I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2089

Sajo Aiga's physical condition can be described as a mess, and whether it is the permanence of the empire or the ability of the "ring of thorns" to restrain her extremely, Fujimaru Tateka, who is a foreign aid, is entangled by the empire again.

But at this moment, Sajo Ayaka's pained appearance made her panic again.

However, this is not the most critical.

The most important thing is that voice.

The voice from the bottom of my heart.

A voice that doesn't belong to her.

— Arthur!

— Arthur!

"Ka Ka Ka -"

The cracks on the body became more intense.

Amidst internal and external troubles, Shatiao Aige's movements became slower and slower, and finally she was knocked to the ground with a sword of Maxus, and the imperial soldiers who flanked her took the opportunity to put the [Ring of Thorns] on her body.

When the Demonic Bodhisattva saw it, he shouted with great joy, "Kill her!"

"Shouldn't it be handed over to His Majesty for trial?" Maxus asked.

"Don't make troubles, just kill her!" Demonic Bodhisattva shouted.

Maxus frowned in displeasure: "I am not your subordinate, Lord Demon Bodhisattva."

"You guy, do you like to care about unimportant things so much? Anyway, hurry up—"

Before Moxing Bodhisattva finished speaking, Shatiao Aige laughed.


"What are you laughing at?" Maxus frowned and asked.

"Because I am very happy, and I am very grateful to you."

Sha Tiao Aige slowly raised her head, her beautiful right face and her eyes collapsed like a mask, revealing a deep darkness.

However, she had a smile on her face, a very happy smile.

Smiling like a twelve-year-old girl getting a birthday present.

But it was such a pure and happy smile that hung on this collapsed face, but it looked so weird and terrifying, which made Maxus stunned for a moment.

"Could it be——!"

The Moxing Bodhisattva looked at the smiling Shatiao Aige, his eyes suddenly constricted into needles, and he lost his voice: "Wake up, are you awake?"

Shatiao Aige stood up, patted her dusty little foreign dress.

Seeing her standing up, the surrounding imperial soldiers immediately drew out their swords and slashed at her head. However, before she got close to her, the mud sword stretched out from her back pierced through the soldiers with a "crack". .

"No, it's useless, except for Mordred's star cup and me, permanence is immortal. Your animal rights have no, no..."

Before he finished speaking, the Demonic Bodhisattva saw the pierced imperial soldiers disappear like a cloud of smoke, and couldn't help but widen his eyes in horror: "How is it possible?"

"I just woke up and welcomed me so warmly." Shatiao Aige showed a happy smile: "It seems that you like me very much, no, you like my prince, Arthur? But what a pity , Arthur only belongs to me. However, your love will become the cornerstone of Arthur's restoration of the country, are you happy? Hehehe..."

Shatiao Aige covered her mouth and laughed lightly, several streams of mud flowed from behind, piercing several imperial soldiers around with a "crack", and the pierced imperial soldiers disappeared like a cloud of smoke in a blink of an eye.

The scene was dead silent for a while, only Sha Tiao Aige's laughter was still echoing.

"Strange, monster..."

An imperial soldier couldn't help but said.

"This is really rude." Sha Tiao Aige stretched out his hand towards him, and the soldier's body immediately separated and dissipated like a cloud of smoke.

Shajo Aige puffed up her cheeks as if angry: "I'm a girl. I have a longing heart for that king, and I'm fighting for that king's great cause of restoring the country. I'm the future princess of King Arthur. "

An invisible terror instantly enveloped the scene.

Everyone, even the imperial people with constancy, looked at Sajo Aiga with fearful eyes.

Sha Tiao's love song killed the sound, and the scene was extremely dead.

Sajo Aiga turned her head, her eyes fell on Sajo Ayaka, she smiled gracefully: "You are still alive, Ayaka. It looks like you are in pain, come on, my sister is here to help you out."

Her smile was bright, but her body exuded a terrifying and cold murderous aura, and her whole body was filled with a cold and ominous black mist.

Sha Tiao Aige walked towards the Demonic Bodhisattva without squinting. Wherever he passed, the imperial soldiers retreated subconsciously, their eyes flickering with fear, not daring to block the way.

Even the Holy Apostle Maxus is the same.

"No—don't come here..."

Sajo Ayaka looked at the smiling Sajo Aika in fear.

Even if it is a demon bodhisattva, even if it is held tightly by the whirling hands, even if it has gone through life and death several times, it is not as terrifying and terrifying as the "sister" who is gradually walking towards her now.

"Don't come here, don't come here—you monster!"

Sajo Aiga looked at Sajo Ayaka with a calm smile, and walked slowly.

The Moxing Bodhisattva looked at Shatiao Aige who came slowly, and found that his body was completely frozen and unable to move.

Wake up - wake up!

Always, one step slower!

Before the monster woke up, Sajo Aiga failed to kill.

And now, it's over!

The ring of thorns can't seal that monster, and constancy is useless against that monster!

Now, even the [Emperor Armor] on his body couldn't give the Demonic Bodhisattva the slightest sense of warmth and security.

However, just when the Demonic Bodhisattva thought she was finished, she discovered something was wrong.

"No! No! This wavelength is not..."

Sha Tiao Aige's eyes flickered coldly, and before the Demonic Bodhisattva could fully react, he stretched out his hand and threw a ball of black mud onto the Demonic Bodhisattva's eyes.

"Ah! My eyes! You bastard, you bastard, can you still pretend to be so calm at this time?"

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