I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2097

Immediately afterwards, on those strange giant trees, strange eyes opened one by one, and with a "boom", countless rays of light shot out, blasting towards 【Shatiao Love Song】.

However, before they got close to [Shatiao Love Song], they heard the sound of "Bo", and all of them turned into ruins.

"Ayaka, Master Xuanzang, you go away. I'll stop her." Fujimaru Tateka turned her head and said.

Ayaka looked at Fujimaru Tachika, who had already shown her bestiality, and couldn't help but said, "Quickly withdraw. You are not the opponent's."

"I can feel how scary she is, but the power inherited from a friend won't be so easy—"

Before Fujimaru Tachika finished speaking, the voice of [Shajo Love Song] rang out: "[Holy Capital Flame]!"

Fujimaru Tachika turned sharply, and saw endless black flames coming out of the void, igniting the sea of ​​trees in an instant.

The huge sea of ​​trees has now become a sea of ​​black flames, dissipating in an instant!

"The power of a friend—"

Fujimaru Tachika was stunned, and couldn't help but said: "...is this outrageous? Every tree in Olga Marie can erode and change a world line!"

"[The Holy Capital has Fallen]!" [Shatiao Love Song] sang the rune a cappella, gathered his hands together to condense a ball of black light, and was about to throw it towards Fujimaru Tachika and the others, but as if being controlled, his body jerked Suddenly, the black light was thrown to the side.

There was no waves, just a sound of "boo", the rocks, earth, light, and concepts all disappeared, leaving only a pure black hole with a radius of 100 meters.

It's as pure as the heart of 【Sha Tiao Love Song】.

"The holy capital has fallen..."

Ayaka looked at the pure black hole with numbness in her scalp. The oldest magic from [Apocalypse] directly smashed a pure hole in the surface of the planet.

Not black holes, nor wormholes, these real-number matter, or the optical phenomenon of imaginary-number matter, but pure holes. It's like poking a hole in a blank sheet of paper.

Facing the fear of Ayaka and the others, [Shajo Aige] lowered his head and looked at his hand suspiciously, as if he wondered why he threw it astray.

"That love song...that love song still exists!" Fujimaru Tateka said firmly: "That love song is preventing this love song from hurting Ayaka!"

"That love song...?"

Ayaka was taken aback, and suddenly remembered the love song that she cried because of her words at first, shook her head, and said: "Since she has awakened, then that doll has disappeared."

"She still exists!"

"She doesn't exist anymore! There is no need for..."

Before Ayaka finished speaking, Fujimaru Tachika looked directly into Ayaka's eyes and asked, "Do you really want her to disappear? Compared with this person in front of you, you want the one who protects you." Love song, disappear?"

Ayaka pursed her lips and said, "I think it's useless."


Fujimaru Tachika looked at [Shajo Aige] standing above the mud tide, and said seriously: "As long as you can defeat her and wake up that Aige, it will be useful!"

"You want to defeat sister... this monster?" Ayaka's eyes widened, and she shook her head violently, "No way. You can't win. At least, you can't."

"I'll give it a try, how can I say it won't work? But," Fujimaru Tachika looked at [Sajo Love Song] distressed, "The enchantment around her is really tricky... Even the attack of the tree can be resolved. If you don't There is really no way to break that layer of enchantment. If there is any magical weapon that can break that layer of enchantment..."

"If you need a magic weapon, then please use this." Xuanzang Sanzang handed the nine-ring tin staff to Fujimaru Tachika, and said seriously: "This tin staff is a gift from the Bodhisattva. Shirou’s benefactor once used it to cut through the absolute prison. Presumably he can also cut through the black mud.”

"Have you ever used it...I know."

Fujimaru Tachika nodded, and took the nine-ring tin rod.

She stared at [Shatiao Love Song], her mind was moved, a strange light radiated from her body, and a beast dress appeared on her body, her pupils became darker, and her expression gradually became indifferent and ferocious.

"Benefactor, you are..." Xuanzang Sanzang looked at Fujimaru Tachika in shock, then covered his mouth, and said nothing more.


This is the metamorphosis after embracing animal nature.

[Shajo Love Song] Embracing the sixth animal nature and completely transforming into the king of evil, the devil bodhisattva embraced the third animal nature and transformed into a devil bodhisattva, the devil, happy and free, and at this moment, Fujimaru Tachika has also completed the transformation born.

"Lend me your strength again, friend. In order not to let this person, Ai Ge, repeat your mistakes. Also, it's great that Mash didn't see this appearance."

Leaving this last thought, Fujimaru Tateka cut off her own humanity, completely embraced the seventh animal nature, and transformed into the beast of the end.

Everyone knows that once the beast of end appears, it will announce the end of human reason.

But what no one knows is that the real beast of the end was actually defeated a few years ago, before the first connection point was captured in Chaldea!

And the one who knocked her down was none other than Fujimaru Tachika!

Fujimaru Tachika's cold eyes fell on [Shajo Aiga], and then kicked her feet suddenly, and she rushed towards [Shajo Aiga] like a ghost.

"Treasure of the Enlightened One?" [Shajo Aige]'s eyes fell on the nine-ringed tin stick in Fujimaru Tachika's hand, and her complexion changed suddenly. She and the Apocalypse Beast were knocked down by the Enlightened One, so this breath is absolutely I can't remember wrong.

"Don't think about it!"

She yelled, and on the mud tide, countless black mud turned into a giant hand and grabbed Fujimaru Tachika's ankle, dragging her into the mud tide.

【Shatiao Love Song】Heaved a sigh of relief, although she had a deep taboo against enlightened beings, if the tin stick couldn't hit her, naturally it wouldn't be able to break her mud.

But just as she was thinking about it, a black shadow approached, and a clay figure appeared in front of her holding a nine-ring tin rod.

"What is this?" [Sha Tiao Ai Ge] was taken aback for a moment, then was shocked: "Don't even think about it!"

However, it was too late.

Holding the nine-ring tin rod high, this clay figure slammed into the barrier of [Shatiao Love Song].

Just hearing a "click", the indestructible barrier instantly collapsed.

[Sha Tiao Love Song] Frowning, clasping hands together, "Holy Capital..."

Before the magic power was brewed, a huge black shadow struck. She looked up, and a giant tree rushing towards her occupied all her vision.

"Ah ah ah ah ah--"

Fujimaru Tachika carried the giant tree, and rushed towards [Shajo Love Song] like a city gate.

However, when the giant tree hit the body of [Shatiao Love Song], it dissipated section by section like foam meeting flames.

[Shajo Love Song] Frowning, black eyes flickering, the black mud covering the earth surging, turned into black hands and grabbed Fujimaru Tachika.

"Mud, it will be fixed by tree roots! Kindergarten knowledge, learn it for me!"

The intricate tree roots entangled the entire mud tide, which actually fixed the entire raging mud tide.

[Sha Tiao Love Song] Surprised.

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