I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2061

"Surrender! Surrender! Don't hit me on the head!" the witch Artoria yelled, "I'm going to have a concussion, I'm going to have a concussion!"


Shirou put down the giant stick, projected a rope, and handed it to Scathach: "Skathach."

"Ah, I don't call you teacher anymore."

Scathach looked at Shirou helplessly, then tied up the hands and feet of the witch Arturia, attached the original rune to the rope, and threw it aside.

"It's really unlucky to meet you again." Shirou covered his forehead.

"I also said that I was unlucky, why did I bump into you again. You still eat my grilled fish, it's too damn—"

Before the word "ha" was uttered, looking at the giant stick in Shirou's hand, the witch Arturia shut her mouth rationally. Although she has permanence, due to the price of Avalon's secret art, she has ordinary people's sense of pain.

She has already been knocked unconscious twice by Shirou and Mordred, she doesn't want to be knocked unconscious again.

"It was you who stole my food before, but now I eat yours. This is called tit for tat. To be honest, I still feel a little guilty about what I ate before, but now I feel at ease."

Under the gaze of the witch Artoria gnashing her teeth, Shirou ate the grilled fish with peace of mind, and handed a portion to Scathach and Bedivere, but the latter two refused.

"You baked so badly, it made me want to vomit. But I'm hungry now, so I can only make do with it."

Witch Artoria: "..."

Ah ah ah ah ah!

If it's unpalatable, don't eat it!

Witch Artoria's teeth are about to be crushed.

"Oh, is this the Al of the Empire?"

Scathach stretched out his fingers, pinched the delicate chin of the witch Arturia, and looked at the witch Artoria carefully, "It's not the holy apostle."

I am determined to become a holy apostle——Facing Scathach, the witch Arturia couldn't say those words.

She could sense the terrifying murderous aura and familiar shivering aura of this gentle-looking woman. If she said it, she would probably be tortured, so the witch Artoria shut up rationally and let Scathach play with her.

But Scathach reached out to play with her proud long blond hair, which was unbearable.

"What the hell are you trying to do?"

"Oh, I'm too curious. Because the Al I know never let her hair down. According to her, it's a sign of weakness. You're a girl." said with a smile.

Witch Artoria, I don’t know what she is like in Panhuman History, but she is bound to be strong. She didn’t dare to talk nonsense, but turned her head, looked at Shirou, and said: “Fujimaru Shirou, I’m just a traveler, Panhuman I don’t want to get involved in history and the empire. You eat the fish too, so let me go.”

Shirou didn't speak, but stood up, and looked up and down the witch Artoria, with eyes that seemed to be weighing the value of a commodity.


The witch Artoria couldn't hold her breath any longer, and she was a little subdued: "Let me go!"

"Are you the younger sister of the Holy Apostle of Pendragon, or the successor of the secret art of Avalon, it seems to be of some use and value."

"So that's it, it's Camelot's Second Highness, why does it look familiar to me?" Bedivere laughed.

Shirou glanced at Bedivere, and said to himself, she looks exactly the same as the Holy Apostle of Pendragon, is it familiar?

"Huh? Aren't you the Holy Apostle Bedivere?" The witch Arturia was surprised, and then asked even more horrified: "Have you surrendered to the enemy?"

Hearing this, Bedivere's smile froze on his face, then he smiled bitterly and nodded: "I didn't surrender to the enemy, but I did betray the empire."

"How could it be... you, known as the smile of the empire, actually betrayed the empire..."

The witch Arturia looked at Bedivere in disbelief. The fact that she broke the three views made her curl up and retreat like a caterpillar.

However, before taking two or three steps back, the sharp point of the gun was placed on her neck. The witch Artoria raised her head, and immediately saw Scarhana's face that seemed to be smiling, "Shirou didn't say anything, You can't escape."

The witch Artoria's face froze. People in the history of pan-humanity have such good brains? Her perfect escape plan was completely seen through!

The witch Arturia coughed dryly: "So, what are you going to do? Kidnapping me won't threaten my sister, let alone any other benefits."

"Speaking of which, why are you here?" Shirou asked with great interest.

"Travel, travel. Didn't I say it before? I am a traveling witch, and I plan to write a biography of my travels."

That's true. When we first met, the witch Artoria said that she was a traveling witch and was writing her own biography.

Shirou took a glance and saw the notes beside the fire. There was no doubt that it was the travel diary of the witch Arturia.

He reached for it and flipped it casually.

"Don't peek—!"

Watching Shirou flip through his notes, the witch Arturia couldn't help but stop.

But unfortunately, it didn't work for Shirou.

“[On the first day of the trip, I finally escaped from Avalon. Hahaha——, the witch of justice, Artoria Pendragon’s passionate dream journey is about to kick off.]… ...What is this?"

The corner of Shirou's mouth twitched violently, and then he casually flipped through a few pages, all of which were the travel routine of the witch Artoria, without any important clues to the empire.

However, while flipping through the pages, Shirou saw the articles with his own name on them, so he took a closer look.

"[On the thirty-fourth day of the trip, I ate delicious grilled fish. Wow! I came back to life! I also met a gourmet named Fujimaru Shiro. Although I was beaten up for being a thief, the so-called If you don’t fight, you don’t know each other. To be beaten and get to know a gourmet is a real profit! It turns out that what the teacher said, encounters on travel really exist! I’m so happy! I want to record this day. Mmm, this is a happy day.]”

"On the thirty-sixth day of the trip, I really didn't expect Fujimaru Shiro to be a foreign enemy! Damn, deceitful feelings. Those delicious food must be a conspiracy of foreign enemies! Umm, I have to stay awake! Umm, Today is an angry day.]”

"[Thirty-ninth day of travel, damn it! Damn Fujimaru Shiro and his daughter beat me on the head! I will write down this grudge first! Well, today is a day to remember grudges.]... "


Shirou silently closed the notebook.

Well, it's a shame that he actually had expectations of this witch Arturia.

Scathach and Bedivere also looked at the witch Artoria strangely.

The former is Altria, who has been in contact with the serious and abstinent Al, but can't accept the youthful vigor of a crazy girl. And the latter has a 100 million-year friendship with the powerful Holy Apostle Pendragon, and cannot accept that the Holy Apostle Pendragon has such an off-line sister.

"What kind of eyes are you looking at! Don't look at me like you're looking at something strange!" Even though the situation was bad, the witch Artoria couldn't help but complain.

Shirou put down the book, thinking about how to deal with the witch Arturia.

According to the current situation, in order to avoid future troubles, it is best to get rid of it first.

But none but the sword of Mordred can slay a man of the Empire who possesses permanence.

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