I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2078

"Oh, that's right. You were knocked unconscious by the Master."


Zeus looked at Orion with an unkind expression, why is Poseidon's son so annoying? Do you want to find a chance to be him?

Kirshtalia Wodim looked at the flustered Fujimaru Tateka, and sighed deeply: "Team Leader Fujimaru, you are a perfect beautiful girl when you keep quiet. Please Don't hurt others with words anymore, please entrust me with the task of negotiating with others."

"I——I didn't mean anything malicious." Fujimaru Tatsuka said aggrievedly.

"It's because you have no malicious intentions that the harm is so great. After all, who is not good for you to imitate, but you have to imitate Karna..."

Kirshtalia Wodim sighed deeply.



The airship of the Eternal Empire crashed into Avalon and invaded Avalon.

Thousands of divine soldiers rushed down from the airship and fought a duel with Avalon's guardians.

And Uyf routinely entangled Scathach.

Perhaps for this holy apostle, only Skaha who entered that door is worth fighting.

The Holy Apostle of Pendragon went to hunt down the witch Arturia, and Shirou was besieged by Lucius and the divine soldiers.

Glancing at the battlefield of the scuffle, Bedivere turned his head, stared at the pitch-black strategist wearing a black helmet standing in front of him, and said with a wry smile: "I never thought you would come out from behind the scenes and chase here personally... Agg Regulatory Secretary."

"Because I really didn't expect that you would persist until now, Bedwell. I am not surprised that Gelanda will stick to Speth's path, because he is that kind of person, I have already known it. But in my In my impression, you are the person with the weakest spirit, but it is really beyond my expectation to be able to stand now."

After a pause, Agguiwen asked, "Do you still remember the first Chinese New Year celebration at the beginning of the Kingdom, Bedivere?"

"What is that..."

"You don't remember, right? But, I do. In the 100 million years since the empire was founded, any joys and sorrows, every little thing, have been recorded in this mind."

Agguiwen knocked on his head, and the steel helmet on his head was knocked loudly, and said: "So I remember very clearly, you who were reprimanded by Lucius for the inefficiency of material mobilization, because you cared about this matter. , because you, who were afraid of making mistakes, made many low-level mistakes, and the efficiency of handling affairs was even lower. In the end, all affairs fell on my head."

"Has—has such a thing happened?" Bedivere was stunned, and he didn't remember it at all.

"Of course you don't remember, because it's just such a small thing. But I do remember, because I know the essence of you since then."

"This kind of trivial matter 100 million years ago... how do you remember it?" Bedivere looked at Agguiwen in disbelief, this kind of trivial matter, let alone him, even the emperor who is the Holy Spirit Your Majesty will not remember, will he?

"If I don't remember these things, how can I control you? That's right, Bedivere. You, who are known as the Sun of the Empire, are actually a rather weak and inferior person. You will care for a long time because of someone's unintentional blame. , and finally the whole person fell into the quagmire of self-denial. So I understand how to control you."

Aggavin pointed at Bedivere, "However, I didn't expect that you, who are so weak, could bear the guilt of betraying the empire and causing Hector's death. You have grown up, Bedivere."

Bedivere showed a bitter smile. Is this a compliment or a sarcasm?


For the betrayal of the Empire, for the fact that Hector died...he has been suffering.

Aggressive is right.

He——, couldn't bear it at all.

He'd given up early on, but got here because of Jalanda's meddling.

Thinking of Jelanda who still persisted in her self and belief in the end, Bedivere looked at Agguiwen and couldn't help but said: "Mr Agguiwen, maybe Sir Jalanda is right...Look, Look, this is a note written by His Majesty the Heavenly Emperor himself!"

He couldn't tell which was right and which was wrong.

Whether Gelanda was a thought prisoner who destroyed the empire, or a pious and loyal apostle, Bedivere couldn't tell, but if it was an Aggress with a good mind, he would definitely be able to tell the difference.

From his bosom, Bedivere took back the Emperor's Note from the witch Artoria just now, and showed it to Aggrevan.

"I see. No wonder Jelanda was on the side of Speth until his death. I was surprised at first. It turns out that he found this heroic biography written by His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven. It seems that there is no way to continue to hide it from you. .No—, it should be said, there is no need to continue to hide from you, Bedivere."

Agguiwen's voice was flat and peaceful, without any ripples or waves, but it was such calmness and flatness that gave Bedivere a feeling of suffocation.

He vaguely sensed that Agguivin was about to reveal a secret he could not accept.

"Our Emperor, His Majesty, is dead. I killed him."

Hearing this, Bedivere looked at Agguiwen in astonishment as if he had heard a big joke, and asked, "You, what are you talking about?"

"Our Emperor of Heaven was killed by me, just when you left the imperial capital last time, you used this sword of mine." Agguiwen held up the sword in his hand.

Bedivere seemed to have heard an unacceptable Arabian Nights, stared blankly at Agguiwen, and asked, "You killed His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven? Impossible, how could His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven be... killed?"

"It's like constancy can be broken by the poison of sinking. In the final analysis, His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven is also the Holy Spirit because he possesses the power of the Holy Spirit. If there is another absolute Holy Spirit who takes away his Holy Spirit power, seal It is also possible to kill him with the sword of the holy apostle. This sword pierced his heart and took his life."

The Emperor of Heaven...is dead?

Shirou was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at Agguwen.

Not only him, Lucius, Uyf, the Holy Apostle of Pendragon, and the witch Artoria all have varying degrees of influence.

"Then, who is that person in the imperial palace?" Bedivere asked blankly.

"That is also His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven. However, it is not the Majesty we know, but the Majesty of the Empire. The Majesty we know has been killed by me."

Aggewen looked at Bedivere, who had a dull gaze, and said: "This is the end of the matter, and I will not hide it from you, Bedivere. You are dull, you are weak, you have not noticed the great changes in the empire at all, and you have no way at all." To bear the brunt of great change."

"Why did His Majesty change dramatically? Why did His Majesty build the [Emperor Armor] before the [Parliament] invaded? Why did the Empire invade Pan-Human History? Let me tell you, because the Empire will disappear if it does not invade Pan-Human History !"

"How? The empire...the empire and His Majesty, as well as us... are eternal...!" Bedivere looked at Agguiwen unacceptably.

"The so-called eternity is just before the end of time. Since you have already gone to Tirnano, you must already know the reason for the birth of the empire, right? Yes, our world is false, because of the pan-human history. A dream born of the dynasty's death. As long as it is a dream, it will wake up one day. When the power of the Holy Grail is exhausted, the eternal dream will be shattered."

"Whether it is us or other worlds. Only by smashing the eternal dream, only by smashing the dream of being content with the status quo, occupying the pan-human history, and connecting with the infinite universe, can we get the future. Compared with the world line of destruction, we are lucky because we have the power to compete for the history of pan-humanity. That's why I woke up from the eternal dream, and His Majesty also woke up from the eternal dream, which split into Two."

"Why did His Majesty change dramatically? Why did His Majesty dominate the history of pan-humanity and expel the star kings into the finite world line, but--the only thing that is consistent with the history of pan-humanity is the island of the beginning of the empire? Because the empire The other territories have disappeared, and those who believed in the emperor will bring eternity to the world have also disappeared. Their records have been preserved by His Majesty in the [Eternal Coffin] with the power of the Holy Spirit. This is something that His Majesty cannot personally deal with The reason for the foreign enemy."

"He is waiting for us to eradicate foreign enemies, waiting for the complete coordination of pan-human history! But in the face of His Majesty's expectations, you have betrayed the empire and formed the Speth underground alliance with those thought criminals. Now, those thought prisoners You have already realized everything and got punished, but you still persist in your obsession?"

Agguewen pointed to Bedivere and questioned.

"Why—?" Bedivere lowered his head and asked.


"Why—why did you kill that one, our Heavenly Emperor?" Bedivere wept, gritted his teeth and stared at Agravin: "Why? I learned from Ambrosius. This world is It was born because of the wish of King Mordred, and it also exists because of His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven who was conceived as the Holy Grail! Why—why did you kill His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven?"

"If the empire existed because of His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven, why did the Empire and us not disappear when His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven died?"

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