I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2079

"This is—this is—"

"It seems that you, like them, have completely forgotten, Bedivere. Forgot that journey of sanctification. Well, let me tell you. This empire does not exist because of His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven, but His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven because of this empire And exist. The Holy Grail created everyone equally, and the reason why His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven can become the holy spirit and the only restraining force is not because of his innate specialness, but because of people's trust in him."

"The empire does not exist because of a certain person, but because of people; His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven and the Holy Apostles are not born with us, but people trust us. However, when the power of the Holy Grail comes to an end, the one we are familiar with His Majesty the Heavenly Emperor, the irresponsible Majesty who disappeared all day long became the biggest obstacle to the continued existence of the empire. So in the decision made on that day, I killed him."


"Why can the poison of sinking deprive permanence? What is the poison of sinking? Let me tell you, that is the distrust of the empire. Why the power of the Holy Spirit was taken away from His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven, that is also... the distrust of the empire .”

Agguiwen's tone was so plain and calm, but it was so heavy in Bedivere's eyes.

He couldn't help but fell to the ground, breathing hard, sweating profusely, he had a feeling of suffocation.

——If one day, you had to choose between the Emperor of Heaven and the Eternal Empire, who would you choose? ?

Bedivere's mind echoed the old sword's question to him again.

He originally thought that he didn't need to answer this question at all, but he didn't expect that this question would be exposed so abruptly and directly in front of him.

And at this very moment.

Both Jalanda and Agguiwen gave their own answers.

Agguiwen was silent for a moment, and then said: "As I said, your spirit... is too weak."


Chapter 71: Words of the Star Cup

"That guy, Agguiwen, actually said that just like that." The Holy Apostle of Pendragon frowned displeased.

"Hey! Sister... have you really attacked His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven?" the witch Artoria couldn't help asking.

Hearing this, the Holy Apostle of Pendragon nodded.

Seeing the Holy Apostle of Pendragon nodding, the witch Arturia accused with righteous indignation: "You keep saying that 'Bedwell' is a traitor, but in the end you are traitors! That's too much, Morgan Le Fay! "

"It's urgent, but I have nothing to quibble about that matter. But, Al, you have to die here."

"In the end, I'm just a traveler who doesn't care. Why do you have to involve me in your power struggle?"

"The power of the Holy Grail has come to an end. Once the battle with the pan-human history begins, no one can ignore it."

"If that's the case, why don't you ask Pan-Human History directly for help?"

"If you are the leader of a nation, no, even if you are just an ordinary person of a nation, would you accept foreigners? Are you willing to share your land resources, public resources, and survival resources with foreigners? What's more, it's still a different world People? Let me tell you, there are already six billion people in the history of pan-humanity. If we take in another six billion displaced people and lose the permanent disaster victims of the empire, the entire history of pan-humanity will also collapse on its own. This planet is too small, It cannot accommodate such a large population.”


"The future is won by the sword, and what I cherish is guarded by the sword. If you don't want to die here, give up your weak thoughts, give up your immature magic, and defeat me with the sword. Otherwise, you It can only stop there.”

The holy apostle of Pendragon waved his short staff, the light was shining, and countless torrents of magic power surged towards the witch Artoria.

"I don't—I don't want to get involved in these things."

The witch Artoria pursed her lips tightly, and had no choice but to launch a counterattack.

However, her superficial skills are no match for the Holy Apostle of Pendragon, and she can only be beaten to the ground.

The Empire is coming so menacingly that not even Avalon can stop it.

The chaotic flames of war are burning more and more vigorously in this ideal land that escapes from the world.

Seeing the flames of war spreading in Avalon, Hateres withdrew his gaze, looked at Taito, and said, "Master Taito, Lord Taiton has fallen asleep, it's time to say goodbye."

Taito was stunned for a moment, then glanced at Artoria, the witch who fought against Pendragon Holy Apostle, then his eyes fell on Shirou, and then nodded, "...It is indeed this time."

Her gaze gradually became firmer.


With a "clang", Mordred pierced Vivienne, who was covered in black shadows, with a sword, and knocked her down. When she fell, her whole body dissipated like a bubble.

The straw on Guinevere's back slowly disappeared, as if she had lost her support, she rolled her eyes and passed out, but was hugged by Morgan Le Fay in time.

Mordred looked at Guinevere worriedly, she was a little worried about whether the sword she just had caused fatal damage to Guinevere.

Although she doesn't care about the life and death of Guinevere of the Empire, the black shadow that just emerged is undoubtedly her teacher Vivienne, and if her memory is correct, like Balor before, she will be able to fight against the Emperor of Heaven. The survival of the giant arm is mostly related to Vivienne.

Morgan Le Faye pressed Guinevere's neck artery, checked it, and shook his head to the worried Mordred: "It's nothing, it's just that I lost too much energy and passed out."

Mordred nodded silently, and was surprised to find that the body that had been completely burned gradually regained the outline of a human being, the blue fallen flames gradually extinguished, and a layer of fair skin slowly regenerated.

—The tribute is good too, Mordred.

The star cup's third eye slowly closed.

"Hey! You bastard—"

Mordred stared angrily at the star chalice with her eyes closed tightly, feeling annoyed in her heart. She knew that the reason why she could turn back into a human must be the trouble of the star chalice.

But this is not something to be thankful for, because the Star Grail is not the Holy Grail, it is a thing from hell, full of malice and ill intentions, and it is the manifestation of demons.

The star cup can return the concept of human beings to her, it must be some other price.

This time the star cup will close her eyes and return the concept of human to her. The black shadow that came from the same source was satisfied.

What about last time?

What kind of price was paid for the shot down of the giant arm of the Heavenly Emperor, so that the star cup returned the concept of human beings to her?

Morgan Le Fay carried Guinevere into the cave, and covered her with the cloak.

Mordred didn't stop, but looked at Guinevere with a complicated expression, her heart was in a mess.

For the sake of pan-human history, she was already mentally prepared to kill Guinevere, but what she didn't expect was that the body of Guinevere from the Empire actually lived with Vivienne's spirit.

As a result, she fell into a quagmire of hesitation and could no longer be as decisive as before.

The person Mordred respects the most and is closest to is actually not Arturia as mother, Shirou as father, or Galahad as foster brother, but her teacher Vivienne.

"What's going on here?" Mordred frowned, his face full of confusion and incomprehension.

"I don't know, I don't have this memory. I can only ask after Vivienne regains her senses." Morgan Le Fay gently covered Vivienne with a quilt, and said to Mordred.

Mordred nodded, turned his head, and stared at the fainted Guinevere.

Looking at the sleeping Guinevere like this, she didn't notice a trace of Vivienne's wavelength. She seemed to be just a parallel individual in a parallel world, and also a weak and bullying greenhouse flower with no deep experience in the world.

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