I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2090

The Demonic Bodhisattva has come to his senses, and he has fully reacted.

The power of that monster may have awakened, but Sajo Aiga, this false personality, still maintains its own existence.

Everything is a disguise of Sha Tiao Ai Ge!

Taking advantage of everyone's fear of her true personality, she disguised herself!

However, it was already too late!

Shajo Aiga covered the eyes of the Demonic Bodhisattva with mud, then turned into a trowel, cut off the hand of the mother-in-law, and grabbed Shajo Ayaka's shoulder.

"Let's go!" Shatiao Aige said.

"Don't touch me, you monster!" Sajo Ayaka struggled in fear.

"Don't try to run!"

At this time, the Demonic Bodhisattva also reacted angrily, using the whirling hand tool to display a golden spear and subconsciously shot towards Shatiao Aige.

With a sound of "cha", Shatiao Aige's right shoulder was wiped off.

She pursed her lips, pressed Sajo Ayaka's shoulder with her left hand, and threw her head at Sajo Ayaka's forehead.

With a sound of "boom", the blood flowed from the head.

And Sajo Ayaka was also knocked unconscious by her, and then Sajo Aiga grabbed the shoulder of Sajo Ayaka who passed out, and fled away.

After the Demonic Bodhisattva removed the black mud from his eyes, they were nowhere to be seen.

"Okay, okay! The duck in hand has flown!" Moxing Bodhisattva turned his head with a gloomy face, looked at Maxus and the others, and said, "Have you seen it now? If we let that woman continue to live, That monster will be revived soon! If that monster is revived, the ultimate evil behind that monster will also follow, and your empire, His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven, will be destroyed by that ultimate evil! Don’t hesitate, don’t create extra problems, just Exhaustive, kill that puppet before that monster wakes up!"

Maxus nodded: "I understand."

The Demonic Bodhisattva turned his head back and gritted his teeth.

She knew that Shatiao Aige could resist the [Ring of Thorns] and kill constancy, which meant that the real [Shatiao Aige], the first container, was waking up!


Be sure to destroy the first container before she wakes up!


"Huh?" Shirou raised his head and frowned.

"What's the matter, Fujimaru Shiro?" asked Arturia, the witch at the side, suspiciously.

"No, it's nothing. I just feel a little palpitation suddenly."

"This is probably the sequelae of the large teleportation array." The witch Artoria smiled, then pointed to the front, and sighed: "But, again, where did the teacher send us to! "

Shirou turned his head and followed the finger of the witch Artoria, looking forward. Wherever he looked, there were iron and steel ruins everywhere, like a steel cemetery.

"I don't know. But what is certain is that this place is definitely not Britain." After a pause, Shirou added: "At least, it's not Britain in pan-human history."

Chapter 76: Those who can be hurt are those who care about you

Standing on a steel ruin, Shirou looked into the distance, and everywhere he looked was reinforced concrete.

After Avalon was attacked by the empire, Taito, as the fairy queen, used the big teleportation technique to send Shirou and others back to Tirnano, but the big teleportation technique was interfered by the flying boat of Aggawen, and appeared accident.

When he came back to his senses, he had already arrived at this continent that looked like a steel graveyard.

Fortunately, after the [Emperor's Arm] was broken by Adam, the Star King's blessing could still reach Gaia and get in touch with Tiernano.

Turning his head, Shirou looked at the witch Arturia who was rummaging for something in the ruins of steel, and sighed inwardly.

There was an accident in the big teleportation array, and he and the witch Artoria were teleported here, while Scathach and Bedivere were separated from him.

"it's here!"

The witch Artoria pulled out a notebook from under a disused giant steel arm in a panic, held it in her arms, and breathed a sigh of relief: "Fortunately, I didn't lose it."

Shirou squatted on the rock, looked at her with eyes like fire, and asked, "Is that notebook so important?"

"Of course, this is my travel diary." The witch Artoria hugged the note tightly, "It is my most precious thing!"

"Then your precious thing is really cheap enough."

Shirou projected a towel, threw it to the witch Arturia, and said, "Wipe off the water on your body first, and be careful not to catch a cold."

Unlike him, when the witch Artoria was teleported, she fell into a small river next to her and got soaked all over her body. As soon as she got ashore, she searched for her worthless notebook.

The witch Artoria took the towel and asked suspiciously, "Fever? What is that?"

"It's an inflammation." Seeing the dazed look on the witch Artoria's face, Shirou added: "Hum. Simply put, it's just that I'm not feeling well and was knocked down by a patient."

"Knocked down by a patient? Then you people in pan-human history are really weak enough." The witch Artoria patted her chest and said proudly: "The people of our empire are physically stronger than others. .There are no patients!"


Shirou stood up: "Then we can go on our way."

The witch Artoria looked at Shirou suspiciously, and asked, "Do you know where we are now? Let me tell you first, this is a steel world like the imperial capital. I have never been here, let alone heard of it."

Shirou raised his eyebrows and asked, "Is the imperial capital also like this?"

"Yes. Although I haven't been there, my sister... no, Morgan Le Fay and I have described it that way."

After a pause, Artoria, the witch, asked with sparkling eyes: "You know where we are now, right?"

"Unfortunately, I don't know." Shirou shook his head.

"Then you still want to be a signpost?" The witch Artoria turned her disgusted gaze.

"...Your expression is too rich, isn't it?" Shirou sighed with a headache, then pointed to the witch Artoria, and said, "You are more suitable..."

"Forget it, just pretend I didn't say it." Suddenly remembering that the person in front of him is not Al after all, Shirou shook his head, then pointed to the southeast, and said: "Although I don't know where this is, but I know we must go in that direction."

"Based on it?"

"Inhibition is calling me."

"His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven?"

"It's a planet."

The witch Arturia came to her senses, and lowered her head in a low voice: "That's right. Your Majesty, the Emperor of Heaven, has already been killed by my sisters."

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