I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2100

The Demonic Bodhisattva frowned: "How dare you stop me?"

"Bodhisattva, all things in the world are dependent on origin and end, and flowers bloom and fall back to dust. Everything is caused by cause and effect. I also hope that the Bodhisattva will let go of his hatred."

"You say I'm angry?"

"The cause of a Bodhisattva is well known to poor monks. The so-called half-good, half-evil, and half-following the mind, it is difficult to understand and return to the truth. Bodhisattva, can you fully understand your heart?"

"A westward traveler is taking the real scriptures in vain. You don't even know why you are here, so how can you get the real scriptures?" The demon bodhisattva asked: "If you don't take the real scriptures, how can you be a Buddha? If you are not a Buddha, how dare you teach me? It's almost the same if you replace your master!"

"The Bodhisattva's words are wrong." Xuanzang Sanzang shook his head and said, "The so-called true scriptures are the ultimate method for attaining emptiness and nirvana. They can be comprehended but not cultivated. The true scriptures I obtained on my journey to the west are those I traveled thousands of miles to enlighten me. Empty. The so-called practice to become a Buddha lies in seeking; enlightenment is the clarity of nature, which lies in knowledge. Cultivation is to control the nature, and enlightenment is to practice the nature. The enlightened person generates the law from the heart, and the practitioner uses the law to control the practice. Do not fall into evil results, but live in the cause, the effect, and the mindfulness. If this happens, you will not be able to nirvana."

"As you say, you are a Buddha?"

Xuanzang Sanzang shook his head and said: "Buddhas are enlightened nature, not human beings. The Buddha with perfect enlightened nature is the appearance of human beings. When he is perfect, he stops. It is neither infinite. If the Buddha has quantity, it is neither Amitabha Buddha. The immeasurable Buddha Dharma means the infinite awareness. Nothing There is no circle, no fullness, no dissatisfaction, and nothing called ultimate perfection. A poor monk is not a Buddha, and a poor monk also has greed, anger, and ignorance, so he is just a monk who seeks Buddha from the west."

"I won't babble with you. If you don't want to return to Posuo, get out of the way!" The Demonic Bodhisattva scolded angrily, and Posuo's hand turned into a giant blade, slashing towards Xuanzang Sanzang.

Xuanzang Sanzang was actually not afraid, put his palms together, closed his eyes and recited the Buddha's name.

"Dangerous, Master Xuanzang!"

Everyone shouted quickly.

However, when the whirling giant blade was about to fall on Xuanzang Sanzang, golden light shone all over Xuanzang Sanzang, and a halo of Buddha appeared behind his head.

"Buddha?" The Demonic Bodhisattva was terrified.

"The poor monk is not a Buddha. The poor monk is just a monk who seeks the Buddha from the west." Xuanzang put his palms together, looked at the demon Bodhisattva with compassion, and said, "Thank you Bodhisattva for enlightening me. The poor monk also understands that the poor monk appears here. The reason. The poor monk came to give an answer to a benefactor on behalf of the master."

Chapter 80: Dinghai Shenzhen Needle

"Master Xuanzang, have you become a Buddha?" Fujimaru Tateka looked in surprise at Xuanzang, who was manifesting a Buddha halo at the back of his head.

"Wuzhi, she was originally a Buddha, Zhan Tan Gongde Buddha. She just forgot her journey, and now she just recalled it." Ai Ge replied coldly.

Fujimaru Tachika looked at her, and asked suspiciously: "But why did Master Xuanzang remember that he is a Buddha at this moment?"

"The so-called Tripitaka Master is a respectful title for those who are proficient in the scriptures, laws, and theory of the Tripitaka in the Buddhist scriptures. It is rare in history. The most famous Tripitaka Master in China is Xuanzang. And in the history of neon, the only Tripitaka Master, that is Lingxian Sanzang, the Lingxian Sanzang who went to Tang soil together with Master Konghai to seek the Dharma."

Aige turned her head, looked at the devilish Bodhisattva with a ferocious face, and said, "Besides, she is also a Tripitaka master who is proficient in scriptures, laws, and treatises. She even went one step further and reached the other side of enlightenment and became a Bodhisattva who can save all living beings." .It’s just that her saving sentient beings is contrary to common sense’s universal saving of sentient beings and our understanding.”

"You mean, Master Xuanzang was stimulated by the Bodhisattva of Demon Nature and remembered that he is a Buddha?" Fujimaru Tachika asked in surprise.

Love Song nodded.

At this time, Xuanzang turned his head, looked at Aige gently, and said with a smile: "The donor of Aige is really understanding. All living beings are transformed by the [root], and the poor monk is not as enlightened and detached as the master, presumably You, who are connected to the [root], already knew everything about the poor monk, so you deliberately concealed it. But the poor monk is a western monk, and what he seeks is the ultimate method of emptiness and nirvana, so there is no need to deliberately avoid the poor monk."

Fujimaru Tachika looked at Xuanzang suspiciously.

"Although the life experience of the poor monk is different from that of the Bodhisattva, it is also full of mysteries. The poor monk is troubled by this, the pain is unbearable, the demons are rampant, and the Dharma is also difficult for me, so I decided to go west to seek the Dharma. The West seeks the law, but it is not allowed. In the third year of Zhenguan, famine was everywhere, and the court allowed the people to survive on their own, so they set off from Chang'an.

"My westward journey is to get rid of the five poisonous minds of arrogance, greed, anger, ignorance, and doubt. Buddhist scriptures are easy to obtain, but true scriptures are hard to find. Therefore, a poor monk will never reach the western heaven, let alone become a Buddha. He is just a western monk. Xuanzang clasped his palms together, looked at the demonic Bodhisattva gently, and said, "The Dharma is boundless, and the enlightenment is boundless. Although the Bodhisattva is practicing the Dharma of Joy and Joy, he is always poisoned by anger and ignorance. Dharma."

"Hmph, ridiculous!" The Demonic Bodhisattva stared at Xuanzang coldly, and said, "Although you have recalled your Buddha nature, you are still only a human being in the world of mortals. You have not yet reached the state of enlightenment, and you are not a Bodhisattva, so why stop me? Although I am afraid of your master, but if you want to block me, then return to the Pure Land of Posa!"

As soon as the words fell, there was a flash of black light, and a huge, black whirlpool appeared in the abdomen of the demon bodhisattva, greed, anger, ignorance, hatred, desire... Countless desires, connected with each other, formed countless dark hands, like evil spirits from hell Like a hand, he stretched out towards Xuanzang, as if to drag Xuanzang into the abyss of desire.

"Be careful, Master Xuanzang!" Ayaka and Fujimaru Tachika shouted at the same time.

However, facing the black hand like an evil ghost, Xuanzang recited the Buddha's name, and then slowly stretched out his right hand and pushed. In an instant, the Buddha's light was immeasurable, vaguely forming a giant hand of golden light and retreating forward.

Just listening to the sound of "boo", once the hands of desire of the demon Bodhisattva touched the giant hands of Buddha light, they evaporated and dissipated like clouds and smoke like bubbles entering the sun.

The giant hand of the Buddha's light slammed onto the Demonic Bodhisattva's body unabated. With a "boom", the desire vortex in the Demonic Bodhisattva's abdomen burst and dissipated like a spider web in an instant.

The Demonic Bodhisattva turned pale, looked at Xuanzang in horror, and said in shock, "Impossible! I am also a Bodhisattva, how can you defeat me?"

"The power of a Bodhisattva is still above the animal nature. If a Bodhisattva has a firm Buddha heart, let alone a poor monk, even a planet is just a thing in the palm of a Bodhisattva to please himself. Unfortunately, the Buddha heart of a Bodhisattva has long been broken." Xuanzang Put your palms together and look at the Demonic Bodhisattva gently.

The Demonic Bodhisattva said with a ferocious face: "This is impossible! My evil heart still exists!"

"The Buddha mind of a Bodhisattva is not the vortex of desire, but the Sashoin Kiara benefactor, isn't it?" Xuanzang asked.

Thumb up!

The Demonic Bodhisattva took three steps back, staring blankly at Xuanzang.

In her mind, she remembered the scene where Shirou resolutely left the beautiful world she wove when connecting the dots in Romania, making Seseiin Kiara resolutely leave her.

It turned out that as early as that time, the bitter fruit had already been planted for her failure.


Total failure!

She calculated everything, [Parliament], Shatiao Aige, King of Stars...all were under her control, but she failed.

The person who defeated her was not the awakened Zhantan Gongde Buddha in front of her, but Shiro Fujimaru!

Fujimaru Shirou, who awakened Kiara from Saseiin and bid farewell to her completely!

"Bodhisattva, your Buddha's heart has been broken, so please give up."

"Give it up? Let it go, huh... If I give up, I won't be a Bodhisattva of Demonic Nature!" The Bodhisattva of Demonic Nature stared at Xuanzang coldly.

"The Bodhisattva's thoughts of anger and ignorance are already attacking, but if the Bodhisattva wants to act recklessly, the poor monk will not sit idly by." Xuanzang said seriously.

The Demonic Bodhisattva stared at Xuanzang gnashing her teeth. She knew that with Xuanzang around, she couldn't do anything to Aige and Tachika Fujimaru.

And if she retreated at this time and waited for Aige and Fujimaru Tachika to recover and regain their strength, she would not be able to do anything now.

In other words, if there were no accidents, she had completely failed with all her cards in the hole!

The Demonic Bodhisattva cannot accept this result.

"—Yes, it's fine if you can't accept it. Only the Master can give you your world."

Suddenly, a voice rang out, and a human figure emerged from the mud sea behind the Demonic Bodhisattva, grabbed the Demonic Bodhisattva's mouth from behind, and dragged her into the black mud.

Such a shocking change shocked Fujimaru Tachika and the others, and when they came to their senses, the Demonic Bodhisattva had been swallowed up by the black mud.

Immediately afterwards, the pitch-black vortex in the sky sank, and all of them entered the black mud, forming a man in black robe.

"Apocalypse monster?" Ai Ge looked at the man in black in shock.

"It's been a long time, Aige. Remembering the last time we met, I still stuffed you into Zeus' Holy Grail. But compared to you, I still want to see the real Aige in your body."

"Apocalypse monster?" Ayaka looked at the man in black in shock, "You, weren't you wiped out by the Emperor of Heaven?"

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