I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2098

And it was just this moment of surprise that the clay figure that broke her barrier suddenly rushed to her back from the mud tide and grabbed her body.

"How could...?" [Sha Tiao Ai Ge] looked even more surprised.

"Since you are my companion, don't give up on yourself, wake me up—!"

Fujimaru Tatsuka's hands gathered light, and the endless light turned into a beam of light. Accompanied by an unwilling roar, it blasted through [Shajo Love Song], and blasted unabated to the dark vortex above the sky.


Chapter 79: I’m here to answer the Emperor’s question

The turbulent sea of ​​mud stopped its turbulence, and it lay horizontally on the ground like a mountain formed by molten magma entering the sea.

Suddenly, Fujimaru Tachika emerged from the mud sea, panting on the shore, and then with a sudden force, Sha Tiao Aige was pulled out of the mud sea.

Fujimaru Tachika pulled Shatiao Aige out of the sea of ​​mud, then squatted on the stone, panting.

"Cough cough cough..."

Shatiao Aige coughed a few times, spat out a few mouthfuls of mud, and opened her dazed eyes.

"I'm awake." Fujimaru Tachika wiped the sweat off his face, and said with a smile, "If I don't wake up like this, there's nothing I can do."

"You actually knocked [her] unconscious..." Sajo Aika looked at Fujimaru Tachika who was close at hand with a complicated face, and couldn't help asking: "Why? Why did you help me?"

"Aren't we companions?" Fujimaru Tateka looked at Sajo Aika suspiciously.

"It's ridiculous. There is not much intersection between you and me, and there is no story. The so-called bond does not exist at all, so why did the companion say it?" Sha Tiao Aige mocked.

Fujimaru Tatsuka blinked, pointed at Sajo Aiga and laughed.

Shajo Aika frowned, looked at Fujimaru Tachika displeased, and asked, "What are you laughing at?"

"Because it's so funny."

"What's so funny about this? Am I wrong?" Sha Tiao Ai Ge had an angry face. This woman was even more annoying than her brother.

"Sorry, sorry." Fujimaru Lixiang wiped the tears of laughter on his face, "I really didn't expect, Aige, you would be so timid."

"Cowardly? You say I'm cowardly?" Sha Tiao Aige looked unhappy, "I can destroy the world, but I can also save the world. I am a strong man who knows everything and is born with knowledge. How dare you say that I am cowardly?"

"Yeah. Because you have trapped yourself in the identity of [Shajo Aige], refusing to contact the world other than [Shajo Aige]."

Hearing this, Shajo Aiga stared blankly at Fujimaru Tachika in front of him as if the dark history had been uncovered.

"It's because of fear, right? Afraid of being exposed to the outside world, afraid of communicating with people, afraid of making mistakes, of not being able to get out of your own world, right?"

"No! I'm not that weak! Fujimaru Tachika, you'd better destroy me now, while [she] is unconscious. Otherwise, you, your sister, and your brother will all be lost!"

Sha Tiao Aige pursed her lips and said, "The encounter between you and me was not a coincidence of like-mindedness, but a mistake of fate."

"My brother said that there is no so-called strong man in this world. No matter whether he has ten times or a hundred times the power of ordinary people, no matter how dazzling he is, there is no one who does not make mistakes in his life." Fujimaru Li Xiang smiled, and stretched out her hand towards Shatiao Aige, "Even if it's wrong, I'm still willing to believe in you, and I'm willing to hand over my back to you. And are you willing to let go of your grudge against yourself? How about stepping out of the world I'm addicted to, becoming my companion, and writing our story?"

Sajo Aika looked at Fujimaru Tatsuka's hand, her heart throbbing slightly. If she grabs that hand, perhaps, this false puppet of hers can also be liberated from the curse of [Shajo Aige] and create her own story.

How great would it be if you could catch it?

However, I am not myself.

Shajo Aika stretched out her hand, opened Fujimaru Tatsuka's hand with a "snap", and said in a low voice, "Sorry..."

Fujimaru Tachika shook her head, holding her hand, "No."

Ai Ge got up, was silent for a moment, and asked: "Why...why do you want to redeem my soul? If you are kind, you are too naive."

Fujimaru Tachika was silent for a moment, and then said: "You are very similar to my friend. You were also manipulated by a powerful self, and you were also trapped in your own world, but at that time, I couldn't save her. All I can do is watch her self-destruct."

"That friend is the real holder of the seventh animal nature, right?"

Fujimaru Tachika nodded.

Ai Ge showed it clearly, it turned out to be guilt.

"Lixiang benefactor!"

Xuanzang Sanzang ran over from a distance, seeing that Fujimaru Tachika and Aiga were fine, he breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a smile, "It's great that you're fine."

"I made you worry, Master Xuanzang." Fujimaru Tachika replied with a smile.

Aige turned her head and looked at Ayaka behind Xuanzang Sanzang.

Ayaka turned her head away, unwilling to look at her, Aika smiled with a calm face.

Seeing the awkward atmosphere, Xuanzang Sanzang quickly asked, "By the way, where is my staff, Master Fujimaru?"

"Your staff... ah. By the way, where is that staff?" Fujimaru Tachika slapped his head: "I fell into the mud."

"Huh?" Xuanzang Sanzang was taken aback suddenly.

"I'm sorry, Master Xuanzang." Fujimaru Tateka looked at Xuanzang Sanzang apologetically, "I'm going to salvage the staff right now."

Who ever thought Xuanzang Sanzang shook his head and said: "No need, although the tin stick is given by the Bodhisattva, it is ultimately something outside the body, and people are the basis. Everything has a predestined relationship, since it has fallen into the mud, let it go."

Although it is a pity that the nine-ring tin staff was dropped into the black mud by Fujimaru Tachika, but the black mud was malicious and violent, and the black vortex above the sky had not dissipated. Xuanzang Sanzang feared that Fujimaru Tachika would lose it, so he gave up .

"Master Xuanzang is really kind." Fujimaru Tachika couldn't help admiring, and then said with a smile: "However, if the master's Zen stick is thrown into my hand, wouldn't I be too sorry for the master? Wait, I'm going to pick it up right now."

After all, Fujimaru Tachika was about to jump into the black mud, but Aika reached out and grabbed her shoulder, stopping her action.

"Love song?"

Fujimaru Tachika turned her head and looked at Aika suspiciously.

Ai Ge said with a serious face: "Hiding in the imaginary number space for so long, it's time to come out, Shashengyuan?"

As soon as the words fell, the quiet space suddenly stirred up waves like a lake, and then the figure of the demon bodhisattva slowly appeared.

"You really deserve to be the king of evil, you can detect all of this." Moxing Bodhisattva looked at Aige and praised.

"You, are you a Bodhisattva?" Xuanzang Sanzang looked at the Demonic Bodhisattva with a face full of shock.

"I've noticed your existence before, but this is the first time we've met officially, Westwalker."

The Demonic Bodhisattva gave Xuanzang Sanzang a kind look, then his eyes fell on Fujimaru Tachika and Aiga, and said: "To be honest, the awakening of [Shajo Aiga], and the defeat of [Shajo Aiga] , It was within my expectation. However, after seeing [Shatiao Love Song], you guys still want to let her go. This really makes me unbelievable."

Just as Fujimaru Tachika was about to speak, Ayaka stared at the Demonic Bodhisattva, and couldn't help asking: "We are also very strange, Leticia has told us that your real Master is the Lord of Rescue. You should be With [Sha Tiao Love Song], why do you keep pestering her? She's just a puppet!"

Aika looked at Ayaka who spoke for her in surprise.

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