I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2087

She didn't quite understand the emotion.

"Also, even if she's here, she won't come out because of me. Don't waste your efforts, Beast Rank Killer... No, Demonic Bodhisattva."

"Oh, oh. Tell me not to even use my last name. This is really important, Lingzi." The Demonic Bodhisattva looked at Sajo Ayaka with a smile.

"If you don't want me to be estranged, then you let me go!"

"That can't be done, without you, the root princess won't come out." Demonic Bodhisattva said with a smile.

"I said, she won't come out because of me."

"That's not necessarily the case." The Demonic Bodhisattva smiled and said, "You may not know that the root princess, Your Excellency, was born because of you, Ling Zi."

"I know about this." Sajo Ayaka said calmly: "She was born because of the Holy Grail, a false personality!"

"Yes. So..."

"That's why I'm more sure that it's a monster!"

After a pause, Sajo Ayaka pursed her lips and said, "I only regret that I was too weak back then, that the Holy Grail caught my weakness and gave birth to that illusory monster. Otherwise, that monster ...The king of evil is completely dead in the past!"

Shatiao Aige clutched her chest, feeling suffocated.

"What you said...is so decisive."

"Don't you think so, Demonic Bodhisattva? You are chasing her now, which means that you don't want her to exist, right?"

"Having said that, but after all, they are of the same kind as me...Forget it. The one who can continue talking with you is the Sesseiin, not me."

The Demonic Bodhisattva shook his head, and then continued to shout: "Your sister is in my hands, are you really not going to come out? I don't believe that you, who have an omniscient perspective, didn't see this scene!"

"Don't waste—er—"

As Sajo Ayaka was talking, she suddenly felt her whirling hand tightening tightly, as if she wanted to squeeze her into meat paste.

Moxing Bodhisattva jokingly said: "I will make her into a meat paste."

Shajo Aige watched this scene calmly.

She knew that the Demonic Bodhisattva could not do it, because although the Demonic Bodhisattva and her had different personalities and pursuits, they were actually of the same kind.

So she is very convinced that the demon bodhisattva cannot do it.

And in her omniscient and omnipotent point of view, it also proves this point.

Moxing Bodhisattva will stop after Sajo Ayaka faints.

"I'm really going to crush Lingzi to death."

The Moxing Bodhisattva stepped up his strength while looking around jokingly.

"Uh... woo... You, don't waste your efforts... Mu... Wow..."

Seeing Sajo Ayaka's painful appearance, Sajo Aiga covered her ears with her hands, and kept saying to herself in her heart

Don't worry, that guy won't crush Ayaka to death...


"Mmm...it hurts..."


Looking at Sajo Ayaka's painful appearance, Sajo Aika pursed her lips, silently put down her hands, and walked out slowly from behind the wall.

She couldn't take it anymore.

Chapter 75 This love song is broken, why not us...

Sajo Aika looked at Sajo Ayaka, who was being ravaged by the demonic bodhisattva in the hands of her mother-in-law, and looked at her painful expression.

Aige couldn't bear it anymore, she was silent for a moment, and unlocked the [Concealment A] created by herself.

"over there!"

Moxing Bodhisattva instantly sensed the wavelength of Shatiao Aige, turned his head suddenly, stretched out several huge whirling hands behind him, condensed into spears, and stabbed towards the hiding place of Shatiao Aige.


There was a loud bang, the ground collapsed and the mountains collapsed, a huge pit with a radius of more than 30 meters collapsed, and the surrounding buildings collapsed like chickens and dogs.

"It's really a one-hit kill."

Sha Tiao Aige walked out of the thick smoke and dust, with an elegant smirk on his face, looking at the Demonic Bodhisattva, "However, it is really boring to catch a useless and irrelevant person. Three beasts."

"What's the matter? Would a false puppet feel distressed?" The Demonic Bodhisattva asked with a playful smile.

"How could it be? I came here to repay your previous kindness." Shatiao Aige said with a smile: "It's really impolite to call others dolls casually."

The Demonic Bodhisattva smiled and replied politely: "Politeness is for people, not for monsters. Do you think so, Lingzi?"

The Demonic Bodhisattva turned to look at Sajo Ayaka who was tightly held by the whirling hands.

Sajo Ayaka pursed her lips.

"Look, even your younger sister has acquiesced, Monster Princess." Demonic Bodhisattva pointed to Sajo Ayaka and said with a smile.

"If you say that, then it's okay. However, you are not too bad, the obscene princess of Yongtianliu. Oh, no. It is more appropriate to call you a slave." Sha Tiao Aige Smiling calmly, he pointed at the horns of the Demonic Bodhisattva and said, "Your horns are really cute."

Hearing this, the smile on Moxing Bodhisattva's face stopped abruptly, staring at Shatiao Aige gloomyly, and said coldly: "I hope you don't run away before returning that 'kindness' to me. Otherwise, , Saying this to me, what irrational things would I do, as the source of omniscience and omnipotence, Her Royal Highness, should be able to see it."


As soon as the words fell, there was a "click", the ground cracked, and countless black mud surged out like a tide, engulfing the demon bodhisattva.

Shajo Aige knows in her heart that she is not the opponent of the Demonic Bodhisattva at this moment, but she can also restrain the actions of the Demonic Bodhisattva by using the power of the evil king, thus rescuing Shajo Ayaka.

However, no matter how the black mud washed away the Demonic Bodhisattva, it was still unable to defeat her and restrain her.

Demonic Bodhisattva smiled and pointed at his armor calmly, "The same trick won't work for me a second time."

"The Heavenly Emperor's 【Emperor Armor】..." Shatiao Aige looked at the armor on the Demonic Bodhisattva and frowned, "Have you completely surrendered to the Eternal Empire and the Heavenly Emperor?"

"My new world cannot be born without the power of the Emperor of Heaven."

The Demonic Bodhisattva stretched out his hand, snapped his fingers with a "snap".

With several "swish, swish, swish" sounds, thousands of imperial divine soldiers and a holy apostle rushed out of the surrounding attics, farms, and farmhouses, and surrounded Shatiao Aige.

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