungry, so he had to have a frugal meal on the spot for the time being, before continuing on his way.

There is no way, what Shirou is manipulating now is not the records of the heroic spirits, but his real body.

Since the beginning of the battle, he hasn't eaten, and his stomach is hungry. It's just because his spirit has been tense, so he doesn't feel much. But now that he has returned to Bedwell, he feels a little tired after a little relaxation.

Scathach has the curse of eternal life, and Bedivere is from the empire, only Shirou needs to eat normally.

I was thinking of a frugal solution on the spot, but suddenly I smelled the aroma of delicious food.

People in the empire don't need to eat, so is this all right scent human?

With this thought in mind, the three of Shirou walked along the scent, and immediately saw a fire and several grilled fish on top of the fire.

Scathach picked up a grilled fish and handed it to Shirou, and said with a smile, "Let's fill your stomach first."

"That's not good?"

"That's not like what you would say, Shirou."

"Then you really understand me, teacher." Shirou smiled and took the grilled fish.

"You're in a better mood, and you're calling me teacher again."

Shirou took a bite, smiled and nodded.

Scathach looked at Shirou helplessly.

At this time, the sound of rustling footsteps came from behind the three, followed by a scream: "Ah, my grilled fish!"

This voice is somewhat familiar.

Chapter 63 I Can Tell Your Brother to Be a Pervert

"My grilled fish—!"

A very familiar voice came from behind. Shirou turned his head and saw a blond girl with waist-length hair and a magic wand, and a pair of holy blue eyes.

Caster, Witch of Avalon, Artoria Pendragon.

Shirou was stunned for a moment, and so was the witch Artoria: "Fujimaru Shirou?"

The witch Arturia came to her senses, and then panickedly wanted to raise her wand, but before she could react, Scathach choked fate by the throat and pinned her to the ground.

Shirou projected a huge stick, which was about to hit the back of the witch Artoria's head.

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