I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2092

The you whom I look forward to, the you whom I respect, why do you want to tear up my illusion with your own hands?

Thinking of the world destroyed by Sajo Aiga, Sajo Ayaka regained her consciousness, frowned slightly, and slowly opened her eyes. At that time, she saw a piece of steep stalactites.

"here it is……"

Sajo Ayaka stood up slowly, looking around suspiciously.

"Underground cave." A deep voice answered her.

Sajo Ayaka turned her head, took a look, and saw Sajo Aika sitting not far away with her back against the stone wall.

"Evil, the king of evil..."

As if she saw a natural enemy, her body froze in place for an instant.

"What's wrong? Are you afraid of me?"

Aika raised her head, revealing her broken face.

Sajo Ayaka was taken aback: "You, your face—"

The right half of Aige's face has been completely broken, and the right eye has even disappeared, revealing a dark and deep hole like a black hole, which is very frightening.

Sajo Ayaka took a few steps back in fright, her face pale.

"Are you afraid? Are you afraid?" Sajo Aiga looked at the frightened Ayaka jokingly.

Hearing this, Ayaka gritted her teeth, bravely took a step forward, and said unconvinced: "I'm not afraid of you! I'm not afraid of you, a monster!"

"It doesn't matter if you are afraid or not. But now you have to hide in this cave with this monster like me."


"Because the Demonic Bodhisattva and the imperial army are still searching for you outside. You don't want to fall into their hands, do you?"

"It's better for me to fall into their hands than fall into your hands!"

"Oh, stupid. It's just death in my hands, in their hands, huh..."

Aiga smiled, and looked at Ayaka jokingly and playfully, "You should know the Tachikawa school of the Shingon esoteric sect, right? That school advocates love and sex to practice Buddhism. Demonic Bodhisattva is a chant of the Tachikawa school. Born in heaven. You are weak, you don’t want to experience the fornication hell created by the devil bodhisattva, do you?”

"Of course, if you're hungry and thirsty, you can go out and have a try. Maybe you'll meet someone better than Arthur."

"you you--"

Ayaka was trembling, but after being told by Aige, she didn't have the guts to go out.

She raised her head and looked at Sha Tiao Ai Ge who was close at hand. She found that the current Shatiao Aige is terribly weak, if it is now, maybe even she can kill Shatiao Aige.

"I advise you to give up the idea of ​​killing me." Sajo Aiga turned her head, looked at Ayaka, and said, "Even if I want to crush you to death, I only need to think about it. Of course, you You can try to see if you can kill me."

Sajo Aiga smiled and looked at Sajo Ayaka, Sajo Ayaka stood up, she wished she had the courage to walk up to this monster and strangle her to death.

However, she found that she couldn't do it at all.

She doesn't have that courage.

She fell to the ground with weak legs, bowed her head unwillingly, and asked herself with tears streaming down her face: "Why? Why am I so weak? If I were not so weak, if I hadn't shown my weakness to the Holy Grail, you would never appeared in my world..."

Sajo Aiga looked at Sajo Ayaka who gave up, her eyes couldn't help but darken, and she heard Ayaka's self-denying question, and said: "Actually, I also hate your weakness. If you weren't so weak, I There is no need to be born."

"Then why don't you die?" Sajo Ayaka asked hysterically.

"Because I still have my mission."

Sajo Aiga calmly looked at the hysterical Sajo Ayaka, "Gaia must have told you who I am. Up to now, I will not hide it from you. I want to follow the Lord of Relief and your sister. In your hands, save the world. Your world."

"This is ridiculous! You were the one who destroyed my world, and now you are the one who says he wants to save my world. This is ridiculous! Just your presence makes me suffocate, makes me feel Disgusting! Disappear quickly!"

Sajo Ayaka shouted hysterically, and took a step towards Sajo Aiga.

However, at this step, a blade of mud suddenly moved towards Ayaka Sajo from the ground.

The sudden change made Sajo Ayaka, who was drowning in her own hatred, sit down on the ground.

"You should be clear about what you can and cannot do. I was not born to be touched by you. You can hate me and hate me, but you can't touch me, let alone irritate me. Otherwise, once I lose my mind , you know what price you will pay, Ayaka."

Ai Ge covered her crippled arm, dragged her body, turned her back, and walked towards the dark depths of the cave.

"You are just a fake puppet!" Ayaka shouted hysterically: "You have nothing, including your memory, personality, your so-called concern for me, and any mission, all are fake! What do you have? None! You are just an empty, false puppet born of my momentary weakness!"

Aika turned her head, staring blankly at Ayaka with her crippled left eye.

"I don't need the role of 'Sha Tiao Ai Ge' anymore, but you are still moving yourself. Don't you understand? You shouldn't exist at all!"

Ai Ge looked at the decisive Ayaka in a daze, "Ka Ka Ka", the crack on his face continued to expand, and there were some hazy tears in the mutilated left eye.

Hot tears burst out of my eyes.

[Shajo Love Song], Lord of Rescue, King of Stars, betrayal and betrayal, no matter how downcast she was, she was not defeated, but Ayaka's words made her heart shatter.

It wasn't until this moment that she realized that she really wasn't 【Shajo Aige】.

Because in her chest, there is a heart that can be hurt.


Suddenly, with the sound of the Buddha's name, Xuanzang Sanzang came out from behind the pillar where he was hiding.

"Master Xuanzang..." Sajo Ayaka looked at Xuanzang Sanzang in astonishment.

"Poor monk, poor monk..." Xuanzang Sanzang clasped his palms together, and said depressedly: "The poor monk really didn't eavesdrop on purpose!"

Chapter 77 You Void Monster, Shajo Aige!

Xuanzang Sanzang was also depressed.

She is definitely not a big-eared thief who likes to eavesdrop on other people's secrets, but she always overhears these secrets.

"Master Xuanzang, why are you here?" Sajo Ayaka looked at Xuanzang Sanzang and frowned slightly. She and Sha Tiao Ai Ge did not want others to know about it.

"This... the poor monk saw officers and soldiers chasing him, and wanted to notify you, but you disappeared. So he hid in this cave first, but didn't want to wait for a while, and the two benefactors came in." Xuanzang Sanzang folded his palms together and said.

"Then why don't you come out?"

"This..." Xuanzang Sanzang hesitated for a moment, pointed to Shatiao Aige, and said, "The benefactor is full of demonic energy, and the poor monk dare not come out... That's why I heard the conversation between the two benefactors later. That benefactor is actually the elder sister of the gauze benefactor. Well, this poor monk really didn’t mean to spy on secrets.”

Xuanzang Sanzang's face was full of apologies.

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