I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2096



Ambrosius looked at Gaia with an ugly expression, "Gaia, this is..."

"[Shatiao Aige] woke up. My skin is peeling off." Gaia said with a normal expression.

Tiamat said guiltily: "I should have killed her before she woke up..."

"No, you killed her at that time is the real trouble. With the suppression of that personality, [Shajo Aige] will always fall into a deep sleep, and the power of the evil king will be limited. If you killed that personality at that time , [Sha Tiao Ai Ge] may use the [False God Seat] to fully resurrect. Because of the existence of that personality, even if she wakes up now, her power will be limited."

After a pause, Gaia continued: "And [Sha Tiao Ai Ge] is waking up now, which may not be a good thing. I don't believe that the Emperor of Heaven will let her go."

Ambrosius frowned, and said: "But, the skin of the planet is falling off. Even if Fujimaru Shiro uses the star anchor to fix your skin again, it will be impossible. Because the real star anchor has already followed Gray was co-tuned by the Heavenly Emperor and disappeared."

"It's nothing. Northern Europe, Greece, China, South America, Britain... The Lord of Relief secretly sent the [Parliament] to focus on the development of the seven connection points, in order to peel off the skin of the pan-human planet and make the door of truth appear. However, although Shiro Fujimaru's Star Anchor disappeared along with Grey, there is still a Star Anchor in this place."

"Another star anchor?" Ambrosius and Tiamat looked at each other in confusion.

The Star Anchor is not limited to Rungomigniad, but several are scattered all over the world, but whether it is an ancient king, a hero, or a god, they all have owners.

And they are very sure that, apart from Fujimaru Shiro, there is no holder of the star anchor among the summoned heroic spirits. And the star anchor that can maintain the world is not a treasure, but a real star anchor!

But no matter how confused they are, the awakening of [Sha Tiao Ai Ge] is a foregone conclusion at this moment.


In the imperial palace, the servants are already in chaos.

The pitch-black vortex unexpectedly came to the lower end of the imperial capital, and no matter how it was driven away, it was ineffective.

Not only that, the base of the imperial capital was swallowed and dissipated by that black vortex!

They had never seen such a vision before, and they were all dumbfounded in shock, dumbfounded, and at a loss.

Ever since the rebel named【Fujimaru Shiro】appeared, such unbelievable things have always happened in the empire!

The elite troops of the empire were repulsed again and again, not to mention the punishment imposed by His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven was broken, at this moment, even the eternal and immortal imperial capital was eroded by the black vortex that suddenly appeared up!

On the supreme throne, the golden crown shone with golden light, and the Holy Grail with infinite power appeared from the void.

A lofty and stalwart will suddenly descended, conveying a lofty message

——Bring me my body!

Hearing this voice of will, people were stunned with shock.

"Could it be that the empire has already reached this situation? Does His Majesty need to appear?"

The servants looked at each other in blank dismay, not daring to discuss too much, so they walked towards the [Eternal Coffin] on the bottom floor of the imperial palace in panic, and fetched the body.

——The Eternal King... It is not my wish to develop like this. But now it seems that to realize my resurrection, whether it is you, or the king of evil, you containers and stubborn resisters, I must eradicate them one by one!

The golden crown shone with golden light, and the holy grail placed horizontally in the void manifested into a golden arrow.

Arrow of Akasha!


"This space and time are locked, and the alchemy magic bottle is invalid!" Xuanzang Sanzang said anxiously: "We have no way to teleport away, and we have no way to leave here!"

Hearing this, everyone's hearts sank to the bottom.

The mud of [Shatiao Love Song] is the evil of the [root] that transcends imaginary numbers, and even time and space, as well as the dimensions developed according to the source point, are all assimilated and normalized.

It's so scary, it's unavoidable!

As if sensing some great threat, the buzzing of the nine-ringed tin staff in her arms became even louder.

"Huh?" As if aware of something, the narcissistic [Shajo Aiga] slowly turned his head, his surprised eyes fell on Ayaka, "You're still there, Ayaka."

Ayaka looked at the clay figure in fear.

"This is really great." [Sha Tiao Love Song] clapped his hands, and said with a smile: "It's great that you are still alive. Arthur doesn't like me, but he likes you instead. It's really great that you are still alive. alright."

Ayaka looked at [Sajo Love Song] in fear and surprise.

Is this like what her sister should say?

Is it the self-moving acting skills again, or did that personality affect the pure her?

"In this way, I can enter your body and use your body to reunite with Arthur. I abandon my appearance, my appearance, enter your body and become you, so that my prince belongs to me only gone."

Ayaka was terrified.


This pure but perverted attachment and love is her sister, the monster she once longed for, but now fears and hates.

【Shajo Love Song】Looking at Ayaka happily, she loves Arthur, and even more jealous of Ayaka who is protected by Arthur. But now, Ayaka is still alive, she is very happy. Because, she has already figured it out, since Arthur doesn't like her, then she can win back the prince's heart by turning into Ayaka.

"Come here, come here, Ayaka."

[Shajo Love Song] She stretched out her hand towards Ayaka, and the mud tide under her feet erupted violently, turning into a muddy hand, and Ayaka rushed over.

However, the moment that muddy hand was about to grab Ayaka, it was caught by Fujimaru Tachika.

"That's enough!" Fujimaru Tachika looked at [Sajo Love Song] displeased, and scolded: "Aren't you her sister? How did you think of wanting to take her body away? Are you still a sister?"

"You are Beast?" [Shajo Love Song] looked at Fujimaru Tachika in surprise, and asked in doubt: "You are a beast, why did you teach me a lesson?"

"I am a beast, but before I was a beast, I was Fujimaru Tachika and Gudazi. I don't like you like this, change back quickly!"

Fujimaru Tachika crushed the muddy hand, the evil mud from [root] eroded her palm until it emitted a cloud of white smoke.

"It's really a strange beast. I can't see the love for the primate in your body, in your heart, but I have a very strong hatred..."

"Yes. I'm not like other beasts. I don't have love for primates in my heart. I only have hatred in my heart. And this hatred is also for you."

"Me? I shouldn't know you... Wait a minute, your name is Fujimaru Tachika? Fujimaru...?" [Shajo Aiga]'s complexion changed, and he asked sharply: "Fujimaru Shiro, who are you?"

"He is my brother!" Fujimaru Tatsuka said seriously and proudly.

"I see. No wonder there is the same aura that disgusts me. That despicable and shameless man with glasses changed into Ayaka's appearance and threw himself into the trap. Then, taking advantage of my carelessness, he attacked me from behind and killed me. Since you are his sister , I ask you to become the eternal skeleton of the holy Camelot!"

[Shajo Love Song] His eyes flickered, and an endless tide of mud surged up, like a sea tide, rushing out towards Fujimaru Tachika, trying to drown Fujimaru Tachika in it.

Fujimaru Tachika put his hands together, and countless strange photons appeared in the void. Afterwards, countless strange giant trees rose from the ground, fixing the surging mud flow.

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