I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2091

Shirou looked at the witch Arturia in silence.

To be honest, no one thought of this fact.

The Emperor of Heaven has long since disappeared.

Killed by another Heavenly Emperor, by his dependents.

However, who is the Heavenly Emperor sitting high above the sky at this moment?

Does it have any relationship with the Lord of Relief?

Shirou shook his head, and when he came back to his senses, he saw the witch Artoria dancing wildly on the notebook with a pen, muttering something, and couldn't help but ask, "What are you doing?"

"It suddenly occurred to me that many sentences can express my inner feelings, and I have to write them down." Witch Artoria said to Shirou without raising her head while writing notes.

Hearing this, Shirou said with black lines all over his head, "I'm leaving, I won't wait for you."

"Let's go, let's go. Just go ahead, and I'll follow you, so you won't get lost." The witch Artoria wrote notes without raising her head, and muttered something like 'Shock! It turns out that His Majesty the Great Emperor of Heaven has been assassinated by his sister and the others! ’, what ‘Shocked! When I learned the truth, my heart was full of grief! ’ and the like.

The old shock department!

"Crazy girl!" Shirou muttered, and then urged: "Wipe your hair dry, and be careful of fever."

"My body is amazing! It's not as bad as yours!" the witch Arturia raised her head and laughed.

Shirou shook his head, ignored her, and rushed towards the place where the voice of the stars sounded.

And this way, after driving for about three hours, they had to set fire to rest.


Witch Artoria has a fever.

"Huh, wheezing...Okay, it's so uncomfortable. Water, I want water..."

Looking at the witch Arturia lying curled up on the lawn, steaming all over her body, with a face full of pain, Shirou wrung out the towel and put it on her forehead.

Feeling the coldness of the ice on her forehead, her mind suddenly cleared up. The witch Artoria opened her eyes, looked at Shirou with tears in her eyes, and said unwillingly: "You can laugh if you want to laugh...Damn it! There is no permanence Sex, is my body so weak?"

"Remember how weak your body is, just protect yourself." Shirou helped the witch Altria up with a calm face, then picked up the bowl in front of her, and handed it to her, "Come on, drink hot water .Drink in small sips."

The bowls are projected and the water is distilled and boiled on site.

The witch Artoria took a sip and asked, "Aren't you laughing at me?"

"You don't have the concept of illness in your mind. Besides, a patient, what is there to laugh at?"

Shirou put down the bowl, covered her with a quilt, and said, "It will be comfortable to sleep and sweat out. Or you can try the magic way, but looking at you, you know that you don't know medical magic. So it's still Use hygienic means and resistance to relieve inflammation."

The witch Artoria nodded, then struggled suddenly.

"Can you settle down?"

"I haven't finished writing today's notes..."

Shirou shook his head, picked up the notes and pen, sat next to the witch Artoria, and said, "Lie down, report, and I'll write for you."

The witch Altria looked at Shirou with a serious look.

"What's the matter?" Shirou looked at the witch Artoria suspiciously, and asked, "Why didn't you report it? Travel diary is very important to you, right?"

The witch Arturia looked at the bright Shirou against the background of the fire, and said dryly, "Thank you, thank you...you are a good person."

"You're welcome. Who told you that you are a lost dog now? Are you still regarded as a traitor to the empire by Aggressive and Morgan Le Fay? I will help you now, and you will repay me later."

With that being said, this guy is an evil spirit.

The witch Artoria had black lines all over her head, and the goodwill that had grown up in her heart disappeared in an instant.


This scene is so familiar.

I remembered.

Long, long ago, sister-Morgan Le Fay was like this too.

She was lying on the hospital bed, and her sister took care of her in such a subtle way.

It's just that my sister didn't write notes for her, but told her about her travel notes as a witch traveling around the world a long time ago in order to allow her to receive treatment safely.

It was then that she developed a longing for travel.

I want to travel, I want to meet all kinds of people, and I want to leave my footprints all over the world.

But my sister——

The you whom I look forward to, the you whom I respect, why do you want to tear up my illusion with your own hands?


The elder sister in memory is a talent with almost unparalleled talent. The elder sister has a gentle and refined personality, elegant and modest conduct, and is known as the cornerstone of the family's revitalization.

Her father is full of hope for her, and her mother is full of expectations for her.

Even as a younger sister, she regards her elder sister as a benchmark in life, longing for, admiring, and hoping that she can become a perfect person like her elder sister.


After my sister participated in the Holy Grail War as a representative of the family, everything changed.

The world has changed, the family has changed.

And my sister has also changed.

The elegant and gentle sister was gone, replaced by a revived demon.

In order to summon the "beast", she killed all the masters who participated in the Holy Grail War, and implanted a curse on Misa Ya of Linglongguan, so that the Servant kidnapped many girls as sacrifices to the "beast".

And in the end, the elder sister also used her as a "beast" sacrifice.

Her father Satiao Hiroki dissuaded her from turning around, but he also became her ghost under the knife.

sister -

I regard you as a benchmark in life, longing for, admiring, and hoping that I can also become a perfect person like you.


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