I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2099

"Oh? Are you speaking out for her, for this puppet, Ayaka?" The Demonic Bodhisattva looked at Ayaka in surprise. She was not surprised that everyone here spoke out for love songs.

Ayaka was the only one who spoke out for the love song, and she was surprised.

"No. No matter who she is or how she was born, she is [Shajo Love Song]. I can't suppress my hatred, disgust, and fear. But, I don't understand!"

"Well, it seems that Leticia didn't tell you my real purpose." The Demonic Bodhisattva said flatly.

"Your real purpose...?"

"In 2003, when the False Deity Seat attacked Pan-Human History. The Heavenly Emperor, who failed because of Mordred's despair and hope, came to Pan-Human History in search of an answer, looking for the Eternal King. At this time, the I worked wholeheartedly for the Lord of Relief, and I saw Him. Then, I realized the true desire in my heart. It was precisely because of that opportunity that my spirit split, and the damned Killing Academy was born... "

"No! You are lying!" Ayaka stared at the Demonic Bodhisattva, and said seriously: "I feel very strange from your attitude towards Sasei-in. You keep saying you want to destroy her, but you keep your hands every time." I was very strange at first, but after Sashoin told me that she was able to absorb your power, I understood. You didn't keep your hand on purpose, but you had to. Because, it wasn't you who gave birth to Sashoin, but You were born in the Saseiin, right?"

Aika looked at Ayaka in surprise.

She is very clear that Ayaka is not omniscient and omnipotent, she is a dull girl, but now she is so keenly aware of the truth of the demon bodhisattva.

Moxing Bodhisattva's face darkened, staring at Ayaka coldly.

"It seems that I have hit the mark." Ayaka took a deep breath, then looked at the Demonic Bodhisattva, and asked, "Why? Why did Sasseiin give birth to you?"

The Demonic Bodhisattva remained silent.

"Although it is inappropriate for the poor monk to intervene in it, but the poor monk observes the practice of this Bodhisattva..." Xuanzang Sanzang hesitated for a moment, and asked, "It's a day of joy and ease, right?"

"Happy day?" Ayaka looked at Xuanzang Sanzang suspiciously. She was a magician, not a Buddhist, so she didn't understand this idea.

"This is a concept passed down from Tianzhu Esoteric Buddhism. It was introduced into my Tang soil during my Tang Dynasty. Unlike my Tang Tu Xianjiao who advocates non-existence, Tianzhu Esoteric Buddhism advocates existence, and then believes that the combination of Youyang and Yin is the reason for the creation of everything in the universe. , so using the 'emphasis of emptiness and joy' as a tool to produce the realization of emptiness, and then achieve the purpose of 'controlling desires with desires'. This is the Buddhist principle of joy."

After a pause, Xuanzang Sanzang looked at the Demonic Bodhisattva and asked, "Bodhisattva, the Dharma you practice is the Dharma of Joy, right?"

The Demonic Bodhisattva remained silent again.

Seeing this, Aige sighed deeply in her heart.

She knew that the secret of the killing institute might not be kept.

Omniscient and omnipotent, she already knew the secret of Sashoin and the Demonic Bodhisattva, but because of Ayaka's relationship with Sesshoin, even if she was repeatedly forced to kill by the Demonic Bodhisattva, she did not reveal this secret.

But now, in such a situation, I am afraid it can no longer be concealed.

Fortunately, the killing courtyard is not here.

"The Dharma I practice is to rejoice in Buddhism. I, no, Seshoin Kiara is the daughter of the Suzerain of the Mantra Tachikawa Ryu, the Suzerain of the Chanting Heavenly Ryu." Said the Demonic Bodhisattva.

"The truth is flowing?"

Fujimaru Tachika's eyes widened, "Isn't that the evil Buddhist sect that was destroyed by the monks and soldiers of the Shingon sect during the Kamakura period?"

During the Tang Dynasty, a hundred years after Xuanzang Tripitaka traveled westward to obtain Mahayana Buddhism, there was also a monk named Kukai who imitated Xuanzang and traveled westward to the Tang Dynasty to seek Buddhism. Returned to Japan and established Shingon Buddhism in Mount Koya.

When Kukai returned to Nihong, he brought a large number of scriptures, one of which was called "Liqujing" or "Prajna Liqujing", which was later known as the classic of Nihong Tantric Buddhism.

Part of it is called "Seventeen Pure Sentences", which contains part of the content of intercourse between men and women. Tachikawa misinterpreted this part of the content, and preached it as the main goal of practice, and also got involved in many taboos in Buddhism-such as the spell of killing.

In 1322 AD, a monk named Wenkan in Tachikawa Ryuri entered the palace and prayed for the concubine of Emperor Go-Daigo to give birth to a child, but it was soon revealed that Monk Wenkan was actually trying to curse Hojo Takatoki, who held real power at the time, under the guise of praying. .

After being exposed, the angry Hojo Takatoki decided to severely punish Tachikawa. At that time, the Tantric Orthodox who had long disliked Tachikawa also joined in and launched a major purge against Tachikawa.

In the end, Tachikawa-ryu was completely wiped out by Shingon monks and soldiers in 1335 AD, and his scriptures were destroyed. Monk Tachikawa-ryu was either killed or exiled to the mountains.

"Miemen is a fake. The Lichuan style still exists, and it continues in the deep mountains and old forests. And I, Sashoin Kiara, am the successor of one of the 'Yongtian style'."

"But Seshoin Kiara is different from other monks. Sashoin Kiara knew it from birth and was born with innocent Buddha nature. However, her father told her that she suffered from an incurable disease since she was a child and could not live to be fourteen years old. The believers said that She only had pity but didn't extend a helping hand to her, so she came to the conclusion that 'people can't save others', and even doubted whether the 'human being' mentioned in the book is only herself. And that's when I was born. already exists."

"Father has always forbidden her to contact the secular world. At that time, her only support was the Hans Christian Andersen fairy tales left by her father's believers as condolences, and her gentle mother. Until the spring when she was fourteen years old, under the persuasion of her believers, through the Internet Having come into contact with the knowledge of the outside world, she was full of expectations for the outside world. However, she could not live to be fourteen years old, so her mother secretly took her out of the sect in order to fulfill her wish. I remember that day, the fireworks were brilliant. It is her, it is my mother, it is my father, it is the believers, and it is also a beautiful memory that I will never forget in my life. Because that day is my birthday."

Demonic Bodhisattva stroked the horn decoration on his head and said, "On that day, Seshoin Kiara became a Bodhisattva of believers and completed the Buddhist principles of joy. One hundred and seventy-three people came first, a man with a goatee Middle-aged, about thirty years old..."

"Stop talking!" Ai Ge stopped talking.

The Demonic Bodhisattva glanced at Ai Ge lightly, and said: "On that day, the fairy tale was completely torn in the mind of the killing courtyard. The killing courtyard with abnormal values ​​was born, and she developed her talent and her innocent Buddha nature. Gradually reformed the Yongten-ryu, turning it into a new world magic group adapted to the Internet society, and increased the number of believers dramatically. Later, it broke all three taboos of the Tachikawa-ryu, and even instigated the internal power struggle of the church, causing the entire The believers of the order killed each other and became extinct."

"Why, why did you do this?"

"Why? Because the values ​​of the killing house are separated from human beings. In her mind, "human beings" only have themselves, so "things that make me comfortable" are good deeds. All atrocities are not evil to her, even if they cause countless Thousands of suicides are also free from guilt. Because they do not see other people as human beings, they also forgive others for their atrocities. Because she can only obtain pleasure by suffering other people's desires, by destroying Their life is born to get the greatest pleasure. In fact, those believers who committed suicide blindly pursued their desires in order to get her love, but gradually weakened because their desires were gradually satisfied, gradually lost her care, and finally committed suicide in despair. "

"A Bodhisattva is a person who runs around to save all living beings, and she is a Bodhisattva composed only of selfish desires. She chooses to save more people's lives for her own desires, and is determined to become the object of people's belief. And such a Bodhisattva, It is me, the Bodhisattva of Demon Nature."

Xuanzang Sanzang looked at the Demonic Bodhisattva very sadly, and asked, "Bodhisattva, you, you treat everyone as a tool to satisfy yourself?"

"Yes. Although I use words full of lies to make other people spend their lives for me, I never tell half a lie to myself, because I am loyal to my desire. But it is also because of this that I am eventually overwhelmed by desire. The mindless believer was killed, and the soul record entered the Mooncell of my world line, and was endowed with the third animal nature by the Lord of Relief, and resurrected with the animal nature."

"I have been doing things for the Lord of Relief wholeheartedly. It is because my desires cannot be satisfied. Only seeing the destruction of more people can make me more happy and satisfied. I always thought that my desires would never be satisfied until I Until I meet the Emperor of Heaven."


"That's right. The moment I met the Emperor of Heaven, I realized why I have been unable to satisfy myself. That's because I didn't realize my real desire at all. My real desire is to want a world without desire!"

Everyone looked at the Demonic Bodhisattva in astonishment, even Aige was no exception.

As a beast of desire, a Bodhisattva of desire, the real desire actually wants a world without desire!

"However, as long as the Lord of Rescue exists, as long as the container of evil exists, as long as the beast exists, even if I drain the desires of all intelligent life forms in this world, I will still be easily overthrown!"

"Drain the desires of all intelligent life forms..." Xuanzang Sanzang looked at the demon Bodhisattva in shock, and muttered to himself: "No wonder, no wonder you are a Bodhisattva..."

"The king of evil, the seventh animal nature... My world cannot accommodate you!" The demon bodhisattva stared at Fujimaru Tachika and Aiga with cold eyes, and then waved: "Go!"

Fujimaru Tatsuka and the others became vigilant, but after a few breaths of silence, there was no movement around.

The Demonic Bodhisattva frowned.

"It seems that those imperial soldiers are not here!" Fujimaru Tachika said with a smile.

"So what? Shatiao Aige doesn't have much power anymore, and your strength, I must admit, I am no match for the seventh animal nature, but most of your power is squandered on [Shatiao Aige]. None of you are my opponents now, all of you should disappear here!"

"Are you so sure?" Fujimaru Tachika looked at the Demonic Bodhisattva with a smile on his face.

"Compared to your brother's, your emptiness and reality are much more immature. Don't think I don't know, just like me and Kama, you only have half of the seventh animal nature in you, and the other half of the seventh animal nature is turning into a vegetative state. On Olga Marie!"

Hearing this, Fujimaru Tachika's complexion changed: "How do you know?"

"I know more than the man next to you who claims to be omniscient!"

The Demonic Bodhisattva stared at Fujimaru Tachika coldly, with eight whirling hands behind him, rushing towards Fujimaru Tachika.

Fujimaru Tachika and Aige's expressions froze, and when they were about to make a move, they only heard a sigh, and Xuanzang Sanzang stood up, clasped his palms together, chanted the Buddha's name, and said, "Stop, Bodhisattva."

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