I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2080

However, under some special stimulus, Vivian's spirit will be revealed.

And that particular stimulus...

Mordred looked down at his star chalice. The stress reaction that caused Vivian to show up was the Star Cup in her hand.

- star... cup.

Recalling Vivienne's numb but obsessive appearance before, Mordred felt sad. Vivienne will become like this, and she will have such a stressful reaction to the star cup. It must be because she loves the Eternal Dynasty too much and is too angry about the demise of the Eternal Dynasty, right?

Because of myself...

"Speaking of which, can you show me your cup, Mordred?" Morgan Le Fay pointed at the star cup in Mordred's hand, with a serious expression.

"That's fine."

Mordred throws the Star Cup to Morgan Le Fay.

Morgan Le Fay took the Star Cup over, but the moment she caught the Star Cup, the three closed eyes on the Star Cup opened at the same time, looking at Morgan Le Fay with disgust.

—Take your dirty hands off my holy body, vile woman.

The voice resounding from the bottom of his heart made Morgan Le Fay stunned for a long time.

However, seeing Morgan Le Fay ignoring him for the star cup, the golden cup body was burning with faint blue flames, Morgan Le Fay yelled "ah" from being burned, and subconsciously let go of his hand.

The star cup fell to the ground, and the prototype's chassis spun on the ground.

The three eyes of the Star Cup looked at Mordred with displeasure.

—Don't let human dirty hands touch me again, Mordred. Including your mother's parallel entity.

The Star Cup is still bitter about Mordred letting Saber touch its body in Romania.

"You still talk as much nonsense as ever, Star Cup." Mordred pouted.

The star cup is conscious, and this matter may be beyond everyone's expectations. But in fact, the cup that caused Mordred to shatter has consciousness from beginning to end, but it has not shown its will to anyone other than Mordred.

"Sure enough," Morgan Le Fay stared at the star chalice on the ground with a serious face, "This is the Holy Grail of the Holy Spirit!"

"You made a mistake, Morgan. This is the Star Cup." Mordred picked up the Star Cup, and tapped the Star Cup with his fingers. "The Star Cup was brought from hell by the beast of the Apocalypse."

"No, I'm not mistaken. I have that feeling from the time I saw it before. That flame should be known as the blade of the kingdom of heaven, the flame of Archangel St. Michael, but it seems to have been The viciousness of hell eats away, the fire of the fallen angels."

Morgan Le Fay looked at Mordred seriously, and said, "This cup, like the Holy Grail, comes from heaven!"

"Hahaha, Star Cup, she said you are from heaven!" Mordred pointed at the Star Cup and Morgan Le Fay, laughing loudly.

——what's so ridiculous? I was originally from heaven.

Mordred's laughter stopped abruptly, and he stared at the Star Cup with wide eyes, "Why don't I know about this?"

——Although I am your Noble Phantasm, you are actually my slave. You need to know me, and you don't think about knowing me at the same time.

"You bastard—"

Mordred was furious and furious, with a fierce look in his eyes, but he couldn't do anything about the star cup.

It is not only her treasure, but also the death star that caused her demise, but now, the Star Cup has long been an inseparable part of her, or she is an inseparable part of the Star Cup. But this guy really disgusted her.

"Sure enough—" Morgan Le Fay frowned: "After the dynasty was completely destroyed, Vivian and I felt that the dynasty's demise was too bizarre, so we conducted a private investigation into the dynasty's demise. And also It was after that that Vivienne became abnormal..."

"Wait a minute!" Mordred asked suspiciously, "Didn't you say that you and the teacher were fighting?"

"That's a modern thing. Although the relationship was not good in the past, it was only at the level of not waiting to be seen and showing faces, not to the point of life and death. After the investigation into the demise of the dynasty, Vivienne changed It's very strange, and I couldn't come out in Avalon after that. I thought it was the problem of [True Ether] disappearing, so I couldn't move on the surface of the planet, but now that I think about it, there are some problems." Morgan Le Fay looked at the fainted Gui Nivier.

Mordred glanced at Guinevere and frowned: "But, after I destroy the dynasty, will you investigate again? Of course you will not be able to investigate anything, after all, this thing was discovered by me at the time." Brought to the underworld."

Mordred kicked the Star Cup.

The Star Cup stared at Mordred as if irritated, but Mordred ignored it.

"No, I'm not talking about the staged destruction, but after the complete destruction of the dynasty."

"The dynasty is completely destroyed?"

"Well," Morgan Le Fay nodded, "After you destroyed the dynasty, Galahad used the power of the Holy Grail to re-establish the Eternal Dynasty, but not long after, Galahad was in his prime and full of energy De died suddenly. And after that, the dynasty without a successor was completely caught in internal and external troubles, and completely stepped out of the stage of history."

Hearing this, Mordred was stunned for a moment: "Brother Yi... died unexpectedly?"

Morgan Le Fay nodded, "You may not know. After Galahad used the Holy Grail to revive the dynasty, he handed the Holy Grail to Zeus from another world."

"I heard about this matter from Gaia. The god Zeus noticed the existence of the Lord of Relief in advance. In order to save his world, he planned to use the Holy Grail to create a seat of the gods, but he was polluted by the king of evil and turned into a false god. Seat. Wait! Could it be that the god Zeus took the Holy Grail from the brother-in-law and cursed the brother-in-law?"

"No," Morgan Le Fay shook his head, "That's not the case. Galahad handed over the Holy Grail to Him voluntarily, and God Zeus gave Galahad his blessing."

"With the power of the Holy Grail, and the blessing of God King Zeus...how could the brother-in-law suddenly die suddenly?" Mordred was puzzled, not to mention the Holy Grail, but the blessing of God King Zeus was the last time How can people die suddenly when they can live a long life?

"That's why we launched an investigation, and after that, we found the footprints of the fallen angel... and that footprint has the same power as this Holy Grail." Morgan Le Fay stared at the star chalice on the ground.

Hearing this, Mordred came to his senses, glared fiercely at the Star Cup, and asked, "The Star Cup, is it your fault again?"

—as stupid as ever, as if he had taken me straight from the Apocalypse, Mordred. At that time, I was taken to the Seat of Heroes by you.


—Probably the half of Yu, Lucifer.


—Yes, the bust of my holy angel. However, after I was brought to the Seat of Heroes by you, there should be no way for it to interfere with the present world.

"Sure enough, you are—"

--ah. I am an archangel, a fallen angel, and a world-destroying devil, Satan!

Satan, the famous devil in this church who can fight against the Holy Spirit, has been badly written in countless nerd culture novels, and is the famous master of demons.

But in fact, the original image of Satan was an angel. In the "Old Testament - Book of Job", Satan also tested Job by the command of the Holy Spirit, and was not against God.

Morgan Le Fay sighed, and had noticed it before, but with the recognition of the star cup, Morgan Le Fay completely understood that the demise of the Eternal Dynasty was a natural disaster, and even more a man-made disaster.


Chapter 72: You Are Really a Torturing Little Fairy

Satan and Lucifer, among the Catholic mythology with a base of 2.3 billion believers, apart from the most well-known God as the main god, they are the devil Satan and the fallen angel Lucifer.

In fact, the two are actually one.

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