I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2085

Sha Tiao Ai Ge's heart is filled with tears of soul.

Those were the tears of humiliation.

If eyes can kill, there is no doubt that Fujimaru Tachika has been killed by Sajo Aiga thousands of times.

But until now, Sha Tiao Aige can only endure this humiliation with tears in her eyes.

The appearance of Sajo Ayaka suddenly flashed in my mind, Sajo Aika suddenly raised her head, stared at Fujimaru Tachika, and said through gritted teeth: "You are not allowed to interfere with my sister and me, do you hear me clearly, Fujimaru Tachika?" fragrant!"

Fujimaru Tachika looked at Sajo Aika suspiciously, and asked, "Well...Although I haven't begged much, but is this your attitude of begging, Aika?"

Shajo Aiga suddenly remembered Shirou who forced her to bow her head at the South American junction, and clenched her fists tightly.

This is really carved out of the same mold, but at this moment, Shatiao Aige had to lower her head and whispered: "...Please, Gudazi."

The tears of the soul are splashing again.

"I see." Fujimaru Tachika nodded, then seemed to think of something, and said with a smile: "Actually, Aige, you didn't mention you and your sister, I even forgot that your sister is also in this village Well. However, Aige has lowered his head and begged me like this, so I will remember the matter of you and your sister, and I will not interfere as a spectator. Then I will go straight on the road after I have a rest."

Sha Tiao's love song: "..."

"Oh, that's right. Actually, Aige, you don't have to bow your head to beg me like this, because I am a person, if no one asks me for help, I won't do it casually. Otherwise, it will be a waste of help. It's not a mess." Trouble? I'm not stupid."

Fujimaru Tachika clapped her hands and looked at Sajo Aiga with a smile.

This guy……

Sajo Aiga looked at the smiling Fujimaru Tachika, and suddenly realized that compared to his glamorous appearance, this guy's heart may be darker than the black mud.

Pure black belly!

The Orange Peel Devil, the Seventh Beast...

I remember this humiliation!

Although she was repeatedly humiliated by Tachika Fujimaru, but with the assurance of Tatsuka Fujimaru, Aiga Sajo can breathe a sigh of relief.

In the next few days, Sajo Aiga avoided Sajo Ayaka while monitoring Fujimaru Tachika's actions.

Although he got the promise of Fujimaru Tachika, and there are people like Fujimaru Shiro who keep the promise as a precedent, but Sajo Aiga still can't rest assured of Fujimaru Tachika.

Although Fujimaru Tachika has an innocent face and clear eyes, she looks like a good girl, but in the eyes of Sajo Aiga, she is a devil who just wants to humiliate her!

So, have to guard against!

Fortunately, Fujimaru Tachika has been wandering the streets for the past few days, and approached Sajo Ayaka several times under Sajo Aiga's nervous gaze, and they just chatted casually and borrowed a few books to read .

This made Sha Tiao Aige feel relieved and even more angry. There is no doubt that Fujimaru Tachika is teasing her!

Like during the Holy Grail War in Shinjuku, the real Sajo Aiga played tricks on her, holding everyone's fate in his hands.

This may be fate.

Those who play with the fate of others will eventually be played by fate.

Have you ever thought about the real Shatiao Love Song sleeping in her body?

How could she be overturned by Shiro Fujimaru, and even be born with such a false personality that keeps suppressing her, preventing her from waking up from her deep sleep?

At this time, Sajo Aika found that Fujimaru Tateka was walking towards the bookstall of Sajo Ayaka again.

Sajo Aika knew that Fujimaru Tachika was here to tease her again, but she had gotten used to it and would not be as nervous as the first time.

Immediately afterwards, she heard Fujimaru Tachika asking

"Ayaka, let me ask you a question. Your older sister is Sajo Aika, right?"

Shatiao Aige was stunned for a moment, then came to her senses.

This guy

Not only humiliated her, but also discredited her!


Chapter 74 Can't Take It Anymore

"my sister?"

Sajo Ayaka froze for a moment, then looked along Fujimaru Tateka's fingers, and immediately saw a very familiar blond girl behind a wall, her eyes widened suddenly.

"Evil, the king of evil..."

Sajo Ayaka subconsciously took a few steps back, looking at Sajo Aiga's pupils filled with fear, vigilance, and hatred, "You really came to pan-human history from the South American junction!"

As she spoke, she slowly backed away vigilantly.

"What's the matter? I just passed by here by chance. Did you see me running away? As a big sister, I'm really sad." Sha Tiao Aige walked out from behind the wall clutching her chest, with a troubled expression on her face, like It was as if she was sad because of Sajo Ayaka's fear and hatred.

Sajo Ayaka did not speak, but stared at Sajo Aiga vigilantly, and slowly backed away.

After Attila was taken away by Gaia, there was no power around her that could resist Sajo Aiga.

There was a faint smile on Sajo Aika's face, as if she was quite fond of Sajo Ayaka's eyes of fear and hatred.


"These days, haven't you been hiding behind the wall and observing your sister in secret, Aika?" Fujimaru Tachika tilted her head, staring at Sajo Aika suspiciously with her clear eyes.

Hearing this, Sajo Aiga smiled elegantly: "You really like to joke, Fujimaru Shirou's younger sister, Fujimaru Tachika-dono."

Fujimaru's younger sister? Is this girl Fujimaru's younger sister? Sajo Ayaka looked at Fujimaru Tachika's profile in surprise. Is this girl Fujimaru's younger sister?

"Why do you call me that on purpose, Aika?" Fujimaru Tatsuka was confused.

"Isn't this natural? Because you are my prisoner!" Sajo Aiga pointed at Fujimaru Tachika with a smile.

good chance!

Sajo Ayaka yelled in her heart, and the moment Sajo Aika's eyes left her, Sajo Ayaka threw a golden bottle at Sajo Aika.

It was the ancient alchemy magic bottle specially handed over to the person who issued the book by the old Shan in order to ensure that the personnel could retreat safely after they were discovered at the time of departure.

The golden bottle hit Shatiao Aige, and with a "boom", it exploded like a smoke bomb, and gray mist instantly enveloped Shatiao Aige.

Sajo Ayaka took the opportunity to grab Fujimaru Tateka's wrist, and under Fujimaru Tatsuka's suspicious gaze, she shouted, "Follow me—"

Sajo Ayaka wanted to drag Fujimaru Tachika away, but found that she couldn't move Fujimaru Tachika, turned her head to look, and saw Sajo Aiga holding Fujimaru Tachika's other hand, with a half-smile looking at her.

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