I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2086

Sajo Ayaka was so frightened that she quickly let go of Fujimaru Tateka's hand and activated the teleportation technique. With a sound of "咻", a black light flashed past and disappeared.

"So that's the case, no wonder you dare to act alone, you have the secret technique of the Fairy Domain."

Shajo Aika's eyes were clear, and she was surprised that Tiernano's side would rest assured that Xuanzang Sanzang and Sajo Ayaka would come out to act, but since there are secrets from the Fairy Domain, everything can be explained.

The secret art of Fairy Realm is quite miraculous, and it is the only well-preserved system of magic from the age of gods on this planet.

"You scared my sister away, Aika." Fujimaru Tatsuka pointed to the empty street, and looked at Sajo Aika.

"Speaking of this..." Shajo Aiga's forehead danced with the word "well", turned her head, stared at Fujimaru Tachika, and asked, "Didn't it be agreed before? Don't interfere with me and my sister's relationship." Things, are you going back on your word now?"

"It's nothing. I'm not like you. I'm a hypocrite who always wears a fake smile."

Hearing this, Shajo Aige automatically blocked Fujimaru Tachika's humiliation to her, and asked blankly: "Then what did I hear just now? The Fujimaru family has no integrity and loves to argue."

"No. I made an agreement with you not to interfere with you and your sister, but today is not the day of the agreement. And the me now is not the me I promised you in the past."

"You are sophistry!" Shatiao Aige couldn't help but say.

"That's right," Fujimaru Tachika nodded, "However, love song can't interfere with my freedom, right? Ayaka-chan is a kind and gentle person, suitable to be a companion. Why can't I resist being with her?" What about communication? And...why does such a gentle Ayaka-san seem to be very scared and disgusted after seeing you? Aika, did you do something super bad?"

Fujimaru Tachika looked at Sajo Aika with a puzzled face.

"You don't have to worry about that."

Shajo Aige knew that she was not Fujimaru Tachika's opponent at this time, so she didn't dare to speak too harshly, but if she made a fuss with Fujimaru Tachika again, she felt that she was going crazy, so she simply said it clearly.

"My purpose is the animal nature in you. Your purpose is to let me take you to find your sister and brother, and let me dissect the animal nature in you and your sister. That's all, other than that, we don't No communication, so please don't interfere with my affairs, Miss Gudazi! After all, didn't you say it yourself? You don't like meddling in my business!"

"That's right. But Ai Ge, at that time, your face showed a look of being at a loss and wanting help!"

Hearing this, Shatiao Aige was taken aback.

"I won't meddle in other people's business. However, if someone asks me for help, I will not refuse. Because my heart is sincere." Fujimaru Tachika looked at Sajo Aiga seriously, "I listen I can see the voice of pain in your heart, so I want to help you."

Shajo Aika looked at Fujimaru Tatsuka's smile, her heart trembled slightly, and then she snorted coldly: "Nonsense! The king of evil has no heart, I am nothingness!"

She turned her back and left sullenly. In order to let Fujimaru Tachika know that she was very angry now, she stomped her feet and left with a bang.

Fujimaru Tachika gently watched her back leave, "I can hear the painful voice in your heart, because your eyes are the same as my eyes when I was a child."


After saying goodbye to Tachika Fujimaru, Aiga Sajo hid in her small farmhouse.

"The voice of pain in my heart..."

Shajo Aige lowered her head to look at her palm covered with bruises like spider webs, stared at the black air overflowing from the shattered marks, and pursed her lips, "The people of the Fujimaru family... really love to say this One set."

Shatiao Aige knows how she was born.

She is not a real person, just, just a dream.

It belongs to Sajo Ayaka's dream.

When the Shinjuku junction was still in the history of pan-humanity, Fujimaru Shiro, who killed the real Sajo Aika, fell into endless resets due to the power of the Enlightened One, and Sajo Ayaka, who remained at the end, became the real battle of the Holy Grail War. winner.

The weak Sajo Ayaka made a wish to the Holy Grail that everything will be back to good, but the Holy Grail is only the crystallization of the third method, and it cannot do that kind of thing, so she was born.

The illusory personality born using Sajo Ayaka's longing for and recognition of Sajo's love song, finally connected in South America, using the Mayan resurrection pyramid, successfully replaced the real personality, thereby realizing the resurrection.

Shajo Aige knows that she is just a doll playing "Shajo Aige".

So the voice of pain in my heart?

This simply doesn't exist.

Sha Tiao Aige is a pure first love, a completely abnormal monster, and the king of evil...but her real essence is nothingness.

She is Sha Tiao Ai Ge, also derived from Sha Tiao Ai Ge, just a clown playing [Sha Tiao Ai Ge], she has nothing of her own.

Therefore, she is also a piece of nothingness, and can only be a piece of nothingness.

Sajo Aiga let out a long breath, and murmured in her heart that the people of Fujimaru's family are really very talkative.

"Ka Ka Ka -"

Shatiao Aige lowered her head and stared at her arm. On that fair arm, several cracks of different sizes appeared, emitting black air.

Sha Tiao Ai Ge knows that this not only symbolizes the time when the real Sha Tiao Ai Ge wakes up, but also symbolizes the collapse process of her illusory dream, which is her dead line.

"The seventh animal nature... If you swallow the beast of the end, you can continue to suppress the true personality, and you don't have to be afraid of the demon bodhisattva hiding in the dark. Gudazi...gudazi...ah, put up with that annoying person again My guy." Shatiao Aige sighed.


Suddenly there was a shocking explosion, Sha Tiao Aige raised his eyebrows, walked to the window, looked towards the place where the explosion sounded, and saw a distant flame flickering, and a cloud of smoke curling up.

In that cloud of smoke, she could feel the wavelength of the Demonic Bodhisattva, obviously this should be a trick of the Demonic Bodhisattva to lure her out.

However, she will not be fooled.

Shajo Aiga has an omniscient and omnipotent ability comparable to the Holy Spirit. Although this omniscient and omnipotent person cannot see Shirou as a traverser, the [root] Lord of Rescue, and the transcendent such as the Enlightened One, it is a pity that the Demonic Bodhisattva does not Not in it.

Shatiao Aige calmly looked at the flame in the distance, no matter what tricks the Demonic Bodhisattva played, she would not be fooled.

She can even bear the humiliation of Fujimaru Tachika several times, can't she bear this?

Sha Tiao Aige was thinking this, and then his expression changed suddenly, he pushed open the door, and rushed towards the distance where the flames flickered.


Shatiao Aige gritted her teeth, just now, she saw the explosion from an omniscient point of view.

It was the demon Bodhisattva who caught Sajo Ayaka!

Shatiao Aige rushed to the place where the fire was shining, and saw the demon Bodhisattva sitting cross-legged.

She created a [Concealment A] ability for herself, put it on her body, then hid behind the wall, looked intently, and saw the Demonic Bodhisattva sitting cross-legged, with a smile on his face as always, and behind him was a A huge whirling hand was holding Sajo Ayaka.

"Your sister is about to be crushed to death by me, why don't you come out, respected Your Majesty the Root Emperor?" Demonic Bodhisattva smiled and said calmly towards the surroundings, as if she had seen through Sha Tiao's love song and hid around.

But from Shatiao Aige's omniscient and omnipotent point of view, it is natural to see that the Demonic Bodhisattva is deceiving her. This sentence has been yelled three times since she grabbed Sajo Ayaka.

However, Sajo Aiga subconsciously wanted to come out, but Sajo Ayaka's words made her stop: "Don't waste your efforts, that monster is not here."

That... monster.

The footsteps came to a sudden stop, and the wonderful feeling of being poked by a needle or being suffocated in the water emerged in his heart, which made Shatiao Aige's face full of bewilderment.

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