I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2088

"Your Majesty Maxus, although His Majesty the Heavenly Emperor did not pursue the crime of being Sibosi, it is not so easy to wash away." Demonic Bodhisattva pointed to Shatiao Aige and said with a smile: "Hunting and killing the biggest, The worst beast, you can definitely wash away your sins."

"Please rest assured and leave it to me, Your Excellency Saseiin."

The holy apostle named Maxus glanced at the Demonic Bodhisattva indifferently, then stared intently at the surrounded Shatiao Aige, drew his sword high, and shouted: "Hunting—!"

The divine soldiers put away their sharp swords one after another, held up their shields in one hand, and took out the [Ring of Thorns] in the other.

that is! Shatiao Aige looked at the [Ring of Thorns] in the hands of the divine soldier, her eyes narrowed suddenly.

The corners of the Demonic Bodhisattva's mouth rose slightly.

[Ring of Thorns], this is the weapon of the Eternal Empire on the same list as [Emperor Armor]. Once it is trapped by that ring, it will be cut off from the connection between consciousness and power, and become an ordinary person without extraordinary power, at the mercy of others. Even Beast is no exception.


The divine soldiers of the empire surrounded Shatiao Aige and threw [Ring of Thorns] towards Shatiao Aige one after another.

Can't get caught by that!

Shatiao Aige secretly said in her heart, she saw the characteristics of the [Ring of Thorns], and knew in her heart that once she was trapped, she would only have the fate of defeat.

A dark light flashed in Shatiao Aige's eyes, and endless black mist overflowed from the cracks in his body, condensing into shields and swords.

"Keng Keng" several times, she used the mud shield to block the [Ring of Thorns] that was flying towards her, and then with a movement of her mind, she used the mud sword to slash towards the divine soldiers surrounding her.

With a sound of "cha", the mud sword containing the power of the evil king cut off the blocking soldiers. However, just as Sha Tiao Aige was about to escape, the soldiers who had been cut off in the middle returned to their original state.

Can not even the power of the evil king erode the constancy of the empire?

Sha Tiao Aige frowned, had to stop moving forward, and dealt with the soldiers surrounding him with all his strength.

"It's useless. The people of the empire with permanence are already very close to the existence form of the original civilization. Even you can't assimilate the soldiers of the empire with permanence!" Demonic Bodhisattva said with a smile.

Sha Tiao Aige pursed her lips, she knew what the origin civilization that Moxing Bodhisattva said was.

Although she is omniscient and omnipotent, she can't see the era of the origin, but because the real [Shajo Aige] is a container cultivated by the Lord of Relief, she still knows some origins from [Shajo Aige] the beginning of things.

The monster of [Root Source], the Lord of Relief, was sealed into the empty realm behind the Gate of Truth by the original civilization, and the original goblin Titis, who was once wiped out by [Shatiao Love Song], is also the original civilization sole descendant of

Shatiao Aige was beaten so tightly that her hands and feet were bound, and the rats ran around endlessly. Although it was dangerous, it was actually under her control.

She knew that her own situation was quite bad at the moment, and she needed to save her strength, but the enemy had an absolute defense against her attacks, as well as a sealing method to block her ability. Therefore, she can only procrastinate.



Although it's shameful to say that, the seventh bestiality - Fujimaru Tachika should not ignore it.

The reason is simple, because the seventh bestiality still needs her help to get rid of her and Fujimaru Sakura's bestiality.

Although I pinned my hope on Fujimaru Tachika who humiliated her again and again, but for the mission of my own body and the hesitation towards Sajo Ayaka in my heart, I can only pin my hope on Fujimaru Tachika, the Fujimaru family on the person.

"You don't think Fujimaru Tachika will come to save you, do you?" Demonic Bodhisattva smiled: "The seventh animal nature is too harmful. Since the empire will take action against you, how can it miss her?"

Hearing this, Shajo Aige knew in her heart that the Demonic Bodhisattva might have sent some of the imperial soldiers to strangle the seventh bestial Fujimaru Tateka.

It seems that you can only count on yourself.

Sha Tiao Aige took a deep breath, his eyes sparkled, a dark halo suddenly appeared behind him, and then countless dark lights swept out in all directions.



The building was cut off in the middle, and the rocks pierced through the sky, creating a chaotic scene.

"Gaetia's Humanity Correction Form... has already absorbed the first animal nature? However, given her current messed up physical condition, she shouldn't be able to release the power of the beast, and she still releases it under this situation... "

The Demonic Bodhisattva looked at Shatiao Aige in amazement, releasing manpower to correct the light. Even as an unscrupulous opponent, she had to admire the perseverance of this false puppet.

"Since you have such perseverance, I would be too sorry for you if I didn't do that. Let me add some spices to you."

The Demonic Bodhisattva turned his head to look at Sajo Ayaka with a somewhat pale complexion, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and a ruthless light flashed in his eyes, and then, the whirling hand holding Sajo Ayaka violently

As if being thrown into a steamroller, Sajo Ayaka felt that she was about to be crushed, and the flesh on her painful face was almost twisted into one piece.

"Call, call, ask her for help!"

Sajo Ayaka pursed her lips, but did not make a sound.

Demonic Bodhisattva frowned: "Call! Don't you feel pain?"

She intensified her strength again, and Sajo Ayaka's slender body made a bone-crunching sound of "cracking", but Sajo Ayaka just pursed her lips, and didn't make a sound.

"You're screaming! Ask her for help! Aren't you afraid of death, Sajo Ayaka?" Demonic Bodhisattva asked through gritted teeth.

"You—don't underestimate me, Demonic Bodhisattva." Sajo Ayaka almost squeezed out her voice through her teeth in pain: "I would rather die than ask her for help!"

She was in pain, but she was extremely firm.

"You bastard—"

The Demonic Bodhisattva could no longer maintain a calm smile, and stared at Sajo Ayaka with a ferocious face.

It doesn't matter whether Sajo Ayaka is dead or not, but Sajo Ayaka is an important bargaining chip for her to restrain Sajo Aika.

At least for now, she doesn't dare to kill Sajo Ayaka, otherwise, Sajo Aika who has lost her grip will inevitably turn around and flee, and it will be difficult to catch Sajo Aika again.

"Since you don't shout, let me do it for you."

Moxing Bodhisattva turned his head and shouted hysterically at Sha Tiao Aige: "Puppet, look here!"

Sajo Aiga looked up subconsciously, and immediately saw the scene of Sajo Ayaka being tortured, and her calm mind instantly became confused.

good chance! The eyes of the holy apostle Maxus who supervised the battle were shining, and he drew his sword and charged straight into the battle group, slashing towards Shatiao Aige's abdomen with one sword.

Sha Tiao Ai Ge was about to dodge, when a terrible delusion suddenly sounded in his heart.


Shatiao Aige seemed to have been electrocuted, her body froze suddenly, and with a sound of "cha", Maxus chopped off her abdomen in the middle.

Black mud flowed from the severed abdomen, and it was reconnected like a clay figurine.

Shatiao Aige didn't dare to stay, put her head in one hand, and retreated a few steps, avoiding Maxus.

"That's right!" Demonic Bodhisattva smiled in satisfaction.

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