I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2077

Looking at the three crowns including Wang Hassan, and after the fuselage fit into Zeus, the corner of the Demonic Bodhisattva's mouth twitched violently, his legs were a little weak, and he wanted to cover his face and turn around and run away.

"May I ask you something, Your Excellency?" Kirshtalia Wodim got up and asked aloud.

In their combination, Fujimaru Tachika has always been in charge of beating people, and he is in charge of negotiating.

"Of course, Sir Kirshtalia Wodem." The Demonic Bodhisattva turned his head, glanced at Sajo Aiga, and finally fixed on Fujimaru Tachika, and greeted him gently: "This is still This is the first time we meet, Your Excellency Fujimaru Tachika."

Fujimaru Tachika looked at the Demonic Bodhisattva suspiciously, and asked, "Do you know me, Your Excellency?"

"Of course." Demonic Bodhisattva nodded.

"But, I don't know you."

"It doesn't matter that you don't know me. The important thing is that I know everything about you. Including your succession from Olga Marie Yasmiret Animsfia to the seventh Animal things."

Fujimaru Tachika was taken aback for a moment, and Kirshtalia Wodim frowned.

"But I really didn't expect, it's just that I haven't seen you in a few years, you actually summoned so many crowned heroes."

The Demonic Bodhisattva glanced at the heroic spirits who did not welcome her, and finally set his sights on Fujimaru Tachika, and said with a gentle smile: "Since you are Beast, you should be able to sense the woman behind you. danger?"

Kirshtalia Wodim closed her eyes, if with the team leader's slowness and great nerves, of course she didn't notice the danger of the Shatiao love song.

That's why, as the deputy leader of Group A, he became Fujimaru Tachika's assistant... no, it should be said to be a nanny.

Originally, the job of nanny should belong to Matthew, but Fujimaru Tachika didn't want Matthew to see her as the seventh bestiality, and was also afraid that the seventh bestiality would hurt other people, so she terminated the contract with Matthew. With power comparable to that of a god, he naturally became Fujimaru Tachika's professional nanny.

Therefore, Fujimaru Tateka probably didn't realize the danger of Sajo Aika at all, and treated Sajo Aika as an ordinary person with some special powers.


"Of course I understand." Fujimaru Tachika nodded.


Kirshtalia Wodim looked at Tachika Fujimaru.

"Are you clear? No, you probably don't know, she is evil..."

Before the Demonic Bodhisattva finished speaking, Fujimaru Tateka pointed to Sajo Aiga and said, "It's a container that devours Beasts. Or, it's Beasts that devour Beasts. Humans are evil among humans, right?"

Fujimaru Tachika asked with a smile on his face.

The Demonic Bodhisattva was stunned.

Sajo Aiga took a few steps back, staring nervously at Fujimaru Tachika's back, thinking, the seventh animal nature really noticed it, but it didn't directly attack me... Is it trying to counter me? No, right now my strength is the weakest, I just need to find a chance to run away.

However, as soon as Sha Tiao Aige moved, she found that God Zeus stood silently behind her, blocking her retreat.

Oh no!

Shatiao Aige's heart skipped a beat, she could detect the divine fluctuations in this body of Zeus, not weaker than Tiamat.

In addition, there are divine concepts such as the sun and the moon.

With Shatiao Aige's omniscient and omnipotent ability, she can clearly recognize the truth of the Greek gods, and at the same time, she also knows that this Zeus god is probably a fusion of other Greek gods.

Such a god of Zeus, whose combat power is as close as Altila, the vanguard of the stars, is not something she can easily defeat now.

There is no other way but to gamble.

Sha Tiao Aige's eyes were cloudy and cloudy, and then a ruthless light flickered.

It's not that she can't exert all her strength, but she doesn't dare.

Because she needs to maintain her own existence and hypnotize the real Shajo Aiga in her body, the power she can exert is greatly reduced.

But if it falls here, then everything will be empty talk.

Therefore, Sha Tiao Aige can only take a gamble, take back the power to hypnotize the true personality and maintain his own existence, defeat everyone, and escape.

As for whether it can maintain its existence after doing so, it can only be resigned to fate.

However, just when Shajo Aika was about to gather strength, Fujimaru Tateka shook his head at the Demonic Bodhisattva: "My animal nature tells me that she is dangerous, but I still refuse to hand her over."


"Because love songs can lead me to find my sister."

"Your sister? Fujimaru Sakura... No, Kama-sama? If it's Kama-sama, I can help you too."

"No, you can't help." Fujimaru Tachika shook his head: "Because you have no way to get rid of animal nature."

After a pause, Fujimaru Tachika glanced at Sajo Aiga, and said: "From the first time I saw Aiga, my animal nature has calmed down, and reminded me of the danger and power of Aiga. Therefore, From that time on, I thought about it. Let Aige lead me to find my sister, and then let Aigeba get rid of my sister's animal nature and my animal nature. In this way, my sister and I can become normal people .”

"So——, I won't hand her over. For the sake of you knowing me, leave, or I will teach you a lesson!" Fujimaru Tachika said, pointing at the Demonic Bodhisattva.

"Use the King of Evil to eradicate your animal nature? Are you crazy, Fujimaru Tachika? No... the seventh animal nature!" The Demonic Bodhisattva stared at Fujimaru Tachika and asked hysterically.

"I'm not crazy. My head has never been so clear. So, you go away, or I will do it." Fujimaru Lixiang said calmly.

Following Fujimaru Tachika's words, Wang Hassan slowly pulled out his sword, Orion and the ancestor of the gods were gearing up, and Zeus, who folded his arms around his chest, also put down his hands.

The Demonic Bodhisattva gritted his teeth, but was forced to calm down. He gave Shatiao Aige a hard look, left a cruel sentence and left: "You are lucky, the first container. But don't try to continue absorbing animal nature, I Will come again!"

Looking at the back of the Moxing Bodhisattva leaving, Fujimaru Tachika heaved a sigh of relief, then turned his head and looked at Sajo Aige with a smile on his face, "I helped you drive her away, Aige."

Sha Tiao's love song: "..."

"...Are you planning to use me to remove the animal nature of you and your sister?"

Fujimaru Tatsuka nodded, then came to his senses, and said with some trouble: "Really... it's all Olga Marie's fault, I can't even hide my thoughts."

Shajo Aige's face turned dark, and she was trembling with anger, pointing at Fujimaru Tachika's hand trembling: "You—you—you all use me as a trash can? I admit that I am very Depressed, but you are too humiliating!"

"I didn't humiliate you, I'm very sincere!"


Satiao Aige, who was already very downcast, looked at Fujimaru Tachika's pure eyes, and then thought of Tiamat's backstab. Suddenly, he was out of breath, spit out a mouthful of black mud, his eyes turned white, "Boom" With a bang, he passed out directly.

This frightened Fujimaru Tatsuka to support her in a panic.

"Is she—is her body so weak? Why did she faint again?"

"Tut tsk tsk." Looking at Sha Tiao Aige who had passed out from anger, Orion was amazed: "Another person who was passed out by the Master's anger. Are you right, the great king of gods, Zeus?"

"Hmph." God Zeus snorted coldly, "I have a big heart, and I don't mind Master's unintentional words."

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